Libertarian Party

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Libertarians Name Their Candidate
Name Their

Libertarians Name Their Candidate

Party picks Chase Oliver over Trump and Kennedy

(Newser) - The Libertarians have chosen their 2024 nominee, and his name isn't Trump or Kennedy. Instead, the party chose Chase Oliver—a former Democrat from Georgia who describes himself as "armed and gay," reports the New York Times . Donald Trump, who spoke to the convention Saturday night and...

Libertarians' Sustained Boos Greet Trump

Convention doesn't buy suggestion that the party nominate the GOP candidate

(Newser) - Donald Trump sought an invitation to address the Libertarian National Convention, the first such appearance by a current or former president, but he may have gotten more than he bargained for. The delegates loudly and persistently booed, jeered, and heckled the Republican presidential candidate during his speech Saturday night in...

Amash Says He Isn't Seeking Reelection

Ex-Republican is the only Libertarian in Congress

(Newser) - The first and only Libertarian lawmaker in Congress isn't going to seek reelection. Rep. Justin Amash, who ditched the Republican Party last year and officially became a Libertarian in April, confirmed Thursday night that he will not be seeking another term representing Michigan's 3rd District, the Hill reports....

Rep. Amash: I've Decided About My Third-Party Run

The independent from Michigan says it's not the right time

(Newser) - Sorry, libertarians—Rep. Justin Amash says he's no longer running for president. The political independent from Michigan announced Saturday he's dropping his third-party bid "after much reflection," calling the decision "difficult" and saying that "circumstances don't lend themselves to my success as a...

There's a New Presidential Candidate

Lincoln Chafee is running again, this time as a Libertarian

(Newser) - Former Democratic presidential candidate Lincoln Chafee has filed to run for president as a Libertarian. The former governor of Rhode Island on Sunday registered the "Lincoln Chafee For President" campaign committee with the Federal Election Commission, the AP reports. A fundraising website linked to the FEC filing states, "...

Justin Amash Could Be a Huge Problem for Trump

He's rumored to be planning a run as a Libertarian

(Newser) - Rep. Justin Amash of Michigan isn't likely to win any popularity contests among his fellow Republicans after saying President Trump engaged in "impeachable conduct" —and he may struggle to win the GOP nomination in his district this year. State Rep. Jim Lower says he plans to challenge...

Gary Johnson Continues Slide in Polls

Libertarian candidate's numbers started plunging after he didn't make debates

(Newser) - Gary Johnson has been making a valiant go of it, but the Libertarian Party's candidate for president is starting to see his numbers slip away at the polls—or, as the Boston Globe puts it, "Gary Johnson is no longer a thing." Politico reports that about half...

Gary Johnson: Don't Forget About Me, Frustrated Voters

Libertarian candidate makes a plea in the 'New York Times'

(Newser) - If, like Gary Johnson, you find yourself in a state of perpetual disgust over this year's presidential campaign, he has a suggestion: Vote for Gary Johnson. In an op-ed in the New York Times , the Libertarian candidate makes the case that America itself isn't out of whack, only...

Gary Johnson Doesn't Know What Aleppo Is


(Newser) - The city of Aleppo has long been at the center of Syria's civil war—most recently in claims that the Syrian regime dropped chlorine gas bombs on its own people—so one might think presidential candidates would be pretty familiar with it. Not Gary Johnson. "What would you...

Major Va. Paper Endorses 3rd-Party Candidate

Gary Johnson gets the nod from Times-Dispatch

(Newser) - The Richmond Times-Dispatch , which has been endorsing Republican presidential candidates since at least 1980, thinks its readers should avoid both major parties this time around. "Neither Donald Trump nor Hillary Clinton meets the fundamental moral and professional standards we have every right to expect of an American president, the...

Libertarians Pick Their Nominee

2012 nominee Gary Johnson gets another shot as third-party candidate

(Newser) - The Libertarian Party has nominated former New Mexico Gov. Gary Johnson as its presidential candidate, and if his name rings a bell, that's because he was the party's nominee in 2012, reports the AP . Delegates to the party's convention in Orlando on Sunday picked Johnson on the...

Meet the Guy With Surprising Poll Numbers Against Clinton, Trump

Libertarian Gary Johnson nabbed 10% in 2 recent matchups

(Newser) - There's a guy who's "having a good day" and emerging with surprising poll numbers against Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump, but he's someone FiveThirtyEight says is easy to confuse with "that plumber who fixed your running toilet last month or your spouse's weird friend...

GOP Pundit Matalin: I'm Now a Registered Libertarian

She swears it has nothing to do with Trump

(Newser) - One of the staunchest longtime Republicans, known for her party strategizing and punditry, has switched teams, the New York Times reports. Mary Matalin turned in her Republican registration for a Libertarian one, she announced Thursday, though she insisted to a skeptical Bloomberg Politics panel in an interview that her seemingly...

Welcome to the POTUS Race, Gary Johnson

Libertarian and ex-NM governor throws his hat in the ring

(Newser) - In a move Gawker says will "[render] Rand Paul even more irrelevant," former New Mexico Gov. Gary Johnson announced Wednesday he's running for president. "I want to take this opportunity to announce my candidacy for president; I am hoping to get the Libertarian nomination," Johnson...

A Pizza Delivery Guy Could Upend NC's Senate Race

Libertarian Sean Haugh getting strong poll numbers

(Newser) - Sean Haugh delivers pizza for a living, but he could tip the balance of the North Carolina Senate race, and with it, perhaps, the Senate itself. Haugh is running as the Libertarian candidate, mostly through YouTube videos in which he sips craft beer and offers plainspoken opinions, shot by former...

3rd-Party Candidates Debate in Chicago

Johnson, Stein, Anderson, Goode offer alternative platforms

(Newser) - Four longshot candidates for president debated in Chicago last night, and they found plenty to agree on. Libertarian candidate Gary Johnson, Green Party candidate Jill Stein, Constitution Party candidate Virgil Goode, and Justice Party candidate Rocky Anderson discussed foreign policy, drug legalization, climate change, and civil rights in the debate...

Larry King Moderating 3rd-Party Debate

4 candidates will meet next week

(Newser) - The third-party presidential candidates snagged a pretty well-known host for their debate next week: Larry King. King will moderate a debate between Libertarian candidate Gary Johnson, Green Party candidate Jill Stein, Constitution Party candidate Virgil Goode, and Justice Party candidate Rocky Anderson on Oct. 23 in Chicago, the Los Angeles ...

Gary Johnson Launches Third-Party Bid

Former NM governor will seek Libertarian nomination

(Newser) - Gary Johnson formally launched his bid to run for president as the Libertarian candidate today, declaring himself "liberated" and fed up with the "elitist media organizations" that largely ignored his attempt to run as a Republican, reports CNN . "I'm a Libertarian in belief," said the...

Johnson Exits GOP Race to Run as Libertarian

Libertarian Party welcomes former NM gov

(Newser) - Forgot Gary Johnson was seeking the Republican presidential nomination? You wouldn't be alone—which probably explains why the former New Mexico governor has decided to drop his GOP bid and seek the Libertarian nomination instead, according to Politico . Johnson never made much of an impact on the Republican race—...

Libertarian Party Co-Founder Dead at 66

David Nolan died unexpectedly at age 66

(Newser) - Libertarian Party co-founder David F. Nolan died unexpectedly in Arizona after making runs in recent years for the US Senate and House. He was 66. Nolan helped found the party with a group of colleagues at his home in Denver on Dec. 11, 1971. "He not only helped found...

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