Affordable Care Act

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ObamaCare's New Enrollee: John Boehner

But House speaker blogs of his trouble signing up

(Newser) - It took a few tries, but ObamaCare has a new high-profile enrollee: John Boehner. The House speaker, however, made a point to blog about his trouble signing up yesterday after getting an error message. "Despite multiple attempts, I was unable to get past that point and sign up for...

GOP Plots All-Out War on ObamaCare

Democrats, meanwhile will attack 'CruzCare'

(Newser) - If it sounds like Republicans are reading from the same playbook in their ObamaCare offensive, it's because they are. A memo sent to House Republicans this week detailed an unusually focused attack plan, the New York Times explains. Republicans are to focus en masse on one of the program'...

To Cut Costs, ObamaCare Plans Drop Top Docs, Hospitals

It looks like you might not be able to keep your doctor, either

(Newser) - If you have a health care provider you really like, look very carefully at any plan you buy on To keep costs down—a top Obama administration priority—insurers on the government's health care exchange are offering smaller networks that cut out the country's most prestigious...

Lawmakers' ObamaCare Experience: Just Like Ours...

Only, you know, way better

(Newser) - So let's say you were a member of Congress—might you have an easier time using Lawmakers insist they'll have the same problems with enrollment as everyone else—but, uh, they're leaving out a few things, the New York Times reports. Specifically: They have access...

Mitt Romney Would Win Election Do-Over: Poll

Obama's numbers looking bad in wake of health care rollout

(Newser) - Just how bad are things for President Obama a year into his second term? So bad that if the American people got a mulligan on the 2012 election, there's a good shot we'd be looking at a President Romney. A Washington Post - ABC News poll reveals that...

Consultants Red-Flagged ObamaCare —in March

Nobody was looking at big picture, McKinsey found

(Newser) - Add consulting firm McKinsey & Co. to the list of who can now say "I told you so" about the disastrous rollout of ObamaCare. A private consulting team brought in to assess the mammoth project warned back in March that the launch of could be risky—and...

Employers May Charge You for Being Fat, Smoking

More firms planning to use surcharges under ObamaCare

(Newser) - If you don't meet your employer's health requirements, you may soon be paying more for health insurance. One survey found that as of next year, 40% of major US firms will be instituting surcharges on workers who fail to meet such requirements—things like quitting smoking or meeting...

Obama's Authority, Legacy Are on the Line

Susan Page thinks the health care debacle will be defining

(Newser) - President Obama's apology yesterday was "extraordinary," and about much more than just a specific Affordable Care Act glitch, writes Susan Page at USA Today : "It was about turning around a downward slide that could threaten the future of his presidency." His administration's own missteps...

House Health Care Bill Might Actually Tempt Dems

It would offer the push-back the president promised

(Newser) - Voting to defang ObamaCare is House Republicans' favorite hobby , but today they'll put forward a health care bill that might actually draw some votes from across the aisle. The bill would allow insurers to keep selling their current plans, even if they don't meet the Affordable Care Act'...

Obama: 'We Fumbled the Rollout'

Offers a mea culpa while announcing that people can keep canceled policies after all

(Newser) - The advance stories were right: President Obama today indeed made good on his once-broken promise to let people who like their insurance policies keep them—at least for another year, reports the AP . "As I indicated earlier, I completely get how upsetting this can be for Americans," he...

Sources: You May Be Able to Keep Your Plan

Source tells CNN current plans will be renewed for one year

(Newser) - President Obama may able to strip those Pinocchios from his record: A Democratic official tells the Wall Street Journal that the White House will allow insurers to continue to offer the "substandard" plans that have been canceled, to the distress of many, as a result of ObamaCare. CNN is...

Dems Plot Mutiny Over 'Keep Your Plan' Fail

Calls for prez to make good on ObamaCare promise grow among own ranks

(Newser) - The ObamaCare rollout has been a mess , and many congressional Democrats are readying the lifeboats in advance of abandoning ship. Writing for Yahoo News , Chris Moody says they're "scrambling to cover their hides before next year’s midterm elections." The Hill's headline paints a slightly more...

106K: ObamaCare Enrollments Fall Way Short

Most of those signed up on state sites; pre-launch prediction was 500K

(Newser) - The White House has been trying to dampen expectations about first-month enrollment in ObamaCare, and here's why: The administration said today that 26,794 people signed up in October via the federal website, reports AP . About 80,000 more signed up on state-run exchanges. Prior to the...

Only 50K Have Enrolled on ObamaCare Site: Sources

Falling short of 500K projection

(Newser) - The Obama administration estimated about 500,000 Americans would enroll in ObamaCare in October. The numbers have fallen short. Like 400,000 short. Two sources tell the Wall Street Journal that fewer than 50,000 people successfully enrolled in health insurance plans through last month. That doesn't...

ObamaCare Is the Ugly Child of Lame Centrism
ObamaCare Is the Ugly Child of Lame Centrism

ObamaCare Is the Ugly Child of Lame Centrism

Democrats wound up with this mess because they lacked conviction

(Newser) - There are many reasons the Affordable Care Act's rollout has been such a disaster, and sure, some of them have (R)s next to their names. "But a large part of the problem was the underlying ideological outlook that shaped the original proposal," Princeton professor Julian Zelizer argues...

Republicans Turn Up Heat on Sebelius (Sort of)

President stands by health secretary despite (some) pressure from GOP

(Newser) - Ten Republican senators sent a letter to President Obama yesterday demanding that he fire Kathleen Sebelius over ObamaCare's online debut, but Obama wasted no time in reaffirming his support for the embattled Health and Human Services secretary. "If a similar rollout from any other national company or private-sector...

Obama Apologizes to Those Losing Health Policies

He's sorry they're in that boat 'based on assurances they got from me'

(Newser) - President Obama today directly addressed one of the bigger non-tech gripes related to ObamaCare with an apology. Referring to people who have been informed that they're losing their insurance policies, he told Chuck Todd of NBC News :
  • "I am sorry that they are finding themselves in this situation

Sebelius: 'Delay Is Not an Option'

Secretary pressed on ObamaCare 'navigators'

(Newser) - Kathleen Sebelius was on Capitol Hill for another grilling today, this time from the Senate Finance Committee, in which she defied calls from both sides of the aisle to delay parts of the implementation of the ObamaCare. "Delaying the Affordable Care Act would not delay people's cancer or...

7M Americans Eligible for Free ObamaCare Policies

But it's not all good news

(Newser) - Finally, some (mostly) positive news about ObamaCare: Independent estimates by Wall Street analysts and consultants find that as many as 7 million people could qualify for free or nearly free healthcare plans, the New York Times reports. Federal subsidies would cover the cost of these plans, most of which are...

No, You Don't Deserve to Keep Your Insurance Plan

Jonathan Chait explains the moral calculus of ObamaCare

(Newser) - OK, yes, Barack Obama lied , and that's provoked some "justifiable scrutiny," Jonathan Chait at New York allows. But the people losing their health insurance plans aren't getting a raw deal, he argues. For one thing, many are blissfully unaware that their old, seemingly affordable plans contained...

Stories 141 - 160 | << Prev   Next >>