
13 Stories

This May Be First Nation to Do a 180 on Female Genital Mutilation

Gambia advances bill to repeal its ban

(Newser) - Activists who've been campaigning for years to outlaw female genital mutilation around the world could face a major setback as Gambia risks becoming the first country to reverse a ban on the practice linked to infertility and death. The West African country banned female genital mutilation (FGM) or cutting...

From World Court, a 'Triumph of International Justice'

International Court of Justice orders Myanmar to protect the Rohingya

(Newser) - It's only the first step to address a lawsuit filed by Gambia accusing Myanmar of genocide, but an International Court of Justice decision this week is being applauded by the former as "a triumph of international justice." Per Reuters , a 17-member panel from the court at the...

Gambia's Big Move Against Myanmar a 'Clear Message'

Nation files case at ICJ to 'stop Myanmar's genocidal conduct' against Rohingya Muslims

(Newser) - Gambia filed a case Monday at the United Nations' highest court accusing Myanmar of genocide in its campaign against its Rohingya Muslim minority and asking the International Court of Justice to urgently order measures "to stop Myanmar's genocidal conduct immediately." Gambia filed the case on behalf of...

Beauty Queen: Gambia's Ex-Dictator Raped Me

Fatou 'Toufah' Jallow says sexual assault at hands of Yahya Jammeh happened 4 years ago

(Newser) - A Gambian beauty pageant winner has accused former dictator Yahya Jammeh of raping her four years ago, the latest allegation of abuses committed by the ex-president now living in exile in Equatorial Guinea. Fatou "Toufah" Jallow, now 23, said she plans to testify later this year before Gambia's...

Defeated Leader Steals $11.4M From Own Country

Yahya Jammeh leaves Gambia in 'financial distress'

(Newser) - Defeated Gambian leader Yahya Jammeh flew into exile in Equatorial Guinea over the weekend, giving his country's political crisis a peaceful end but apparently taking much of the country's wealth with him. A spokesman for President Adama Barrow says it appears Jammeh, who ruled the West African nation...

Defeated Gambian Leader Agrees to Give Up Power

Crisis appears headed toward peaceful end

(Newser) - Gambia's defeated leader Yahya Jammeh announced early Saturday he has decided to relinquish power, after hours of last-ditch talks with regional leaders and the threat by a regional military force to make him leave. "I believe it is not necessary that a single drop of blood be shed,...

Senegalese Army Enters Gambia to Topple Ex-President
Senegalese Army
Enters Gambia to
Topple Ex-President
The Rundown

Senegalese Army Enters Gambia to Topple Ex-President

Yahya Jammeh refuses to step down in wake of losing election

(Newser) - Last month, Adama Barrow won Gambia's presidential election, ending the 22-year rule of dictator Yahya Jammeh. Barrow's inauguration was scheduled for Thursday, but Jammeh has refused to step down. And the opportunity for a peaceful resolution appears to be over. Here's what you need to know:

Dog Kills Son of Gambian President-Elect

Adama Barrow was unable to attend funeral due to political unrest

(Newser) - Due to political turmoil in his country, the president-elect of Gambia was unable to attend his young son's funeral, the BBC reports. Eight-year-old Habibu Barrow was bitten by a dog Sunday and died on the way to the hospital. According to SMBC News , Habibu's death led to an...

He Said He'd Rule for a Billion Years. Gambians Voted Him Out

President Yahya Jammeh loses in upset

(Newser) - Gambia's opposition candidate has defeated longtime ruler Yahya Jammeh—a man who in 2011 said he was prepared to rule for a billion years—in the West African country's presidential vote. It's an upset victory that could lead to the country's first transfer of power in...

3 Countries to Quit International Criminal Court

Gambia says it unfairly targets Africans

(Newser) - A third African country says it will leave the International Criminal Court as fears grow of a mass pullout from the body that pursues some of the world's worst atrocities. Gambia announced the decision on TV Tuesday, accusing the court of unfairly targeting Africa and calling it the "...

US Vet Tries to Overthrow Gambian President

Papa Faal faces charges for violating the Neutrality Act

(Newser) - Papa Faal, code name "Fox," is a Gambian and US citizen, married father, ITT Tech instructor, and US veteran. And last month, he allegedly tried and failed to overthrow Gambia President Yahya Jammeh, the Daily Beast reports. Yesterday, Faal, 46, faced Neutrality Act violation charges in a Minnesota...

Gambian Executions Begin, Says Rights Group

9 put to death; dozens may follow: Amnesty

(Newser) - Gambian leader Yahya Jammeh alarmed human rights activists last week when he vowed to quickly execute all of the nation's prisoners on death row. Amnesty International is now worried that he's started making good on the threat, reports Voice of America . Nine inmates were killed late Thursday, the...

Gambia President Vows to Kill Everyone on Death Row

Human rights groups horrified at Yahya Jammeh's announcement

(Newser) - Human rights groups are condemning President Yahya Jammeh for his vow to execute every death row prisoner in Gambia next month, breaking an almost 30-year hiatus on executions in the country. "All those guilty of serious crimes and are condemned will face the full force of the law,"...

13 Stories
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