Japanese tsunami

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Fukushima Disaster: Court Sides With TEPCO Shareholders

Former TEPCO execs were found liable and ordered to pay $95B

(Newser) - A decade ago, 48 Tokyo Electric Power (TEPCO) shareholders sued a group of former executives, demanding they pay up over their failure to prevent the 2011 disaster at the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant. They wanted $160 billion to be paid to the company; on Wednesday, a Tokyo court ordered...

Japan Marks 10th Anniversary of Triple Disaster

More than 18K died in earthquake, tsunami

(Newser) - Japan on Thursday marked the 10th anniversary of the earthquake, tsunami, and nuclear disaster that hit its northeastern region, where many survivors' lives are still on hold. Carrying bouquets, many walked to the coast or visited graves to pray for relatives and friends washed away by the tsunami, the AP...

Boat Washed Away by Tsunami Drifted for Almost 10 Years

It ended up back in Japan, covered in coral

(Newser) - A fishing boat washed away in a tsunami has turned up 400 miles away almost a decade later. The small boat was pulled ashore after fishermen spotted it floating near Yaene port in Hachijo Island, south of Tokyo, NHK reports. A registration number confirmed that it belonged to a fishermen'...

Verdict Issued in the Only Fukushima Criminal Case

And it's not the one protesters wanted to hear

(Newser) - Just one criminal case arose from Japan's Fukushima nuclear disaster, and on Thursday, that case ended with a not-guilty verdict. Three former executives for Tokyo Electric Power (Tepco)—ex-chairman Tsunehisa Katsumata, 79, and former vice presidents Sakae Muto, 69 and Ichiro Takekuro, 73—were indicted for professional negligence resulting...

In Wake of Tsunami, the Unprecedented Happened in Pacific

At least 289 species made it across the ocean

(Newser) - Every spring, "pulses" of floating garbage from the Pacific trash vortex arrive on the US West Coast—and every year since 2011, more unwanted visitors from Japan arrive. Researchers say that the devastating Japanese tsunami sent an armada of debris across the ocean, with "mega-rafts" carrying a horde...

Japan's Tsunami Made Cambodian Kids Sicker

2011 natural disaster exacerbated iodized salt dearth, worsening country's deficiency issue

(Newser) - Cambodia thought it had a handle on its scarcity of iodine, an element critical for humans (and one not made naturally by the body) to make thyroid hormone. The country had long struggled with the lack of iodine in its soil, which at one point in the late 1990s resulted...

Japan Marks 6 Years Since Devastating Tsunami

Region is still struggling to recover

(Newser) - Six years ago, more than 18,000 people died or went missing as a tsunami triggered by a massive quake engulfed coastal areas of northeastern Japan. Tens of thousands more people's lives were unraveled when they lost family members, friends, homes, and livelihoods. The displacement widened as entire communities...

Tsunami Expected After Earthquake Near Fukushima

Residents advised to flee the coast

(Newser) - A tsunami warning has been issued after a 7.3 earthquake hit off of Fukushima, Japan, Monday, the AP reports. Per Reuters , residents have been advised to flee the Fukushima coast and a tsunami was expected "within minutes." The story is developing.

He Learned to Dive to Find His Wife's Body in the Sea
He Learned to Dive to Find His Wife's Body in the Sea
in case you missed it

He Learned to Dive to Find His Wife's Body in the Sea

Jennifer Percy on those still searching for the dead, 5 years after the tsunami

(Newser) - Yasuo Takamatsu explained to his instructor why, at 56, he wanted to learn to dive. "I'm trying to find my wife in the sea." Five years after Japan was ravaged by a 9.0-magnitude earthquake and subsequent tsunami , Jennifer Percy tells an incredible story in the New ...

Japan Prays on 5th Anniversary of Tsunami

Parts of ravaged coast are coming back to life

(Newser) - Japanese gathered in Tokyo and along the country's ravaged northeast coast to observe a moment of silence at 2:46pm Friday, exactly five years after a magnitude-9.0 earthquake struck offshore and triggered a devastating tsunami that killed more than 18,000 people. Some teared up as they held...

Spooky Tale in Japan: 'Ghost' Taxi Passengers Near Tsunami

Taxi drivers swear they had eerie encounters

(Newser) - When a Japanese college student started corresponding with taxi drivers in Ishinomaki in Miyagi prefecture for her senior sociology thesis, some became irritated, while others pretended they didn't hear her, Asahi Shimbun reports. But seven out of 100 drivers actually answered Yuka Kudo's odd question—"Did you...

Japan Marks 3 Years Since Triple Disaster

270K tsunami survivors still can't go home

(Newser) - Japan is marking the third anniversary of a devastating earthquake and tsunami that left nearly 19,000 people dead or missing, turned coastal communities into wasteland, and triggered a nuclear crisis. In Tokyo, Prime Minister Shinzo Abe and Emperor Akihito spoke at a memorial service, marking the moment the magnitude...

Hero Fukushima Boss Dies of Cancer
 Hero Fukushima Boss 
 Dies of Cancer 

Hero Fukushima Boss Dies of Cancer

Masao Yoshida defied orders in effort to prevent nuclear disaster

(Newser) - The Fukushima nuclear plant manager hailed as a hero for defying orders and putting public safety ahead of the company's bottom line has died of cancer at the age of 58. Masao Yoshida stayed at the plant to try to stabilize it after the March 2011 quake and tsunami...

Fukushima Plant's Cooling System Fails—Again

Second cooling glitch in a month

(Newser) - Japanese nuclear regulators say the cooling system has failed for a storage pool for fuel at one of the reactors at the tsunami-damaged nuclear plant in the northeast. There was no immediate danger from the failure, the second at the plant in a month. A spokesman for the Nuclear Regulation...

Japan Marks 2 Years Since Quake, Tsunami

300K still displaced as recovery continues

(Newser) - Japan fell silent today to mark the second anniversary of the country's worst natural disaster in living memory, an earthquake and subsequent tsunami that left 19,000 people dead or missing and devastated large areas along its northeast coast. "I pray that the peaceful lives of those affected...

Alaska Coast Like a 'Landfill' 2 Years After Tsunami
 Alaska Coast Like a 'Landfill' 
 2 Years After Tsunami 
in case you missed it

Alaska Coast Like a 'Landfill' 2 Years After Tsunami

Hawaii, British Columbia not sitting much prettier

(Newser) - We're about a month away from the two-year anniversary of the earthquake that spawned Japan's devastating tsunami . Saying its effects linger far from Japanese shores is an understatement, per some recent reports:
  • In Alaska: "You're basically standing in landfill out here," says the head of

Fukushima Was 'Man-Made Disaster'

Japanese government and regulators not off the hook

(Newser) - Maybe Mother Nature wasn't entirely to blame. Japan's Fukushima Dai-ichi nuclear meltdown was really caused by good old-fashioned human error, rather than quavering earth or massive waves, according to an independent investigation that's upending earlier assumptions about the disaster and blasting regulators, the government response, Tepco, and...

Japan Plans on Restarting First Reactors
 Japan to Restart First Reactors 

Japan to Restart First Reactors

Summer power crunch pushes pols to get some online again

(Newser) - Barely a month after Japan shut down its last nuclear reactor , the government approved plans today to bring one reactor back online, reports the AP . The Japanese public has been wildly against nuclear power since last spring's disaster at the Fukushima plant, but with summer energy demands threatening electricity...

Japanese Tsunami Dock Washes Up in Oregon

Biologists fear invasive species hitched a ride

(Newser) - The West Coast has encountered its largest piece of tsunami debris yet—an entire dock that was ripped from its moorings by the monster wave that hit Japan 15 months ago. The 66-foot structure was spotted floating off the coast of Oregon on Monday and washed ashore sometime yesterday. It'...

Alaska Hit By 'Unprecedented' Tsunami Debris

Buoys and other material from Japan show up on Alaska shores

(Newser) - Buoys by the hundreds are just part of the "unprecedented" waves of debris washing up on Alaska's shores. Montague Island, located some 120 miles southeast of Anchorage, has lately seen a steady stream of buoys, styrofoam, and other items that have made their way across the Pacific, likely...

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