
3 Stories

New Treatment for Severe Eczema Making Some Cringe

It actually works, and it's got no real competition

(Newser) - The FDA just greenlighted a drug that keeps severe eczema at bay, but it comes with a price tag so steep it's eliciting its own sort of inflammatory response from critics. Dupixent could finally provide relief to people suffering from severe eczema—which goes beyond mere patches of itchy,...

Cheap Petroleum Jelly May Curb Costly Problem in Infants

Research finds daily application helps babies at risk of eczema

(Newser) - Baby rashes are common, but atopic dermatitis—the most common type of eczema that typically starts in infancy—is associated with a rash of other problems, including asthma, allergies, hay fever, and sleep and weight problems. And trying to treat it costs US consumers nearly $4 billion a year, reports...

Parents Who Lick Kids' Pacifiers Thwart Allergies
Parents Who Lick Kids' Pacifiers Thwart Allergies

Parents Who Lick Kids' Pacifiers Thwart Allergies

Exposure to harmless bacteria may help ward off allergies

(Newser) - If your child's pacifier falls on the floor, a new study suggests you're doing the kid a disservice by rinsing it off in the sink. Instead, you might just want to pop it in your own mouth before giving it back to Junior. Parents who did that saw...

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