Walter Jones

4 Stories

Lawmaker Forever Linked to 'Freedom Fries' Is Dead

Rep. Walter Jones came to regret his vote in favor of the invasion of Iraq

(Newser) - It's not the legacy Rep. Walter Jones would have wanted. But coverage of the longtime North Carolina congressman's death on Sunday is reminding the world that he helped make "freedom fries" a thing. Back in 2003, Jones received a letter from a constituent who owned a diner...

He Voted for Iraq War, Has Now Written 11K Fallen Troops' Families

'It's a sacred responsibility that I have to communicate my condolences to a family'

(Newser) - On a Sunday morning more than two weeks after four US soldiers were ambushed and killed in Niger, Rep. Walter Jones sat at the desk in his North Carolina office, doing what he's done more than 11,000 times in 14 years: signing letters to families of the dead...

4 Members of Congress Who Buck Their Party the Most

Susan Collins, Joe Manchin lead in the Senate

(Newser) - Which members of Congress are most likely to vote against their own party majority? The Washington Post rounds up the leaders with data from GovTrack. Here are the top Republicans and Democrats this year in the House and Senate:
  • House Democrat: Collin Peterson of Minnesota, who does so 30% of

NC Rep's Name for China: 'Uncle Chang'

Walter Jones not exactly PC in House hearing

(Newser) - Rep. Walter Jones is really not happy that China is helping the US pay for military operations in Afghanistan, and he apparently let his emotions get the better of him yesterday at a House Armed Services Committee hearing with the top US commander in Afghanistan. Jones asked Gen. John Allen...

4 Stories
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