Jeff Bauman

4 Stories

Iconic Boston Bombing Survivor Now Dad-to-Be

Jeff Bauman and Erin Hurley also engaged

(Newser) - The man who lost both his legs in the Boston Marathon bombing, then helped police identify Tamerlan Tsarnaev, is now making headlines for happier reasons: He's engaged and expecting a baby with the woman he was waiting to cheer on at the finish line. Jeff Bauman and Erin Hurley...

Survivor on Bomber: 'He Was Gone, and Then Boom'

Boston's Jeff Bauman recounts blast in interview

(Newser) - Jeff Bauman is the Boston survivor who lost both his legs and yet made sure to give a description of a man he pegged as one of the bombers even en route to the hospital. In an interview, he tells WEEI that he remembered Tamerlan Tsarnaev because "he just...

Iconic Bombing Victim: Suspect 'Looked Right at Me'

Jeff Bauman made revelation upon waking, says brother

(Newser) - A wild revelation from the brother of Jeff Bauman, who was captured in a now-iconic photo in the wake of the bombing: After having both legs amputated and while still under heavy sedation, brother Chris says Bauman "asked for a paper and pen and wrote, 'bag, saw the...

Dad Learned of Son's Fate Via Iconic Boston Photo

Jeff Bauman is victim in photo also featuring Carlos Arredondo

(Newser) - Jeff Bauman was frantically trying to reach his son, also named Jeff Bauman, who was at the Boston Marathon to cheer on his girlfriend, when his stepdaughter called and told him about a photo he needed to look at. The elder Bauman immediately recognized his son in the graphic picture,...

4 Stories
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