
Stories 41 - 51 | << Prev 

NBC Cancels $1M Deal With Ex-Con Heiress

Network renegs on Paris interview; Walters won't do it for free

(Newser) - Paris Hilton got jilted by NBC yesterday, the New York Post reports. The peacock network reneged on its reported $1-million offer for her first apres-jail interview after executives got cold feet. Then they decided they didn't even want the "Today" show interview for free. And none of the other...

Paris Was Right: It's Not Fair!
Paris Was Right:
It's Not Fair!

Paris Was Right: It's Not Fair!

Numbers show heiress's stint in jail will be longer than 80% of similar offenders

(Newser) - Paris Hilton wasn't just  being a spoiled brat when she cried injustice on being hauled back to jail earlier this week. The weepy celebutante is in fact doing more hard time than most people guilty of crimes like hers, the LA Times reports after  analyzing 1,500 similar cases in...

Paris' Slammer Grub Beats Its Bum Rap

It ain't the Hilton, but even California prison food has standards

(Newser) - Cuisine at the LA County Jail may not be fit for an heiress, but meals in the California's penitentiary system are surprisingly appetizing, the Chronicle reports. Paris Hilton has reportedly been turning up her nose at provisions in the poke, although state regulations require chow to be tasty, varied and...

Paris Declares She's Got God Intentions

Prison turns heiress towards religion, ABC

(Newser) - Paris Hilton says she's found God and will change her life at the end of her 45-day jail term. Barbara Walters chatted with the heretofore mischievous and materialistic heiress on a collect call from prison, and recapped the conversation on yesterday's View. "I have become much more spiritual,"...

Weeping Heiress Sent Back to Cell
Heiress Sent Back to Cell

Weeping Heiress Sent Back to Cell

'It's not fair!' Paris calls to mom as peeved judge orders lockup

(Newser) - Paris Hilton is back in lockup after a courtroom scene worthy of a daytime soap, with the 26-year-old celebutante led from the room weeping and wailing, "Mom, Mom! It's not right!" Judge Michael Sauer, miffed that the scofflaw heiress had been sprung after just 3 days of a...

Judge Fumes as Paris Goes From Big House to Big House

Sheriff ignores order not to spring socialite

(Newser) - A livid judge ordered Paris Hilton to appear in court today, prompting speculation that the heiress may be headed back behind bars after a night of beauty rest at her Hollywood Hills mansion. Prosecutors charged that the sheriff who released her for mysterious "medical" reasons after just three days...

Paris Is Liberated
Paris Is Liberated

Paris Is Liberated

Serial reckless driver shifted to house arrest, picks up snazzy ankle bracelet

(Newser) - Jailed heiress Paris Hilton will get to do her time from her $3.1 mil Hollywood Hills mansion, due to an unspecified medical complication. The celebutante started what should have been a truncated 23-day sentence for reckless driving Sunday, but was transferred to a full 40 days of house arrest...

Paris Checks In at Concrete Hilton
Paris Checks In at Concrete Hilton

Paris Checks In at Concrete Hilton

Heiress skips from MTV Movie Awards to the prison ward

(Newser) - Socialite Paris Hilton checked out a new set of bars late Sunday, at the LA County Jail. The celebutante debuted there in her three-week sentence for violating probation last month. Paris chose the venue herself, passing up ritzier pay prisons to deflect media rebukes. "I'm going to do the...

Paris Gets Prison Break
Paris Gets
Prison Break

Paris Gets Prison Break

Sentence halved; sheriff books heiress room in 'special' unit

(Newser) - Before even setting foot in jail, Paris Hilton is already getting time off for good behavior. The celebutante will serve only 23 days of her 45-day sentence, and she'll spend it in a "special needs housing unit"—a sort of Hilton behind bars—reserved for high-profile inmates, the...

Pals Seek Pardon for Jail-Bound Heiress

Ask Governator to spare ambassador of "hope for young people"

(Newser) - Paris Hilton fans are rallying to keep the heiress out of an orange jumpsuit. More than 1,000 have signed an online petition to Gov. Schwarzenegger to pardon her for the parole-violation conviction that otherwise will cost her 45 days in jail. The grounds: that she "provides hope for...

LA Wants Paris Behind Bars
LA Wants Paris Behind Bars

LA Wants Paris Behind Bars

City prosecutors recommend jail term for scofflaw heiress

(Newser) - Los Angeles prosecutors want to show Paris Hilton the real simple life: jail. The city's lawyers are pushing for the itinerant blonde heiress to spend 45 days in the slammer for repeatedly violating her parole on a reckless driving conviction after a tad too much clubbing last fall. Hilton got...

Stories 41 - 51 | << Prev