Cheryl Strayed

4 Stories

The Pacific Crest Trail Is Insanely Crowded

Thanks to Cheryl Strayed and 'Wild'

(Newser) - Hikers on the Pacific Crest Trail can expect to encounter harsh-but-beautiful landscapes, extreme fatigue, and—these days, at least—traffic. "You can’t talk about the Pacific Crest Trail without mentioning the crowds," Pete Brook writes for Outside . He should know: Brook currently is trekking the 2,650-mile...

'Terrific' Witherspoon Carries Wild
 Carries Wild 

'Terrific' Witherspoon Carries Wild

Flick based on Cheryl Strayed's memoir is 'captivating,' but with 'interruptions'

(Newser) - It looks like Reese Witherspoon's hard work paid off. Critics and audiences alike are raving about Wild, a flick based on Cheryl Strayed's bestselling memoir about hiking 1,100 miles after the death of her mother and collapse of her marriage. Should Witherspoon prepare an Oscar speech? What...

Reese Witherspoon: Wild Role 'Hardest I've Done'

And not just because of the backpacking

(Newser) - In Wild, Reese Witherspoon plays a woman who embarks on a 94-day, 1,100-mile hike alone, and the actress says the role is "the hardest I've ever done"—and not just because she had to carry a heavy backpack while filming so her movements would look realistic....

Woman Reads Library Book, Realizes Author Is Her Sister

Cheryl Strayed's best-selling memoir brings women together

(Newser) - What many of us end up with after checking a book out of the library: a fine for returning it late. What one woman ended up with: a long-lost half sister. That woman isn't named by NPR , who spoke to author Cheryl Strayed. Wild is a memoir of her...

4 Stories
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