jobs report

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Unemployment Ticks Up to 7.6%

175K jobs were added in May

(Newser) - The unemployment rate ticked up a notch in May: It had been expected to remain at 7.5% , but instead went up to 7.6%, the Wall Street Journal reports. But, the AP notes, that's because more people are looking for work, which is a good thing. And while...

Unemployment Hits 4-Year Low: 7.5%

As 165K jobs are added in April

(Newser) - Today's jobs report beat expectations: The unemployment rate fell to 7.5%, a four-year low, in April, and 165,000 jobs were created. Economists had expected 148,000 new jobs and an unemployment rate holding steady at 7.6%, the Wall Street Journal reports. More good news from the...

Just 88K Jobs Added in March
 Just 88K Jobs Added in March 

Just 88K Jobs Added in March

Unemployment falls to 7.6%, but even that's not good news

(Newser) - Unemployment fell to 7.6% in March, but just 88,000 jobs were added—which the Wall Street Journal calls a "very bad number." Economists weren't expecting much from today's jobs report—according to NPR , they were forecasting "slow and steady" growth—but they had...

Unemployment Drops to 7.7%
 Unemployment Drops to 7.7% 

Unemployment Drops to 7.7%

236K jobs were added in February, many more than expected

(Newser) - The February jobs report is out, and it's way better than economists expected: The unemployment rate dropped to 7.7% from January's 7.9% ; economists polled by Dow Jones Newswires had expected it to drop to 7.8%. That's the lowest rate since December 2008. And the...

Unemployment Inches Up to 7.9%

157K jobs added

(Newser) - The unemployment rate ticked up from 7.8% to 7.9% in January, according to a jobs report the Wall Street Journal calls "disappointing." The economy added 157,000 jobs, slightly below expectations of 166,000. But here's some news that got a "Whoa, mama!"...

Unemployment Holds at 7.8%
 Unemployment Holds at 7.8% 
jobs report

Unemployment Holds at 7.8%

Average hiring in 2012 unchanged from 2011 numbers

(Newser) - Today's jobs numbers fell just slightly below the expectations of economists: 155,000 jobs were added last month, when 160,000 had been expected, the Wall Street Journal reports. The unemployment rate held steady at 7.8%; last month's initial rate of 7.7% was revised upward. Some...

Unemployment Falls to 7.7%
 Unemployment Falls to 7.7% 

Unemployment Falls to 7.7%

But 'WSJ' calls report the least important in last 60 months

(Newser) - The unemployment rate fell from 7.9% to 7.7% in November, and the Wall Street Journal gives you permission to care a little less than usual. It calls today's report "the least important look at the labor market in about five years." That's because 1)...

Sandy May Delay October Jobs Report
Sandy May Delay October Jobs Report

Sandy May Delay October Jobs Report

GOP cries foul, Labor Dept. says it's working hard to avoid it

(Newser) - The Labor Department started a brief uproar today when it said it might have to put off releasing Friday's jobs report for October because of Hurricane Sandy. That sent off a firestorm among conservative pundits, who sensed an election ploy, Politico reports. Breitbart News' editor-at-large said it would be...

Ex-GE Boss: Obama Must Be Tweaking Jobs Figures

Slew of tweets jump in on conspiracy theory

(Newser) - And a new conspiracy theory is born. The only explanation for the latest jobs data is that President Obama has been meddling with the numbers, says former GE CEO Jack Welch. "Unbelievable jobs numbers," he tweeted. "These Chicago guys will do anything... can't debate so change...

Unemployment Drops to 7.8%, 114K Jobs Added
Unemployment at 7.8%, Lowest in Obama's Term
jobs report

Unemployment at 7.8%, Lowest in Obama's Term

Rate drops as nation adds a so-so 114,000 jobs

(Newser) - The unemployment rate dropped to 7.8% last month, its lowest level since January 2009—meaning it's now officially lower than it was when President Obama took office, the Wall Street Journal reports. Today's jobs report also shows that 114,000 jobs were added; consensus had been 118,...

Mitt Romney: Jobs Report Is Post-Party 'Hangover'

Will it affect the election? Analysts offer mixed reactions

(Newser) - Mitt Romney is pouncing on today's jobs report , which found lowered unemployment but fewer jobs created than were expected. "If last night was the party, this morning is the hangover. For every net new job created, nearly four Americans gave up looking for work entirely," Romney says...

On Eve of Jobs Report, a Shiny Number

ADP says private sector added 201K jobs in August, but it's been wrong before...

(Newser) - Teams Obama and Romney will likely be biting their nails come 8:29am tomorrow, as the first of the three remaining pre-election jobs reports are issued. With less than 24 hours to go, some hints of what may come:
  • In what the AP calls an "encouraging sign," a

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