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TomKat Plot London Move
 TomKat Plot 
 London Move 

TomKat Plot London Move

Holmes could pursue theater across the pond: Cruise

(Newser) - Europe is fast becoming the new Beverly Hills, with Tom Cruise saying last night he may move back to London. The Valkyrie star lived there for 2 years with ex Nicole Kidman, and it seems he still remembers the lingo: “Katie was absolutely brilliant on Broadway,” Cruise tells...

Winehouse Steals Drinks After Hotel Cuts Her Off

Swipes booze, runs 'like squirrel with a nut'

(Newser) - After the Caribbean resort where Amy Winehouse is supposedly detoxing cut off her booze supply, the oft-addled singer has been seen on all fours prowling guest tables for drinks to steal, and begging vacationers to get her alcohol. Winehouse begins each day with yoga, but is often seen smoking a...

Yep, They're Preggo: Brad's Hometown

Rumors come from Springfield movie theater line

(Newser) - First it was a girl, then twins again, then denied, but this time the Brangelina pregnancy rumors are coming from no less a source than Pitt's own Missouri hometown of Springfield, Gawker reports. See if you can keep this straight: A high school classmate of Pitt’s heard from a...

Madoff May Plead Insanity
 Madoff May 
 Plead Insanity 

Madoff May Plead Insanity

Sources say attorneys are considering multiple personality disorder argument

(Newser) - You'd have to be a little bit crazy to cook up a $50 billion Ponzi scheme, but Bernard Madoff’s lawyers are exploring taking things a bit further with an insanity defense. “They may even say he has a multiple personality disorder,” a source tells the New York ...

'Texas Girls Are Fun,' Says Not-So-Discreet Pete

(Newser) - Pete Wentz is apparently unfamiliar with the phrase "too much information," laments E! Online. The bassist for Fallout Boy went on Howard Stern's show today and gave up all kinds of intimate details about his "amazing sex life" with wife Ashlee Simpson. "Texas girls are fun,...

Will Abdul Kiss Idol Good-bye?
 Will Abdul Kiss Idol Good-bye? 

Will Abdul Kiss Idol Good-bye?

Singer may leave show before new season starts, sources say

(Newser) - American Idol may not have Paula Abdul to kick around anymore, reports MSNBC's Scoop blog. Abdul, who seems perpetually ticked off at Simon Cowell and the show’s producers, doesn’t need them, anyway, says a friend: “Paula has a reality show on MTV and her jewelry line.”...

LiLo, Sean Penn Talk Collaboration

Spy overheard celebs gabbing with director Gus Van Sant

(Newser) - Lindsay Lohan and Sean Penn may make a movie together, the New York Post reports. LiLo, out with girlfriend Samantha Ronson, was overheard talking shop with the actor and director Gus Van Sant. They discussed “possibly doing a film together,” an eavesdropper told Page Six. “Lindsay seemed...

Madonna to Gwyneth: Shut Up!
 Madonna to Gwyneth: Shut Up! 

Madonna to Gwyneth: Shut Up!

Madge lashes actress pal for flapping gums about divorce

(Newser) - Maybe Gwyneth Paltrow was just trying to help, but the star has received a tongue-lashing from pal Madonna for publicly discussing Madge’s split with Guy Ritchie, the National Enquirer reports. “If you want to help me and be supportive of me, then keep your mouth SHUT!” the...

LiLo a Lesbian? 'No.' Bisexual? 'Maybe. Yeah.'

Actress dishes on Sam, career; doesn't 'want to classify myself'

(Newser) - Lindsay Lohan appears to be growing up, discussing her wild-child image, her career, relationship, and family drama over a Shirley Temple with Harper’s Bazaar. The actress, who called her old life “not OK,” said she is happy and working toward new goals. She alluded to rumored girlfriend...

Papa Lohan Sorry for Sam Slam
 Papa Lohan Sorry for Sam Slam 

Papa Lohan Sorry for Sam Slam

'Family matters should be kept private,' Michael Lohan says

(Newser) - Michael Lohan is, er, publicly really sorry for publicly slamming La Lohan's girlfriend on a gossip website, New York magazine reports. Lohan calls himself "a Christian" and says he regrets everything he said about Samantha Ronson (especially that bit about calling her "dark, hideous, and a disgusting representation...

Madonna's 'KGB' Tactics Irk Guy

Hubby fumed that Madonna spying on him

(Newser) - "This is a divorce, not the Cold War," Guy Ritchie fumed at Madonna, accusing her of stealth stalking tactics like "something concocted by the KGB." His pop star wife, a “control freak,” knew in advance that Ritchie was meeting family to discuss how to...

Sure, I'm Offended&mdash; I'm Human!
Sure, I'm Offended—
I'm Human!

Sure, I'm Offended— I'm Human!

People are extra sensitive these days, and science knows why

(Newser) - From Larry David to John McCain, we’re all getting a little touchy these days, writes Emily Yoffe in Slate: “People are like tuning forks, ready to vibrate with indignation.” While economists argue humans are rational, “it seems we live in a culture devoted to retribution on...

OMG! Perez Hilton Expands His Unlikely Empire

(Newser) - In three short years, Mario Armando Lavandeira—you may know him better as Perez Hilton—has transformed himself from shy recluse to celebrity gossip maven, with his website generating millions in revenue and page views. With TV specials, his own fashion line, a tell-all book due next year, and, soon,...

Once a Playmate, Always a Playmate

Even after they move on, former bunnies are in the club for life

(Newser) - You can leave the Playboy Mansion, but you can't leave the "sorority," the New York Post discovers as it catches up with some former Playmates. "There's no such thing as a former Playmate," said Jule McCullough, Miss February 1986. So where are they now?
  • McCullough, 43:

Lopez Lands Extra Anchor Slot
 Lopez Lands Extra Anchor Slot

Lopez Lands Extra Anchor Slot

Will be solo emcee of the entertainment show

(Newser) - Mario Lopez will become the solo anchor for Extra when the entertainment news show’s 15th season kicks off in September, Variety reports. The former weekend co-host, best known for his stints on Dancing With the Stars and the teen sitcom Saved By the Bell, replaces Dayna Devon and Mark...

Philly Anchor Charged With Hacking Co-Worker

Mendte dished gossip to media from co-anchor's computer

(Newser) - Former comedian and KWY-TV anchor Larry Mendte probably isn’t laughing now. He’s facing a felony charge for hacking into ex-co-anchor Alycia Lane’s computer and doling out information—including bikini photos—to gossip columnists and blogs, the Philadelphia Daily News reports. “The charges are unprecedented,” Lane’...

The Best Celeb Name Changes
 The Best Celeb Name Changes 

The Best Celeb Name Changes

Ones that don't roll off the tongue often get a makeover

(Newser) - What’s in a name? Apparently everything worth changing, reports Radar. Inspired by the list-heavy Cityfile, a wiki-style Facebook of sorts for notable New Yorkers (wondering which celebs are Bentley owners?), Radar created its own gossipy inventory: famous folks with changed names:
  • Natalie Portman, actor: Natalie Hershlag
  • Moby, musician: Richard

How'd We Miss Lesbian LiLo?
 How'd We Miss Lesbian LiLo? 

How'd We Miss Lesbian LiLo?

Why it took a year to read the Sapphic writing on the wall

(Newser) - Lindsay Lohan’s a lesbian? When did that happen? Turns out Star magazine first reported LiLo’s girl-on-girl romance in summer 2007—centuries ago, in celebrity gossip. Gawker explains why it took us so long to catch on.
  1. Because gay Hollywood couples try to hide it: Holding hands in public?

Madonna to Divorce Ritchie
 Madonna to Divorce Ritchie 

Madonna to Divorce Ritchie

Sources predict an amicable separation

(Newser) - Madonna has asked Guy Ritche, her husband of 7 years, for a divorce, the Mirror reports. After a troubled year for their marriage and consultation with divorce lawyers, Madge decided to make it final, friends of the couple said last night. “It was quite painless but very sad. He's...

Lance's Romances Haven't Hurt His Cause—Yet

Cyclist's fight against cancer may be overshadowed by gossip pages

(Newser) - Will the real Lance Armstrong please stand up? The seven-time Tour de France champ and cancer research advocate is also a serial dater whose affairs light up gossip pages. But so far, trysts with Ashley Olsen and Kate Hudson have not hurt the cancer survivor's higher cause—which includes testifying...

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