Border Patrol

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Border Strife Escalating in Tijuana
Border Strife Escalating
in Tijuana

Border Strife Escalating in Tijuana

Neighborhood residents complain about US agents' tactics

(Newser) - Areas of Tijuana that abut the American border have turned into battlegrounds, as Mexican smugglers lob rocks from rooftops at US Border Patrol agents, who have begun retaliating by firing pepper spray and tear gas into densely populated neighborhoods, the Los Angeles Times reports. The tactics have caused evacuations and...

Texas Cracks Down on Illegals
Texas Cracks Down on Illegals

Texas Cracks Down on Illegals

In Laredo, no more 'catch and release'—everyone gets jail time

(Newser) - In Laredo, Texas, the border patrol is getting serious about illegal immigration. The longstanding “catch-and-release” policy was scrapped this month, in favor of a zero tolerance program that has clogged jails and strained courts. The Houston Chronicle looked in on a federal courthouse recently, as judges tried and sentenced...

Mexican Border Fence Grows
Mexican Border Fence Grows

Mexican Border Fence Grows

US is quickly expanding the barrier to include rural areas

(Newser) - After a slow start, the federal government has ramped up construction of the fence along the Mexican border in recent weeks. The steel barrier now reaches far into rural areas for the first time, in response to a shift in smugglers' strategy, the Los Angeles Times reports. Workers have finished...

Canada-US Border Insecure
Canada-US Border Insecure

Canada-US Border Insecure

Investigators find it easy to transport 'radioactive' material to and fro

(Newser) - It is easy to smuggle radioactive material across the border between Canada and the US, CNN reports. Investigators from the Government Accountability Office testified before Congress today that they were able to pass from one country to the other with a duffle bag containing what looked like radioactive components, and...

Border Patrol: OK to Shoot Fleeing Subjects?

Congress probes case of jailed agents

(Newser) - Now that the president is in the business of commuting sentences, some lawmakers would like to see him turn his attention to two border patrol agents who drew more than 10 years in prison for shooting a fleeing, unarmed drug trafficker in the back. By federal law, agents are allowed...

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