red Solo cup

2 Stories

Raise a Red Solo Cup to Its Inventor, Dead at 84
Man Who Invented Cup Now
Used Everywhere Is Dead

Man Who Invented Cup Now Used Everywhere Is Dead

Robert Leo Hulseman gave us the Red Solo Cup

(Newser) - "You're more than just plastic, you're more than amazing, you're more than fantastic," croons Toby Keith in his 2011 hit "Red Solo Cup," a song that Robert Leo Hulseman surely loved. The inventor of the plastic chalice known as the Red Solo Cup,...

How the Red Solo Cup Became Our Party Cup

For one thing, it's bigger—and isn't that better when it comes to beer?

(Newser) - Ahh, the red Solo cup: For many Americans, just seeing one is enough to bring on a slight alcoholic buzz. But how did the bright plastic vessel become synonymous with keg parties and beer pong? Even Solo’s VP of consumer business isn’t quite sure. “The history is...

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