
7 Stories

Half of Us Say We Interact With Dead Loved Ones
Lots of People Say
They Talk With Ghosts
NEW survey

Lots of People Say They Talk With Ghosts

About half of respondents in Pew survey say they interact with dead loved ones in some way

(Newser) - For many Americans, the connections we share with deceased family members goes beyond the grave, according to a study released by Pew Research Center . And per CNN , certain groups are more likely to say they've been visited by loved ones in dreams and other ways. Of the 5,079...

The Thing of Your Nightmares Might Actually Have Dreams

Spiders seem to experience REM sleep, with twitches suggesting they act out activities

(Newser) - You've probably seen a dog kick its legs mid-dream, as though running. Spiders apparently do much the same thing, according to a new study—the first to indicate that arachnids dream. Daniela Roessler, a postdoctoral fellow at Germany's University of Konstanz, trained infrared cameras on sleeping spiders at...

How Sleep Position Can Give You Nightmares
How Sleep Position Can
Give You Nightmares
studies say

How Sleep Position Can Give You Nightmares

Studies link sleep position to dream quality and emotion

(Newser) - Matt Berical noticed that his restless nights always ended with him facing right, while his girlfriend mostly reported nightmares after waking on her left. "Is there, I wondered, a correlation between bad dreams and sleeping position?" writes Berical at Van Winkles . He dug up a 2004 study that asked...

Your Eyes 'Change Scenes' While You Sleep
 Scientists Unlock a 
 Mystery of REM Sleep 

Scientists Unlock a Mystery of REM Sleep

Here's what your flickering eyes may be seeing

(Newser) - Exactly what your flickering eyes are doing during the rapid-eye-movement phase of sleep has long been a mystery to scientists, but a team that monitored the neurons of volunteers says it has figured it out. The neuroscientists say that brain activity during eye flickers in REM sleep is "very,...

Dreams of Murder Reveal Your True Nature
 Dreams of 
 Murder Reveal 
 Your True Nature 

Dreams of Murder Reveal Your True Nature

People who kill in dreams are more hostile, introverted: contested study

(Newser) - If you dream of wringing someone's neck to the point of murder, researchers say you're more likely to be aggressive, hostile, and introverted while awake. Experts at Germany's Central Institute of Mental Health studied 443 university students' character traits as well as their dreams based on questionnaires....

We Can Spark Lucid Dreaming: Researchers

By electrically stimulating subjects' scalps

(Newser) - Scientists may have found a way to cause lucid dreams—those experiences in which we know we're dreaming and can, in some cases, control the dream. The key, explains an expert, is electric scalp stimulation. "I never thought this would work," Harvard researcher Dr. John Allan Hobson...

Stomach Sleepers Have Sexier Dreams
Stomach Sleepers
Have Sexier Dreams
study says

Stomach Sleepers Have Sexier Dreams

At least according to Hong Kong researchers

(Newser) - Snoozing on your stomach may increase dreams about sex, says a new study. Hong Kong researchers surveyed 670 students, collecting data about sleep postures and dream content and found that stomach sleepers reported more erotic dreams than anyone else. They also described more feelings of "persecution," "being...

7 Stories
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