Medicaid fraud

5 Stories

Russian Diplomats Charged in $1.5M Medicaid Fraud

More than 3 dozen diplomats and their spouses accused of faking births

(Newser) - More than three dozen Russian diplomats and their spouses enjoyed luxury vacations and spent tens of thousands of dollars at the finest stores as they lied about their incomes to get the government to pay their health care bills, federal prosecutors in New York said today. The diplomats were among...

Dentist Used Paper Clips —in Root Canals

Michael Clair also charged with Medicaid fraud

(Newser) - Paper clips and stainless steel posts: Basically the same thing, right? A former Massachusetts dentist has pleaded guilty to a host of charges, including the accusation that he used parts of paper clips rather than stainless steel posts to support root canals in an attempt to save money. Michael Clair'...

After Senate, Santorum Got Rich on Consulting Gigs

He's made millions off Senate experience

(Newser) - A funny thing happened between the end of Rick Santorum’s Senate career and his now-ascendant presidential run: He became a millionaire. Santorum has oft touted his blue collar upbringing, and when he left the Hill in 2006 he was indeed one of its least wealthy denizens, with assets valued...

Millions Siphoned From Medicaid by Fake Firms
Dummy Firms Squeeze Millions From Medicare

Dummy Firms Squeeze Millions From Medicare

Fraud-fighters finding it hard to stay ahead of shell companies

(Newser) - Fraudsters using complicated networks of ghost companies are sucking hundreds of millions of dollars out of Medicare every year and it's a bit like taking candy from a baby, a Reuters investigation finds. The probe—which officials say will likely lead to a criminal investigation of the firms involved—...

Disabled Vet Gets $15M for Exposing Medicaid Fraud

His health care provider billed for services it never provided

(Newser) - A case of Medicaid fraud with the perfect ending: A 63-year-old disabled vet in New Jersey is $15 million richer because he figured out that his health care provider was cooking the books, reports the New York Post . Robert West got suspicious when he went to the dentist and was...

5 Stories
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