Egyptian constitution

5 Stories

Egypt Rarity: A Leader Admits to 'Mistakes'

Mohamed Morsi acknowledges 'patriotic opposition'

(Newser) - Egypt's president took to the airwaves yesterday following the passage of the country's new constitution , and his tone was a rare one for an Egyptian leader, the New York Times reports. Following violent protests ahead of the constitution's approval, he cited "mistakes here and there,"...

Turnout Low, VP Quits in Egypt Constitution Vote

Vice President Mahmoud Mekki steps down, but it's not clear why

(Newser) - Egyptians voted today in the second and final phase of a referendum on an Islamist-backed constitution that has polarized the nation, with little indication that the expected passage of the charter will end the political crisis in which the country is mired. Voter turnout was low, the Guardian reports, but...

Egypt Opposition: Voting Was Rigged

Opposition wants first round of constitution referendum re-run

(Newser) - The first of two rounds of voting on the draft constitution has been put to bed , but the opposition isn't ready to move on: It's calling for more protests in Egypt tomorrow. Though the constitution—favored by the Muslim Brotherhood and other Islamists—received a 57% "yes"...

Egyptians Favor New Constitution

But another round of voting comes next Saturday

(Newser) - Officials from Egypt's Islamist and liberal movements agree on one thing: Voters narrowly approved the nation's Islamist constitution yesterday on the first of two voting days , reports Reuters . "The referendum was 56.5% for the 'yes' vote," said a top official in the Muslim Brotherhood'...

Egypt Braces for Vote Amid Conspiracies, Protests

But the whole referendum might be determined by the 'couch party'

(Newser) - Egyptians will go to the polls tomorrow to vote on a controversial constitutional referendum that could determine the country's fate. Here's what you need to know:
  • The referendum would install a new constitution that Mohamed Morsi's government says is essential to move the country forward—but which

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