Tim Pawlenty drops out

3 Stories

Tim Pawlenty Campaign Still $450K in Debt

'Doing what we can,' says adviser

(Newser) - It's been two months since Tim Pawlenty dropped out of the race for the GOP presidential nomination, but his campaign is still saddled with $450,000 in debt, reports Politico . Debts include $60,000 for campaign HQ rent in Iowa, $25,000 for equipment rentals, and more than $60,...

Bachmann: 'I've Been a Fighter'

Rep does victory lap after big win in Iowa straw poll

(Newser) - If you can't turn the channel this morning without running into Michele Bachmann, do not adjust your set: The Minnesota rep is taking her victory lap on all five major network shows, reports Politico . Highlights:
  • On her leadership : "I've been on the front lines, and I have

Pawlenty Drops Out of Race

Disappointing finish in Iowa straw poll dooms campaign

(Newser) - Former Minnesota Gov. Tim Pawlenty is dropping out of the race for the GOP presidential nomination. Pawlenty told supporters on a conference call this morning that he would announce on ABC's This Week that he was ending his campaign after a disappointing finish in the Iowa straw poll yesterday....

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