Catholic Church

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Cardinal Likens Gay Rights Movement to KKK

Chicago's Francis George under fire

(Newser) - Gay rights groups in Chicago are criticizing the city's Catholic cardinal for drawing a comparison between the gay rights movement and the Ku Klux Klan, reports the Chicago Tribune . Weighing in on a dispute between a local pastor complaining about the timing of a gay pride parade, Cardinal Francis...

Hitchens Slammed Vatican in Final Interview

'The totalitarian, to me, is the enemy,' he told Dawkins

(Newser) - With barely two months left to live, Christopher Hitchens gave one last interview, to fellow atheist Richard Dawkins, taking the opportunity to bash the Catholic Church and totalitarianism. In the New Statesman interview, Hitchens' harshest words were for the Catholic Church, saying that every fascist government in Europe in the...

Thousands of Kids Abused in Dutch Catholic Church

Institutions did little to halt epidemic, help survivors: report

(Newser) - Thousands of children were sexually abused in the Netherlands' Catholic organizations, says an independent inquiry, which concludes that church leaders didn't do enough to end the problem or help victims, reports AP . The inquiry estimates that between 10,000 and 20,000 kids were abused from 1945 to 1981...

Benetton Yanks Pope-Imam Kiss Ad

...within an hour of Vatican complaint

(Newser) - Well, so much for that: Just hours after its debut, an ad featuring a PhotoShopped pope kissing a top Egyptian imam was yanked. The controversial ad, part of clothing company Benetton’s latest head-turning campaign , was released yesterday and quickly pounced on by the Vatican. "It shows a serious...

Oops: Publisher Owned by Catholic Church Peddles Porn

Sorry, make that 'erotica'

(Newser) - It's enough to raise blushes on Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John: A German publishing company owned by the Catholic Church is turning a tidy profit with titles such as Sluts Boarding School, Lawyer's Whore, and the timeless Take Me Here, Take Me Now. Bishops there say they are...

Thieves Steal 3-Ton Bell in San Francisco

Icon had survived 1906 earthquake

(Newser) - A San Francisco icon has been stolen: The 122-year-old bell of St. Mary’s Cathedral disappeared sometime in the past month, though it was only noticed this weekend, the San Francisco Chronicle reports. At 2.7 tons, the bell would have required a crane to lift and a heavy-duty truck...

Vatican Calls for Global Market Watchdog

Markets not working for common good, Vatican report states

(Newser) - Occupy Wall Street protesters may be a little surprised to learn that the Vatican supports some of their goals. A document released by the Vatican's Pontifical Council for Justice and Peace calls for the creation of a world body to police financial markets in order to to crack down...

Catholic Church Stole Babies From Mothers in Spain: Documentary

 Catholics Stole 
 300K Babies 
 From Mothers 
documentary says

Catholics Stole 300K Babies From Mothers

Secret network sold kids to more devout couples

(Newser) - A secret network of priests, nuns, and doctors have stolen up to 300,000 babies from mothers in Spain and sold them to other parents, a BBC documentary shows. Their scheme: Tell the mother her baby died in childbirth, and sell the newborn to a more devout and wealthy couple....

Bishop Charged With Failing to Report Abuse

Case against Kansas City's Robert Finn is a first

(Newser) - A first in the Catholic Church's priestly sex scandals: A bishop in Kansas City has been charged with failing to report child abuse after lewd images of young girls were found on a priest's laptop, reports the Kansas City Star . A county grand jury also charged the diocese...

Phoenix Catholics: No More Wine for You at Mass

Bishop says communion wafers will suffice on their own

(Newser) - The bishop of Phoenix is instituting a new rule for Catholics in his diocese: No more wine at mass except during special occasions, reports the Arizona Republic . The ruling means the chalice will no longer be offered during communion to represent the blood of Christ, as it has been since...

Pope Greeted by Protesters Upon Arrival in Germany

Four-day visit is first state visit to his homeland

(Newser) - Pope Benedict XVI is back home for his first state visit to Germany. Chancellor Angela Merkel, President Christian Wulff, and Cabinet members met the pontiff upon his arrival at a Berlin airport today, the first of his four-day visit, as howitzers fired and fighter jets flew overhead. He is also...

Some Catholics Still Say Galileo Was Wrong

Conservatives tie astronomer's ideas to moral decline

(Newser) - Not only did Roman Catholics arrest Galileo for saying the Earth revolves around the sun—a handful of them still insist he was wrong. It's a small movement, but a few conservative Roman Catholics are turning to Church teachings and a dozen Bible verses as proof of a geocentric...

Boston Archdiocese Lists Accused Priests

159 clerics on list; 91 others omitted

(Newser) - Nearly a decade after a sexual abuse scandal erupted in the Archdiocese of Boston, Cardinal Sean O'Malley has released a list of 159 clerics accused of abusing children. The list was compiled using files that go back as far as 70 years, but the archdiocese has come under fire...

Vatican Releases Sex Abuse Files

Holy See denies accusations of cover-up of abusive priest in 1960s

(Newser) - The Vatican attempted to rebut claims it has been covering up sexual abuse by a priest in the United States in the 1960s by releasing files of its internal investigation on the Internet yesterday, reports the Wall Street Journal . The alleged victim filed suit against the Vatican in a federal...

Vatican Offers Pilgrims Abortion Forgiveness for 6 Days

Excommunications to be lifted at Madrid's World Youth Day

(Newser) - The Vatican is marking World Youth Day celebrations in Madrid by offering women who have had abortions an easy way to become Catholics again, reports the Guardian . Abortion is punishable by instant excommunication and "normally, only certain priests have the power to lift such an excommunication, but the local...

Church Slams New NYC Sex Ed Mandate

Lessons may be barred from premises when schools rent from archdiocese

(Newser) - Mandatory sex education is returning to public middle and high schools in New York City after nearly 20 years, and the Catholic church isn't happy about it. A spokesman for the archdiocese says the mandate "allows the public school system to substitute its beliefs and values for those...

'War' Erupts Between Vatican, China Catholics

It's a battle for control over China's estimated 14M Catholics

(Newser) - With the Chinese Catholic Patriot Association continuing to appoint bishops without Rome's approval, relations between the Vatican and the Chinese Communist Party have plunged to their lowest point in years, threatening to become an all-out spiritual war, reports the Telegraph . “At the moment, it’s a war,”...

Angry Vatican Excommunicates Chinese Bishop

Says Benedict alone has right to appoint bishops

(Newser) - The Vatican has excommunicated a newly ordained bishop in China's Catholic Church, reports Reuters, peeved that the Beijing church went ahead and ordained the Rev. Joseph Huang Bingzhang without papal approval. The Vatican maintains that Pope Benedict alone has the right to name bishops; Beijing sees that as foreign...

Vatican Back in the Black
 Vatican Back in the Black 

Vatican Back in the Black

Church pulls in $14.3M, makes profit for first time in three years

(Newser) - Good news: The Vatican returned to the black last year, after three straight years in the red. The Catholic Church pulled in $14.3 million, it said in its annual financial report today, while the Vatican city state made $30.6 million, fueled largely by ticket sales at the Vatican...

Pope on Twitter: Benedict XVI Sends First Tweet, Using iPad
 Pope Sends  
 His First Tweet 

Pope Sends His First Tweet

Using an iPad, no less!

(Newser) - Catholicism has come into the 21st century: Pope Benedict tweeted for the first time today. "Dear Friends, I just launched Praised be our Lord Jesus Christ! With my prayers and blessings, Benedictus XVI," he posted, referring to a new Vatican news portal. Even more impressive, the...

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