
Stories 41 - 60 | << Prev   Next >>

Don't Want to Get in a Car Crash? This State's Your Best Bet

Montana has the safest drivers

(Newser) - In 2016, there were more than 40,000 motor-vehicle deaths in the US, per the National Safety Council . And while factors beyond drivers' control, such as weather, may play a role in these fatalities, 24/7 Wall St. notes that "driver choice" (as in choosing to text or break the...

Rebel Behind the Wheel: Saudi Woman Flouts Driving Ban

She was summoned, though reportedly not arrested, for cruising in advance of ban being lifted

(Newser) - A Saudi woman who appeared in a video driving a car in Riyadh was briefly detained for violating the country's ban on women driving, which is set to be lifted in June , per the AP . The state-linked Sabq news website reported on Monday that the woman in the video,...

Montana Politician Wants to Resurrect the 'Road Beer'

Proposed open-container law wouldn't apply to drivers, bill's sponsor insists

(Newser) - Can't wait till you get home to crack open a cold one? A Montana lawmaker is working on legislation that may soon allow you to indulge your boozin'-while-cruisin' desires on that state's major thoroughfares. House Bill 206 , sponsored by Republican state Rep. Daniel Zolnikov, would allow passengers—...

Japan Has Delicious Plan to Get Seniors Out of Their Cars

And it involves cheap noodles

(Newser) - Japan is trying to reduce the number of car accidents involving elderly drivers by offering seniors the only thing they love more than their independence: discounted meals. The Guardian reports that starting this month elderly drivers in Aichi prefecture can hand their driver's licenses over to police, receive a...

We&#39;ve Been Merging Wrong This Whole Time
We've Been Merging
Wrong This Whole Time
in case you missed it

We've Been Merging Wrong This Whole Time

People who cut the line and wait until the last second aren't jerks after all

(Newser) - We've always assumed that those people who cut the line and wait until the last second to merge are rude, inconsiderate jerks, but now it appears that the jerks may have been us all along. NBC San Diego reports a growing number of states—including Minnesota, Missouri, Kansas, Washington,...

Drowsy Drivers as Bad as Drunk Drivers: Report

Fatigue kills 5K on our roads each year, says GHSA

(Newser) - Drivers are told to "get more sleep" in an alarming new report that finds drowsy drivers are much like drunk drivers but get far less attention. A person who's been awake for 18 hours has a similar driving ability as someone with a 0.05% blood-alcohol content, while...

The 10 Worst US Cities for Drivers

Washington, Detroit top the list

(Newser) - Be sure to take the bus when visiting the nation's capital. That's the takeaway from WalletHub's ranking of the worst US cities for drivers, based on gas prices, hours spent in traffic, crash deaths, car thefts, parking fees, and more in the country's 100 biggest cities....

How Driving Could Lead to Skin Cancer

 How Driving Could 
 Lead to Skin Cancer 

How Driving Could Lead to Skin Cancer

Side windows may block only 44% of UV-A rays: study

(Newser) - Ever gotten a sunburn while driving with the windows up? A new study explains why. Most vehicle windshields block harmful UV-A rays—the kind that raise the risk of everything from cataracts to skin cancer—but your side windows might not, says Brian Boxer Wachler of California's Boxer Wachler...

Google's 'Robot' System Can Now Be Considered Legal Driver

This could be a big step

(Newser) - Up until recently, Google's self-driving cars have been limited to real-world activity only in certain states (i.e., not on the federal level), and only under certain conditions, Quartz notes. But this week the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration posted a Feb. 4 letter saying Google's self-driving system,...

Dutch Driving Instructors Can Trade Lessons for Sex

Netherlands finds it's perfectly legal, if the instructor makes the first move

(Newser) - Christmas came early for amorous driving instructors after the Netherlands ruled it was perfectly legal—if "undesirable"—for them to exchange driving lessons for sex, the Telegraph reports. The question was brought before parliament by an official who was concerned that if a driving student offered sex as...

Cops: Drunk Man Had 10-Year-Old Drive His Truck

John Barling, 46, is arrested in upstate New York

(Newser) - Police say an upstate New York man had his 10-year-old drive his pickup truck while he was sitting in the passenger seat drunk. The Times Union of Albany reports that police in the Saratoga County town of Stillwater were contacted by a motorist on Saturday who saw the child driving...

Behind Georgia Highway Crashes: an 'Optical Illusion'

Drivers appear to be tricked by a curve from I-285 southbound to I-20 eastbound

(Newser) - Between November and January, five trucks rolled over on a single highway ramp in Georgia's DeKalb County. "I'm not an engineer," says a WSB-TV traffic reporter, "but common sense says there's something wrong there." Now experts may be able to explain it. There...

Saudi Women Get Around Driving Ban by Using Uber

Ride-sharing apps sometimes only recourse for females in strict Islamic state

(Newser) - With female driving in Saudi Arabia effectively banned, mass transit not that great, taxis unreliable and dirty, and private cars expensive, women can have a hard time getting around in the country, the Los Angeles Times reports. "If you can't find a driver, you have to wait for...

One-Way Streets Can Actually Be More Dangerous

The roads may provide a haven for crime: researchers

(Newser) - Turns out one-way streets may make neighborhoods more dangerous—and in some cases, it's not because of the traffic itself. Researchers who have studied cities across the country are pointing to a possible risk of higher crime on one-way streets with two lanes, as compared to two-way streets. For...

Gas vs. Brake: Newbie Driver Learns Lesson the Hard Way

Teen with new permit hits building, 3 gas meters, forces evacuation

(Newser) - New Jersey police say a teenager who had just received her learner's permit drove into an apartment building and struck three gas meters after hitting the accelerator instead of the brake. The 16-year-old was getting a driver's lesson from her father Thursday night in Woodbridge when the crash...

Driver Blindly Follows GPS Off Bridge, Kills Wife: Cops

Couple managed to drive past warnings and barriers: officials

(Newser) - A stark reminder to not let your GPS rule your common sense: In East Chicago, Indiana, a man drove off a ramp to a bridge that no longer exists, injuring himself and killing his wife, the Times of Northwest Indiana reports. Husband Iftikhar Hussain, 64, was the one at the...

New Law in England: No Smoking in Cars With Kids

It goes into effect later this year

(Newser) - Brits will be breaking the law if they light up while driving—if there's a child riding as a passenger. England's Department of Health announced today that the law, which will go into effect Oct. 1, is similar to a ban in Wales, the BBC reports. Scotland is...

Audi Named 'Jack' Drives Itself 550 Miles

Audi A7 drove from Silicon Valley to Las Vegas

(Newser) - It feels like something out of a sci-fi movie—a luxury car that can drive itself 550 miles, from Silicon Valley to Las Vegas. But this is not a movie: Over two days, an Audi A7 Sportback (nicknamed "Jack") made the trip with little human help, its journey...

Experts Solve 70-Year-Old Driving Mystery

Research into steering behavior may lead to safer systems

(Newser) - "Think before you jerk.” “Jerking isn’t a joke." Such slogans, as reported in the Washington Post and elsewhere, garnered national attention when used to remind drivers in South Dakota not to over-correct their steering on slick roads. Indeed, the standard theory behind the way we...

'Don't Jerk and Drive' Ad Too Racy for South Dakota

Critics thought safety ad's use of 'jerk' was too close to masturbation term

(Newser) - "Hilarious," "provocative," even "genius" is how some are describing South Dakota's latest public safety campaign, but they can now add "gone" to that list. The state pulled its "Don't Jerk and Drive" initiative—meant to remind drivers not to abruptly pull...

Stories 41 - 60 | << Prev   Next >>