when animals attack

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Boy, 5, Attacked by Coyote—in Chicago

The child was outside a nature museum in Lincoln Park; man was attacked hours later

(Newser) - A 5-year-old boy was attacked by a coyote Wednesday—in Chicago. The boy was outside the Peggy Notebaert Nature Museum, which is in the city's Lincoln Park, when the animal bit him "multiple times," including on the head, per police. He was taken to Lurie Children's...

Man's Head Reportedly Severed by His Camel

So reports the 'Times of India'

(Newser) - A killer walrus , a savage beaver attack , and now death by camel? If a report in the Times of India is to be believed, yes. On Thursday, India's Rajasthan state dealt with record heat —hitting a high of 123.8 degrees Fahrenheit—and all day on Saturday, a...

Aggressive Goats Get Idaho Trail Closed

It seems they expect food from humans

(Newser) - The US Forest Service has temporarily closed a northern Idaho hiking trail over concerns about aggressive mountain goats after one animal bit a hiker and others reportedly tried to head-butt or charge visitors. Scotchman Peak Trail, which leads to the summit of Bonner County's tallest mountain, was closed Friday,...

75-Year-Old Attacked by Rabid Raccoon Strangles It

Cas Overton knew she couldn't get away from it

(Newser) - In 2012, a troop of Boy Scouts stoned a rabid beaver to death. Those upstate New York boys have nothing on Cas Overton, who strangled an attacking raccoon to death with her bare hands on Saturday afternoon. It's worth noting the Henrico County, Va., woman is 75 years old,...

Jogger's Scalp Punctured by Owl

Ron Jaecks thought it was a mugger, or an aneurysm

(Newser) - Ron Jaecks thought he was being attacked by a person, or possibly that he was having a stroke or an aneurysm. But the truth turned out to be much stranger. The Oregon man was jogging in a local park around 5:15am Tuesday when his stocking cap was pulled off...

Beaver Savagely Attacks Kayaker

Man is recovering, but being treated for rabies just in case

(Newser) - More proof that beavers are scarier than sharks : A kayaker in Upstate New York was hospitalized after being attacked by a beaver in Irondequoit Creek last week. Michael Cavanaugh was knocked into the water when the beaver jumped out of the creek and started mauling him, biting him on his...

Family on Crazy 22-lb Attack Cat: He Stays

Therapy might be on the table for old Lux

(Newser) - If your 22-pound cat clawed your infant, then went on a yowling rampage that ended with your family barricaded in a bedroom on the phone to 911 , you'd think a little, er, tension might result. But Lee Palmer and Teresa Barker seem pretty sanguine in the aftermath, telling the...

Cops Rescue Family From Irate 22-lb. Cat

Himalayan attacked, family locked themselves in bedroom

(Newser) - Portland police got a very strange call Sunday: A family was cowering in a bedroom after their 22-pound Himalayan cat went on the rampage, the Oregonian reports. "It has gone over the edge," Lee Palmer told dispatchers. "He's trying to attack us—he's very hostile....

Couple Tries to Break Up Dog Fight, Husband Killed

Couple's pets turned on them: reports

(Newser) - The husband of a former Arizona mayor was killed and she was injured after they tried to break up a fight between their pet dogs Saturday night and the animals turned on them. Tom and Diane Vick attempted to intervene when their 40-pound boxer attacked a smaller dog, a cocker...

Zookeeper Killed by Charging Elephant

'Patience' had a history of aggression

(Newser) - A longtime zookeeper in southwest Missouri was killed today when he was charged by an elephant, a spokeswoman for the city of Springfield said. John Bradford, 62, died when he was attacked by an elephant inside the area at the Dickinson Park Zoo where the elephants are housed, city spokeswoman...

Surfer: 'Amazing' Morning —Til That Shark Bit Me

Jay Scrivner describes Northern California attack

(Newser) - It was a perfect day for surfing. Except for the shark. Jay Scrivner, a 45-year-old college English teacher, was waiting for waves off the Northern California coast near his hometown of Eureka on Sunday morning when a great white shark he estimated at about 8- to 9-feet-long bit his thigh...

Shark Kills Drowning Teen

 Shark Kills Drowning Teen 

Shark Kills Drowning Teen

Lifeguards were en route to save Bruni Gobbi when it attacked

(Newser) - It's hard to imagine a worse way to die: Bruni Gobbi was drowning, with lifeguards on their way to help the 18-year-old and her cousin on Monday, when a shark attacked. It bit Gobbi's left leg, and though rescuers were able to get her ashore, she died that...

Bedridden Woman, 82, Attacked by 400-Pound Bear

She survives, but bear is caught and killed in New Mexico

(Newser) - An 82-year-old bedridden woman suffered scratches on her face and head when a 400-pound black bear broke into her northern New Mexico home and attacked her Tuesday night, state wildlife officials say. The woman told authorities she was in bed with the doors and windows open when the bear broke...

Man Tries to Take Photo of Beaver; It Kills Him

 Man Tries to 
 Take Photo 
 of Beaver; 
 It Kills Him 

Man Tries to Take Photo of Beaver; It Kills Him

Animal's bite severs artery in man's thigh

(Newser) - Forget sharks: It's beavers that are truly terrifying. A fisherman in Belarus was bitten to death by one, and all he was doing was trying to take its picture, Sky News reports. The man spotted the beaver while fishing with friends at Lake Shestakov, but as he approached to...

Shark Attacks Calif. Surfer
 Shark Attacks Calif. Surfer 

Shark Attacks Calif. Surfer

He survives with serious injuries

(Newser) - Another California surfer has been attacked by a shark, but unlike last week's victim , he survived the experience. The 25-year-old man was hospitalized with serious injuries after being bitten while surfing in Humboldt County, the Eureka Times-Standard reports. A group of fellow surfers scrambled to save the man's...

Wild Boar Goes on Rampage in Berlin

Attacks, injures 4 people

(Newser) - Berlin authorities say they shot and killed a 265-pound wild boar after it attacked and injured four people including a police officer in a residential neighborhood. The boar bit a 74-year-old man on the back and leg, and knocked a 74-year-old woman to the ground and injured her hip yesterday...

Shark Kills Calif. Surfer
 Shark Kills Calif. Surfer 

Shark Kills Calif. Surfer

2nd deadly attack in 2 years off air base's beach

(Newser) - A 39-year-old California man was killed by a massive shark bite to the torso while surfing off the coast of Vandenberg Air Force Base yesterday. Fellow surfers pulled the man to shore and tried to administer CPR but he was pronounced dead at the scene, the Los Angeles Times reports....

Oregon Farmer Eaten by His Hogs

Terry Vance Garner's body parts, dentures found in pen

(Newser) - Don't go into the hog pen. A 70-year-old Oregon farmer went to the barn to feed his hogs and never returned. A family member later found a few body parts and Terry Vance Garner's dentures in the pen. Authorities are still investigating what happened, but they believe it'...

Millions of Stray Dogs Terrorize India

They bite millions of people each year

(Newser) - The New York Times today looks at India's problem with stray dogs, which the paper describes as a "menace" in its headline. That's putting it mildly. The details are enough to horrify: Tens of millions of strays occupy the country, and they bite millions of people each...

Girl, 7, Seriously Hurt in Kangaroo Attack

Animal leaped on her in picnic area

(Newser) - A 7-year-old Australian girl suffered serious cuts and bruising in a bizarre attack by a kangaroo during a family picnic. "I thought I was going to die,” Makala McEvoy told Sky News . “Everything was gray, gray, gray.” She was playing near a group of kangaroos when...

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