Big Bird

12 Stories

The Right Is Outraged Over Big Bird's Take on Vaccines

'Sesame Street' characters get vaccinated against COVID-19

(Newser) - It's conservatives vs. Sesame Street: Some on the right are decidedly unhappy with the stance the children's television show has taken on the coronavirus vaccine. "I got the COVID-19 vaccine today!" tweeted the account for the character of Big Bird, who is depicted as a 6-year-old,...

Arrests Made in Disappearance of $160K Big Bird

7-foot-tall costume swiped from Aussie circus, then returned with apology note: 'We had a great time'

(Newser) - They may not have known how to get to Sesame Street, but two suspected Aussie thieves apparently knew how to get back to the venue where they allegedly swiped a Big Bird costume. The Guardian reports that the nearly 7-foot-tall, $160,000 outfit, said to be made of ostrich feathers...

Sesame Street Puppeteer Dead at 85
Sesame Street
Puppeteer Dead at 85

Sesame Street Puppeteer Dead at 85

Caroll Spinney was the force behind Big Bird and Oscar the Grouch

(Newser) - Caroll Spinney, who gave Big Bird his warmth and Oscar the Grouch his growl for nearly 50 years on Sesame Street, died Sunday at the age of 85 at his home in Connecticut, according to the Sesame Workshop. The Sesame Workshop said in a statement that the legendary puppeteer lived...

After 50 Years, a Final Bow for Original Big Bird

Caroll Spinney retires from 'Sesame Street'

(Newser) - Big Bird is flying the coop. Caroll Spinney, the 84-year-old puppeteer who's portrayed Big Bird and Oscar the Grouch on Sesame Street since the show's premiere in 1969, announced his retirement Wednesday, telling the New York Times that the physical requirements have become too much for him. Still,...

'Big Bird' Almost Went Up in Challenger Shuttle

'It made my scalp crawl to think I was supposed to be on that'

(Newser) - Big Bird was almost a passenger on the doomed Challenger space shuttle in 1986. Caroll Spinney, who has played the Sesame Street character for 46 years, has a new documentary—I Am Big Bird—and he discussed the dark tidbit while discussing the film with Today . NASA thought that if...

Modest Million Puppet March Makes Case for Big Bird

Protesters urge feds to 'Keep Mitts Off Big Bird'

(Newser) - It wasn't nearly a million by the Count's best standards, but hundreds gamely rallied in support of Big Bird and public funding for PBS in Washington, DC, yesterday with chants of "El-mo, we won't go!" reports CNN . Many a Kermit, Cookie Monster, and other puppets...

This Year's Hot Halloween Costume Is ... Big Bird

Go ahead, try to find one in stock

(Newser) - Maybe "Pending Larry" can make a late charge, but right now it looks like Big Bird is going to win this year's crown of hottest Halloween costume. USA Today surveys costumer sellers across the country and gets the same response over and over: Any Big Bird costumes they...

'Million Muppet March' Will Support PBS Funding

Demonstration planned for Nov. 3 in DC

(Newser) - PBS supporters are planning a "Million Muppet March" at Washington DC's National Mall on Nov. 3 to defend government funding for the network, Reuters reports. Organizers aren't sure yet how many will actually attend, but "it does seem like we might get close to the biggest...

Jon Stewart on Big Bird: 'Let It Go!'

Host fed up with Obama's Sesame Street obsession

(Newser) - Jon Stewart has had exactly enough of this Big Bird stuff from the Obama campaign. From stump speeches to a campaign ad , the big yellow guy is everywhere these days, Stewart noted on last night's Daily Show . The tipping point for the host:'s appearance on...

Obama Needs to Talk About Snuffleupagus
 Obama Needs to Talk  
 About Snuffleupagus 
Dana Milbank

Obama Needs to Talk About Snuffleupagus

Dana Milbank: Focus on the imaginary parts of Romney's plans

(Newser) - Barack Obama is focusing on the wrong Muppet. His campaign's new Big Bird attack ad may have garnered lots of attention, but "Big Bird is not the problem," writes Dana Milbank of the Washington Post . "The problem is Snuffleupagus." Snuffy, if you don't recall,...

Big Bird, Bond Hit SNL
 Big Bird, Bond Hit SNL 

Big Bird, Bond Hit SNL

Lots of fodder from the presidential debate

(Newser) - Big Bird rode Mitt Romney's debate crack all the way to a guest appearance on SNL's "Weekend Update" last night, wryly telling Seth Meyers he'd gotten "a million tweets" about the mention, reports the AP . The segment followed a Cold Open in which Barack Obama...

Big Winner in Debate: Twitter

Debate was most-tweeted US political event ever

(Newser) - Last night's debate was the most-tweeted US political event in history, Computerworld reports, with viewers offering some brilliant—and not so brilliant—analysis of the contest as it unfolded. Twitter and other social media gave viewers the chance to skip the pundits' take and jump right into the...

12 Stories
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