Catholic Church

Stories 661 - 680 | << Prev   Next >>

The Church Wants U 2 Give Up Txting 4 Lent

Benedict thinks technology is ruining young lives

(Newser) - If you’re still deciding what to give up for Lent, the Catholic Church has a suggestion: How about Facebook? A handful of Italian dioceses have begun a "stop texting" campaign, the Times reports, urging young people to give up text messaging, Facebook, video games, and other such newfangled...

Vatican Unsatisfied by Holocaust Bishop Apology

(Newser) - The Vatican today rejected Bishop Richard Williamson’s so-called apology for his Holocaust beliefs, CNN reports, a mea culpa mandated by the Pope. “He must also distance himself in an absolutely unequivocal and public from his stand regarding the [Holocaust],” a spokesman said. Williamson said he regretted the...

Milwaukee's Dolan Named NY Archbishop

Genial but conservative leader succeeds Cardinal Egan

(Newser) - The pope today named Timothy Dolan, who leads the archdiocese of Milwaukee, as the new Roman Catholic archbishop of New York. Dolan is 59, relatively young for promotion to such a prestigious seat—which normally comes with an elevation to cardinal. While he is doctrinally conservative, Dolan is less confrontational...

Pope Scolds Pelosi on Abortion
 Pope Scolds Pelosi on Abortion 

Pope Scolds Pelosi on Abortion

Pelosi aides, Vatican have differing take on meeting

(Newser) - Pope Benedict didn't beat around the bush in his short meeting with Nancy Pelosi today. He lectured the Catholic House speaker about her liberal views on abortion and assisted suicide, the Vatican says. Pelosi's aides, however, focused on brighter moments: She showed the pontiff photos of her grandkids and discussed...

Pope to Meet With Pro-Choice Pelosi

Vatican grants audience to pro-choice House speaker as a politician rather than as a Catholic

(Newser) - House Speaker Nancy Pelosi has been granted an audience with Pope Benedict XVI tomorrow, the Hill reports. Pelosi, who describes herself as an "ardent Catholic" but holds views on reproductive rights firmly at odds with the Vatican's position, is on an eight-day official trip to Italy. Vatican officials made...

Vatican Makes Peace With Darwin
Vatican Makes Peace With Darwin

Vatican Makes Peace With Darwin

Church officials now say evolution theory fits with beliefs

(Newser) - The Vatican is clarifying that Charles Darwin's theory of evolution is compatible with its doctrine after all, the Times of London reports. The Church never officially condemned Darwin, but his views have been controversial with some because they present a radically different image of the origins of species than what's...

'Italy's Terri Schiavo' Dies
'Italy's Terri Schiavo' Dies 

'Italy's Terri Schiavo' Dies

Lawmakers were debating PM's bill against euthanasia when news broke

(Newser) - A woman who sparked debate over right-to-die laws in Italy has died after 17 years in a coma, the Times of London reports. Italian lawmakers, led by PM Silvio Berlusconi, were debating an emergency bill to keep Eluana Englaro alive at the time. The law would forbid carers of those...

Bishop Will 'Look Into' Holocaust Record

Williamson yield after d

(Newser) - Under pressure to recant his Holocaust denial, Bishop Richard Williamson promises to crack open the history books. “Historical evidence is at issue, not emotions," he told Der Spiegel. "And if I find this evidence, I will correct myself. But that will take time." Williamson said his...

Pope's German Honeymoon Is Kaput
Pope's German Honeymoon
Is Kaput

Pope's German Honeymoon Is Kaput

Bungling over rebel bishop squandered nation's pride in pontiff

(Newser) - The first German pope in nearly 500 years has lost the confidence of Germans as swiftly as a collapsing mortgage lender, Alexander Smoltcyzk writes in Der Spiegel. The scandal surrounding the reinstatement of Holocaust denying Bishop Richard Williamson has done lasting damage to the pope's authority and reputation, replacing the...

Cardinals Blast Pope on Holocaust Denier

Decision to re-instate bishop a 'disaster' says Germany's top cardinal

(Newser) - Pope Benedict XIV's reinstatement of a Holocaust-denying bishop has received some unusually harsh criticism from within the church, the Guardian reports. Germany's top-ranking cardinal has labeled the decision "a disaster" and called for the Pope to apologize. Cardinal Walter Kasper, who oversees the Vatican's relations with Judaism, says the...

Coverup Probe Launched in LA Archdiocese Abuse Cases

Cardinal may face fraud charges for failing to protect parishioners

(Newser) - Federal authorities are investigating whether top officials of the Los Angeles Catholic Archdiocese conspired to cover up the sexual abuse of minors by priests, sources tell the Los Angeles Times. Cardinal Roger Mahony and other leaders may face fraud charges for failing to keep children safe by improperly dealing with...

Jews Rip Pope for Reinstating Holocaust Denier

Pope's reinstatement of controversial leader threatens Jewish-Catholic relations

(Newser) - Jews across the globe are reacting with fury to Pope Benedict XVI's reinstatement of an excommunicated bishop who denies the Holocaust, the Guardian reports. Former British bishop Richard Williamson, excommunicated in 1988 for his membership in an extremist Catholic sect and defiance of church authority, claims that no Jews died...

Pope to Reinstate Bishop Who Denies Holocaust

Hardliner rejected Vatican reforms for being too tolerant of other faiths

(Newser) - Pope Benedict XVI is planning to welcome four rebel bishops excommunicated by his predecessor back to the Catholic Church, reports the Times of London. The ultra-conservative bishops reject the liberal reforms of the Second Vatican Council. One of them, Richard Williamson, openly endorses the anti-semitic tract Protocols of the Elders ...

Chavez Cronies Hit Vatican HQ With Tear Gas

Supporters also attack opponents of lifting term limits for leader

(Newser) - Supporters of Hugo Chavez have claimed responsibility for a tear gas attack on the Vatican's headquarters in Caracas, reports CNN. Three canisters landed deep inside the building, which has been sheltering an anti-Chavez student leader wanted by police since June. Several people were overcome by fumes. Gas attacks elsewhere in...

Pope Calls for Peace in Christmas Speech

Middle East, Africa conflicts must be resolved: Benedict

(Newser) - Pope Benedict XVI passionately called for peace in the Holy Land during his annual Christmas message, delivered from the balcony of Saint Peter’s Basilica. “The horizon seems once again bleak for Israelis and Palestinians,” he said, praying for hope against war, terrorism, and injustice. He also appealed...

Critics Rip Pope's 'Homophobic' Speech

Pontiff's call for defense of gender roles seen as stoking homophobia

(Newser) - Gay and Christian groups have slammed Pope Benedict XVI's remarks that defending the “natural order” of man and woman is as important as protecting the rainforests, the Times of London reports. British Catholic leaders have countered that the pontiff didn’t explicitly mention homosexuality in his annual Christmas speech,...

Pope: Save Rainforest —and Heterosexuality, Too

Benedict's Christmas message decries erosion of 'traditional' gender roles

(Newser) - Pope Benedict XVI used a Christmas address today to call for a defense of heterosexuality, which he suggested was as endangered as the rainforest.  He called homosexuality and deviance from gender norms "a destruction of God's work." The pontiff said "the tropical forests do deserve our...

'Vati-Con' Agrees to Pay $3.6M
 'Vati-Con' Agrees to Pay $3.6M 

'Vati-Con' Agrees to Pay $3.6M

Ann Hathaway's ex says he wants to repay fraud victims, but may be too broke

(Newser) - Raffaello Follieri, the jailed ex-boyfriend of actress Anne Hathaway who used alleged connections to the pope to scam investors, has agreed to return $3.6 million to victims, including two priests and celeb-billionaire Ron Burkle. It’s a small chunk of the $13 million the “Vati-Con” is accused of...

Vatican Condemns Cloning, Morning-After Pill

Get out of here with your fancy science, church says

(Newser) - Embryos deserve “the dignity proper to a person,” the Vatican declared today in an uncompromising doctrinal declaration on reproductive science, its first in more than 20-years. The long-awaited document condemns everything from embryonic stem-cell research to human cloning to the morning-after pill, which falls “within the sin...

Head of Russian Orthodox Church Dead
Head of Russian Orthodox Church Dead

Head of Russian Orthodox Church Dead

Patriarch Alexiy unified denomination, was suspected of KGB ties

(Newser) - The iconic leader of the Russian Orthodox Church, who healed an 80-year rift in the church and restored its prominence in Russian society, died today, the Times of London reports. No official cause of death was given for Patriarch Alexiy, but the Kremlin’s first post-Soviet Orthodox leader had been...

Stories 661 - 680 | << Prev   Next >>