Indian reservation

6 Stories

Murder Trial Witness Vanishes as Home Burns to the Ground
He Reluctantly Testified.
Now His Home Is
Burned and He's Gone
in case you missed it

He Reluctantly Testified. Now His Home Is Burned and He's Gone

FBI is on the case of missing murder-trial witness in Brownstown, Wash.

(Newser) - Tim Castilleja was scared to admit in court what he'd told federal agents: that on May 3, 2019, he'd seen a man brandishing a rifle and a woman frantically cleaning out a vehicle at his tavern in Brownstown, Wash., on the Yakama Indian Reservation. Federal agents—making the...

He Fled the Feds in 2011. He Was Just Found 'Squatting'

Michael Duane Strain, busted on Native American reservation in Montana, was on most wanted list

(Newser) - They thought he was hiding in Minnesota, but they nabbed him in Montana. USA Today reports 62-year-old Michael Duane Strain, one of the 15 most wanted fugitives on the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms' list, was busted last week by US Marshals Service deputies on a Native American reservation...

Push to Stop Town of 12 From Selling 3.5M Beers

Whiteclay abuts a South Dakota Indian reservation plagued by alcoholism

(Newser) - A faith ministry in Nebraska has started a fundraising campaign to buy out four stores that sell millions of cans of beer each year in a tiny village next to a South Dakota Indian reservation plagued by alcoholism. The Lakota Hope street ministry in Whiteclay, Neb., is looking to raise...

After More Than a Century, Bison Are 'Coming Home'

Canadian population will relocate to Montana next month

(Newser) - Descendants of a bison herd sent to Canada more than a century ago will be relocated to a Montana American Indian reservation next month, in what tribal leaders bill as a homecoming. The shipment of animals from Alberta's Elk Island National Park to the Blackfeet Indian Reservation follows a...

Tribe Marries Gay Couple Despite State Ban

But what if the couple moves to Michigan?

(Newser) - Two gay men married on an Indian reservation in Michigan today despite the fact that state law prohibits same-sex marriage, the AP reports. Gene Barfield, 60, and Tim LaCroix, 53, said their vows on the reservation of the Little Traverse Bay Bands of Odawa Indians, which is federally recognized and...

5 Dead in California Indian Reservation Shooting

Suspect Hector Celaya shot after killing 4 relatives

(Newser) - The church bell that rings to announce the deaths of tribal members at California's Tule River Indian Reservation tolled repeatedly yesterday after a man killed his daughter, his mother, and her two brothers. Authorities said the suspect, 31-year-old Hector Celaya, died in a shootout with police when he was...

6 Stories
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