John Carter

4 Stories

House '90%' Done on Own Immigration Reform Bill

Secret 8-member team hopes to have own proposal in February

(Newser) - Not to be outdone by the Senate , a secret, eight-person team—four Democrats and four Republicans—in the House of Representatives is putting together its own immigration bill, reports Politico . Although the group won't make its initial deadline of tomorrow, sources say the House team is making good progress...

To Beat Studio Rules, Netflix, Redbox Head to ... Walmart?

They buy discs at retail prices

(Newser) - Disney is squabbling with Netflix and Redbox over the DVD of sci-fi flick John Carter, and the feud reflects the intensifying battle for revenue between studios and rental companies, reports the Los Angeles Times . Disney recently cut off DVD sales to such rental providers until 28 days after discs go...

Disney's $250M John Carter Set to Lose ... $200M

Sci-fi epic puts Disney Studios in the red

(Newser) - Science-fiction epic John Carter looks set to go down in history as one of Hollywood's biggest-ever money losers. Disney says it expects the movie—which cost more than $250 million to make, and another $100 million to market—to lose some $200 million, putting its movie studio up to...

John Carter Bloated but Fun

 John Carter 
 but Fun 
movie reviews

John Carter Bloated but Fun

Taylor Kitsch stars in Martian epic

(Newser) - John Carter was burdened by production drama and bad press about its giant budget; now critics are getting a chance to see what the fuss was all about. It's no great work of art, but the story of a Civil War veteran turned Martian hero is reasonably exciting, they...

4 Stories
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