Dzhokhar Tsarnaev

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Tsarnaev 'Participated' in Triple Murder: Dead Friend

Ibragim Todashev made statement just before he was shot: documents

(Newser) - Before he was killed by the FBI in a bizarre incident , Ibragim Todashev told agents that his friend Tamerlan Tsarnaev was indeed linked to a 2011 triple murder , according to papers filed by federal prosecutors in a Boston court on Monday. "According to Todashev, Tamerlan Tsarnaev participated in the...

Tsarnaev Seeks Better Prison Conditions

Lawyers call them unduly harsh for marathon bombing suspect

(Newser) - Lawyers for Boston Marathon bombing suspect Dzhokhar Tsarnaev asked a judge today to lift restrictions placed on him in prison, arguing that the conditions are overly harsh, have left him nearly totally isolated, and are impairing their ability to defend him. Tsarnaev's lawyers said in a motion filed in...

New Photos Emerge of Tsarnaev Capture

'Boston Magazine' releases more from state police photographer

(Newser) - Dramatic new photos show the Boston Marathon bombing suspect, his face bloodied, climbing out of a boat in a suburban backyard as police officers wait for him to drop to the ground. The images were among those a state police officer provided last month to Boston Magazine, which published some...

Dzhokhar Tsarnaev Took Bullet to the Face

Court documents released yesterday detail his injuries

(Newser) - When Dzhokhar Tsarnaev emerged from the boat he had been hiding in, he was bloodied, and now we very clearly know why. Court documents released yesterday detail his specific injuries, the most serious of which was a gunshot wound to the face that ripped into his ear and fractured his...

Tsarnaev's Buddies Deny Obstructing Justice

Dzhokhar Tsarnaev's friends did nothing wrong, lawyers say

(Newser) - Two friends of the surviving Boston Marathon bombing suspect have pleaded not guilty to disposing of evidence from his college dormitory room. Dias Kadyrbayev and Azamat Tazhayakov were arraigned today in federal court on charges of conspiracy to obstruct justice. Prosecutors say the 19-year-olds from Kazakhstan tried to thwart the...

Tsarnaev's Buddies Indicted for Allegedly Hiding Evidence

Dias Kadyrbayev and Azamat Tazhayakov accused of ditching fireworks

(Newser) - Two of Dzhokhar Tsarnaev's former college buddies were formally indicted today for allegedly helping the Boston Marathon bombing suspect ditch evidence. Dias Kadyrbayev and Azamat Tazhayakov, both 19 years old, were charged with conspiracy to obstruct justice and obstruction of justice, the Boston Globe reports. When they were first...

Tsarnaevs Swayed by Brain-Damaged Conspiracy Buff?

Suspects befriended Donald Larking, who gave them far-right reading

(Newser) - Did a brain-damaged American help turn the Boston bombing suspects against the US? The far-right and conspiracy theorist publications found in Tamerlan Tsarnaev's apartment appear to have been supplied by an elderly man befriended by the brothers through their mother's job as a home health aide, the Wall ...

Tsarnaev's Library: 'Hitler Had a Point,' Mass Killings

Older brother was reading up on drones, Gitmo

(Newser) - Tamerlan Tsarnaev 's library was full of far-right reading material ranging from white supremacist tracts to writings on "the rape of our gun rights," the BBC reports after speaking to friends of Tsarnaev and his brother, Dzhokhar. "Hitler had a point," read one piece....

Tsarnaev Doubles Sales of Rolling Stone

Boycott no match for the controversial issue

(Newser) - Further proof that a good furor can gin up business: Despite a boycott that saw some retailers yank the issue from shelves, Rolling Stone's "Boston Bomber" cover featuring Dzhokhar Tsarnaev was a hit on newsstands, selling twice as many issues as usual, Ad Week reports. The mag unloaded...

Facebook Group Rallies for Cop Who Leaked Tsarnaev Pics

Petition urges officials to let Sean Murphy keep working

(Newser) - A Massachusetts police officer's leak of gruesome Dzhokhar Tsarnaev photos got him suspended, with hearings—possibly this week—set to determine his future. Now, supporters are gathering on Facebook to urge authorities to let Sean Murphy keep his job, the Los Angeles Times reports. "He did what I...

Cop Leaks Bloody Photos of 'the Real' Tsarnaev

Sean Murphy angry over Rolling Stone cover

(Newser) - A Massachusetts state policeman was furious over Rolling Stone's contentious new cover , which he saw as "glamorizing the face of terror"—so the "tactical photographer" yesterday released some Dzhokhar Tsarnaev photos of his own. The images, handed to Boston Magazine , offer an up-close look at Tsarnaev'...

Rolling Stone Cover With Dzhokhar Is Great
Rolling Stone Cover
With Dzhokhar Is Great

Rolling Stone Cover With Dzhokhar Is Great

(Newser) - Chances are you've heard about the decision by Rolling Stone to put Dzhokhar Tsarnaev on the cover . Critics have been in a rage all day, and stores including CVS say they won't even stock it. It's offensive, exploitative, and glorifies violence are the more common refrains. At...

Rolling Stone's New Cover Boy: Dzhokhar Tsarnaev

Promises 'deeply reported' story, but readers aren't happy

(Newser) - Controversial might be too weak a word: Rolling Stone's latest cover star is accused Boston bomber Dzhokhar Tsarnaev. The decision to feature a glossy image of the alleged criminal on the front of millions of magazines has not gone down well with many, who have taken to Rolling Stone'...

Tsarnaev Pleads Not Guilty, Blows a Kiss

Dzhokhar makes the plea to all 30 counts in Boston bombing

(Newser) - His arm in a cast and his face swollen, a blase-looking Dzhokhar Tsarnaev pleaded not guilty today in the Boston Marathon bombing in a seven-minute proceeding that marked his first public appearance since his capture in mid-April. As victims of the bombing looked on, Tsarnaev, 19, gave a small, lopsided...

Tsarnaev Facing Victims' Families in Court

He'll hear charges he faces at first court appearance

(Newser) - Dzhokhar Tsarnaev is making his first appearance in court tomorrow, and victims of the Boston Marathon bombings—including the families of those killed—are expected to be there. Tsarnaev will hear the charges he faces at the probable cause hearing in Boston, ABC News reports. "I'm angry. I...

Dzhokhar Tsarnaev Indicted on 30 Counts

Some carry death penalty; he also scrawled anti-US messages on boat

(Newser) - A federal grand jury has returned a 30-count indictment against Dzhokhar Tsarnaev —and 17 of the charges could bring life in prison or the death penalty. Among them: using a weapon of mass destruction and bombing a place of public use, resulting in death. Dzhokhar and older brother Tamerlan...

Donors Sending Money to Dzhokhar Tsarnaev

He tells mother he's received $1K so far

(Newser) - Last week's phone call between Dzhokhar Tsarnaev and his mother keeps yielding new nuggets. The latest is that Dzhokhar told her that someone opened a bank account for him, and people have sent him $1,000 so far, reports ABC News . A TV station in the UK aired audio...

Seagal Stars on Congress' Russia Trip to Probe Boston

Bombing could have been averted, lawmakers conclude

(Newser) - US lawmakers who visited Russia to learn more about the lead-up to the Boston bombings say the two countries need to cooperate more—though perhaps that was made obvious by the fact that the tour required the help of actor Steven Seagal to arrange key meetings. The action star is...

Video Shows Tsarnaevs Working Out Before Bombing

Tamerlan, Dzhokhar went to gym 3 days before attack

(Newser) - CNN has video that manages to come off as mundane and chilling at the same time—the Tsarnaev brothers getting in shape at a local gym three days before the Boston Marathon bombing. One thing of note: The gym manager says he was surprised to see Tamerlan show up...

Tsarnaev Friend Attacked FBI Agent as He Read Text
FBI Agent Distracted by Text When Tsarnaev Pal Lunged
officials say

FBI Agent Distracted by Text When Tsarnaev Pal Lunged

Officials reveal new details in Ibragim Todashev shooting

(Newser) - The details surrounding the shooting of Ibragim Todashev , friend of Boston bombing suspect Tamerlan Tsarnaev, continue to be tweaked: Though officials said yesterday that Todashev was unarmed when he was shot, today a slightly different version of the story is emerging:
  • The New York Times reports that Todashev first knocked

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