white buffalo

2 Stories

Sioux Celebrate Birth of Rare White Buffalo

Event holds deep significance for Lakota Sioux

(Newser) - Lakota Sioux leaders are planning to celebrate a rare event with deep significance: the birth of a white buffalo. Photographer Erin Braaten spotted the calf during a visit to Yellowstone National Park last week, the Guardian reports. A Lakota prophecy holds that the birth of a white buffalo signals better...

$45K Offered for Killer of Sacred White Buffalo

Lakota Sioux calf skinned before first birthday celebration

(Newser) - A heartless hunter killed and skinned a rare white buffalo calf, and the Indians who believe the young animal was sacred are offering $45,000 for the killer's capture. White buffaloes are believed to occur once in several million births, and they're revered by the Lakota Sioux and...

2 Stories