North Dakota

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State Offers Free Vaccines to Canadian Truckers

'The US has got a lot of vaccines and Canada's got less,' North Dakota governor says

(Newser) - With Canada's vaccination campaign lagging a long way behind the US, North Dakota has decided to step up and offer doses to its neighbors who cross the border for essential purposes. Up to 4,000 truck drivers from Manitoba will be offered COVID vaccines for free under a program...

Lawmakers Expel Colleague for Pattern of Harassment

Moving women away from him, North Dakota legislator says, punishes the women trying to do their job

(Newser) - The North Dakota House on Thursday voted to expel a lawmaker accused of threatening and sexually harassing women at the Capitol, the first such expulsion in state history. Members voted 69-25 to expel Rep. Luke Simons, a Republican from Dickinson, for a pattern of behavior they said stretched back to...

Here Are the Best, Worst States for Women

Minnesota comes out on top, Mississippi is at the bottom

(Newser) - Pay gaps, the minimum wage, the pandemic—all issues that affect women disproportionately, though there are some areas of the US that offer better opportunities for women than others. WalletHub tries to shake those locations out, looking at more than two dozen metrics in two main categories: women's economic...

Seeking Retirement Bliss? Check Out These States
10 Best States
for Retirement

10 Best States for Retirement

Florida ranks No. 1 on WalletHub's list

(Newser) - If your golden years are approaching, or if early retirement is in the cards, where to decide to enjoy your post-work life can prove to be a challenge. WalletHub has tried to take some of the guesswork out of the process, examining nearly four dozen metrics in all 50 states,...

These States Are Safest During the Pandemic

You'll fare best dealing with COVID in Alaska, worst in Arizona

(Newser) - As the rollout of the various coronavirus vaccines continues, there's now a (still somewhat distant) light at the end of the pandemic tunnel. But with months to go before much of the population is vaccinated, it's important to keep up with safety and health guidelines, and to keep...

How North Dakota's COVID Outbreak Became Worst in US

State underestimated the dangers before cases surged

(Newser) - With coronavirus cases surging in almost every state, North Dakota ranks first in coronavirus cases and deaths per capita—and has for most of the last two months. Experts tell the Pioneer Press that the state's COVID outbreak became the worst in the nation after initial success controlling the...

Here Are the Most Giving States in America

People there come together to help others through charity, volunteerism

(Newser) - Between charitable giving—last year, US donors ponied up nearly $450 billion for charity—and volunteerism, Americans keep opening up their wallets and their schedules to help those who are less fortunate. WalletHub wanted to see which states were especially benevolent, so it examined stats from all 50, looking at...

With Only 18 ICU Beds Open, ND Issues Mask Mandate

As state's virus cases spike, Burgum says 'our situation has changed'

(Newser) - After months of resisting ordering the people of North Dakota to wear masks and limit the size of gatherings, the state's Republican governor relented in an effort to stem a coronavirus surge that is among the worst in the US and that threatens to overwhelm the state's hospitals....

Why Many Midwestern Towns Are Shrugging Off the Virus

"If I get it, I get it. That's just how I feel'

(Newser) - Danny Rice has a good sense of how dangerous the coronavirus can be. What puzzles him are the people who have curtailed so much of their lives to avoid being infected by the virus. "I'm not going out and looking to catch it," he told the AP...

He Died From COVID, Won North Dakota Race Anyway
Candidate Who Died
of COVID Wins Race

Candidate Who Died of COVID Wins Race

It was too late to remove North Dakota's David Andahl from the ballot

(Newser) - A Republican candidate for North Dakota's state legislature won on Tuesday—despite the fact that he died of COVID-19 last month. David Andahl won one of two seats awarded in the Bismarck-area district, Fox 9 reports. But the 55-year-old died Oct. 5 after a battle with the coronavirus; the...

State: Let's Use $16M in Virus Aid for Fracking

North Dakota officials say it would create jobs, but critics are outraged

(Newser) - North Dakota officials are hoping to use federal coronavirus funds for fracking grants—a move that has critics up in arms, the Grand Forks Herald reports. A state energy commission voted unanimously Friday to reallocate over $221 million in congressional virus aid to state agencies, including $16 million for fracking....

COVID Highs Push Hospitals Near the Brink

'We'll run into some difficult decisions to make'

(Newser) - Hospitals across the US are starting to buckle from a resurgence of COVID-19 cases, with several states setting records for the number of people hospitalized and leaders scrambling to find extra beds and staff, the AP reports. New highs in cases have been reported in states big and small—from...

America Is Smashing Coronavirus Records
COVID Records
Broken in 6 States

COVID Records Broken in 6 States

And across the world

(Newser) - President Trump has said the coronavirus will soon disappear —but according to the latest numbers, "soon" isn't here yet. The World Health Organization announced that 350,766 new infections were counted Friday worldwide, beating the previous record from earlier this week by almost 12,000. Forbes notes...

'Not a Surprise': 2 States Lead in COVID-19 Growth

South Dakota boasts a 17% positivity rate

(Newser) - Coronavirus infections in the Dakotas are growing faster than anywhere else in the nation, fueling impassioned debates over masks and personal freedom after months in which the two states avoided the worst of the pandemic, the AP reports. The argument over masks raged this week in Brookings, South Dakota, as...

Fauci Issues Warning to 7 States
Fauci Issues
Warning to
7 States

Fauci Issues Warning to 7 States

He says Labor Day could cause the coronavirus to spread

(Newser) - Anthony Fauci has a message for the Midwest: Please be careful. America's top infectious disease expert says seven states with rising COVID-19 rates should take extra care this Labor Day weekend to avoid trouble in the fall, the New York Post reports. "There are several states that are...

These Are the Biggest Slacking US States

North Dakota isn't one of them

(Newser) - Despite massive unemployment right now across the nation, WalletHub finds that Americans work pretty darn hard—whether it's because they want to, have to, or have the perception they have to. To find out which states really roll up their sleeves, the site looked at all 50 states across...

Looking for Stellar Health Care? Here's Where to Go

Massachusetts ranks No. 1 in WalletHub state rankings, Georgia brings up the rear

(Newser) - Health care is often at the top of many Americans' minds, but never has it been so critical as now, as we struggle through the coronavirus pandemic. To see which states have the best handle on health care, WalletHub looked at all 50 of them, plus the District of Columbia,...

Another Pipeline Surprise: Dakota Site Is Shut Down

Federal judge says Dakota Access Pipeline must cease, at least temporarily

(Newser) - For three years, the Dakota Access pipeline has been bearing oil from a North Dakota shale basin to Illinois, per a 2017 permit granted by President Trump to do so. Now, a federal judge has delivered what Bloomberg calls a "stunning defeat" to the Trump administration and the oil...

10 States Where Pride for Country Reigns Supreme

Here's where patriotism is still alive and well, despite pandemic and civil unrest

(Newser) - With the Fourth of July fast approaching, Americans are aware that the holiday will seem more low-key this year. Despite state reopenings, large celebrations are mostly still canceled to stop the spread of COVID-19, and as WalletHub notes, it may feel especially hard to muster up flag-waving spirit with renewed...

Shooting at Air Base Leaves 2 Service Members Dead

Investigation underway at Grand Forks Air Force Base in North Dakota

(Newser) - A shooting early Monday has left two airmen dead at the Grand Forks Air Force Base in North Dakota. The shooting occurred at 4:30am, according to a military statement, per the AP . The incident remains under investigation, but officials said there's no risk to other personnel. Additional details...

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