civil union

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Gay Episcopal Bish Weds Partner

Civil union in church with 20-year partner

(Newser) - New Hampshire's openly gay Episcopal bishop has tied the knot with his longtime partner in a civil union. Undercover police were among the 120 guests at the private ceremony in case of trouble, reports the Concord Monitor. The civil ceremony by a justice uniting Bishop Gene Robinson and his partner...

Gay Unions Return as Campaign Issue
 Gay Unions Return
 as Campaign Issue 

Gay Unions Return as Campaign Issue

All three candidates have similar views, but nuances could be a factor

(Newser) - In the wake of the California decision, gay advocates hope to bring the issue of same-sex marriages to the forefront of the general election. But all three candidates have similar views—they support civil unions but think marriages should be between men and women, the New York Times reports. They...

Boy Marries Boy: Then What?
 Boy Marries
 Boy: Then What? 

Boy Marries Boy: Then What?

Young married gays seek balance between tradition and nonconformity

(Newser) - Wedding bells have rung for more than 700 homosexual couples in Massachusetts since the state started marrying gays in 2004, prompting the New York Times to profile young gay men who said “I do.” But there are many things the spouses don’t do, such as follow traditional...

Gay Couple Marries Before Iowa Judge Stays Ruling

Window of opportunity was just 3½ hours

(Newser) - Two college students became Iowa's first—and, so far, only—legally married same-sex couple today before a judge stayed his own ruling that overturned a ban on gay marriage. About 20 couples completed the marriage-license application between 7:30 and 11am, when the county recorder stopped issuing them. “This...

I Now Pronounce You Knight and Knight

15th-century Europe allowed civil unions

(Newser) - The 21st-century social and political trend of same-sex civil unions has roots that go back a bit beyond Stonewall—to the Middle Ages. A history professor who analyzed legal documents and gravesites says medieval law was flexible enough to allow for a variety of non-nuclear family structures, including gay unions,...

Dems Raise Rainbow Flags
Dems Raise Rainbow Flags

Dems Raise Rainbow Flags

In about-face, frontrunners rush to endorse gay rights for political advantage

(Newser) - It's only been 3 years since the Kerry campaign stumped for an anti-gay marriage amendment, but this cycle's Democrats are hopping on the rainbow bandwagon. The Politico's Ben Smith says the 2008 Dems are proud to be pro-gay, showcasing their full support of rights for same-sex couples—as long as...

Mass. Upholds Gay Marriage
Mass. Upholds Gay Marriage

Mass. Upholds Gay Marriage

Lawmakers reject call to give voters final say; issue won't face ballot box in '08

(Newser) - Gay couples in Massachussetts scored a major victory yesterday, after state legislators threw out a proposed constitutional amendment that would have put gay marriage to a popular vote. The proposed ban was defeated 151-45, only 5 votes short of the 50 necessary to place the issue on a statewide ballot...

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