
Stories 21 - 40 | << Prev   Next >>

Skull of 'Real' Winnie-the-Pooh Resurfaces

It's on display in London

(Newser) - You can now feast your eyes on the real-life inspiration for Winnie-the-Pooh—or her skull anyway. Winnie, a female black bear named after the Canadian city of Winnipeg, was a star attraction at London Zoo in the 1920s and a favorite of Christopher Robin, who named his own teddy bear...

How a Medical Team Reattached a Toddler's Skull

The 16-month-old is in a halo brace after a car accident, but walking

(Newser) - In mid-September, Rylea Taylor and her two children survived a 70mph head-on collision in Australia. But when Rylea pulled 16-month-old Jaxon out of the wreckage, she didn't need to be an expert to see her son's neck was broken. Indeed, his top two vertebrae were fractured, and both...

Decapitated Head Kindles 9K-Year-Old Mystery

This was "ritualized decapitation," researchers say

(Newser) - A decapitated skull discovered in Brazil is providing clues to the long-lost beliefs of people who lived there thousands of years ago, the Smithsonian reports. Found in 2007 and revealed in a new study , the 9,000-year-old skull seems to have been cut off and buried under limestone slabs—which...

N. America's Oldest Horned Dino Was Size of Bunny

Triceratops relative from early Cretaceous period also picky eater: scientists

(Newser) - When paleontologists on a National Geographic Society expedition dug up a 100-million-year-plus sample sticking out of the dirt in Montana in 1997, they initially thought it was a rock—until they saw it had teeth. Now, 17 years later, they've finally gotten around to naming and describing the creature,...

Found at Goodwill: Human Skull

Detectives investigating the mysterious donation in Texas

(Newser) - Police are scratching their heads trying to work out who donated a human skull to a thrift store in Austin, Texas. A homicide detective says that foul play is not suspected and that he just wants to know how the adult skull came to be left at the Goodwill store....

'Hobbit' Found Decade Ago Not New Species

The skull appears to belong to an individual with Down Syndrome

(Newser) - When a skull and several bone fragments were discovered in a cave on the Indonesian island of Flores in 2004, one scientist called it "the most important find in human evolution for 100 years." The discoverers hailed it as a previously unknown and extinct human species, which they...

Gettysburg Skull Auction Hastily Canceled

Sometimes things seem like a good idea at the time...

(Newser) - The planned auction of a skull found at Gettysburg that purportedly was that of a Civil War soldier has been canceled rather quickly amid an uproar, and officials say the remains have instead been donated by the auction company for burial with honors. Estate Auction Co. of Hershey had listed...

1.8M-Year-Old Skull Alters Tale of Human History

'Jaw-dropping' find points to single species spreading from Africa

(Newser) - Many scientists have argued that several different species of human ancestors spread from Africa—but a 1.8 million-year-old skull and the fossilized remains of four other creatures seem to tell a different story. The scientists who found the bones at Dmanisi, in the country of Georgia, in 2005 say...

Surgeons Replace 75% of Guy's Skull —Using 3D Printer

It's the latest marvel for the nascent technology

(Newser) - The world of 3D printing continues to impress: Now, experts have used it to replace three-quarters of a man's skull. The team obtained images of the needed skull sections using CT scans; they then made the replacement by layering a special type of plastic known as PEKK, whose rough...

Henri IV's Long-Lost Skull: Found in an Attic?

Mystery of French monarch's head still divides the experts

(Newser) - That may be Richard III's skeleton found under a British parking lot—but what about Henri IV's long-lost skull? A new book about the French monarch argues that his skull turned up in the attic of a retired tax collector, the Guardian reports. Critics groan that Henri IV:...

Ex-Beauty Queen Recovers After Skull Kept in Her Abdomen

Jamie Hilton was shocked to find the bulge in her side

(Newser) - Doctors gave Jamie Hilton only a 50/50 chance to live after she fell into a culvert on a fishing trip and badly damaged her brain. The only option, they said, was to remove about a quarter of her skull to let her swelling brain expand—and keep the skull fragment...

Skull Discovered in Pearl Harbor

Experts certain it's not Hawaiian, may be Japanese

(Newser) - Forensic scientists are conducting tests on a skull unearthed at the bottom of Pearl Harbor to determine if it is that of a Japanese pilot who died in the historic attack on Dec. 7, 1941. An excavation crew dredging the harbor recently made the startling discovery; after early analysis, an...

Coroner Cracks 130-Year-Old Murder Mystery

London coroners solve a case so old, Sherlock Holmes could've worked it

(Newser) - A skull dug up in a back garden has solved a 130-year-old mystery surrounding the murder of a wealthy London widow. Julia Thomas was murdered by her housekeeper in 1879, but her head was never found, and the case was dubbed the "Barnes mystery" by the Victorians for the...

Jared Loughner Has Skull, Creepy Shrine in Backyard

A pot, filled with shriveled oranges, houses a skull replica

(Newser) - As though Jared Lee Loughner didn’t already seem crazy enough, a strange shrine complete with a replica of a human skull has been found in his backyard. Inside a camouflage tent, Loughner has a small altar, atop which sits a pot filled with shriveled oranges, the skull replica, a...

Damien Hirst's Latest: Bejeweled Baby Skull

At least one parents' group is offended

(Newser) - Has bad-boy British artist Damien Hirst finally gone too far? The head of a parenting group says his latest work, a baby skull covered in platinum and bejeweled with 8,000 diamonds, will be “deeply disturbing” to bereaved parents. The skull used in For Heaven’s Sake is believed...

Line Drive Fractures 3-Year-Old's Skull

Girl undergoes surgery; Dodgers' Martin offers to pay

(Newser) - A 3-year-old girl underwent surgery today to repair a skull fracture suffered when a line drive screamed into the Dodger Stadium stands. Dodgers catcher Russell Martin smacked the ball past third base at about 5:30 last night, the LA Times reports. Her father was seen carrying her unresponsive body...

Yale Society's Skull for Sale
 Yale Society's Skull for Sale 

Yale Society's Skull for Sale

Skull and Bones' ballot box expected to attract at least $10,000

(Newser) - A human skull that apparently was turned into a ballot box for Yale's secretive Skull and Bones society is going on the auction block. Christie's estimates the skull will sell for $10,000 to $20,000 when auctioned on Jan. 22. Fittingly, the auction house has agreed to keep the...

Russia Defiant in Claim It Has Hitler Skull

Scientist says skull is actually a woman's

(Newser) - Russia’s FSB intelligence service is now insisting that what the country’s been calling a fragment of Hitler’s skull is the real deal, despite DNA evidence to the contrary. Russia presented the skull fragment, which sports an appropriate bullet hole, in 2000, to debunk rumors that the fuhrer...

How Skulls Took Over Fashion

 How Skulls 
 Took Over 

How Skulls Took Over Fashion

Once scary, now stylish, skulls are trendy—and not just at Halloween

(Newser) - Skulls, once seen as sinister symbols, are now used on everything from children's shirts to underwear. Sara Dickerman of Slate takes a look at how the trend developed:
  • In the 16th century, artists like Albrecht Dürer were still using skulls to remind people of their mortality.
  • French pirate Emanuel

Skull Not Hitler's; Suicide in Doubt

Bullet-pierced skull fragment belongs to woman under 40, say scientists

(Newser) - A portion of bullet-pierced skull believed to be Adolf Hitler's is actually from the head of a woman under 40, throwing into question how the Nazi dictator died, American scientists have revealed. The skull portion, seized by Russians after soldiers stormed Hitler's bunker, has the DNA, bone thickness and fusion...

Stories 21 - 40 | << Prev   Next >>