Lupe Fiasco

3 Stories

Billy Corgan Says He Saw a Human Shift Shape

And 8 more celebs who say they've seen something otherworldly

(Newser) - It's only Wednesday, and yet it's already been a good week for the paranormal. First came coverage of Miami GOP congressional candidate Bettina Rodriguez Aguilera, who once said she's remained in telepathic contact with aliens ever since she was abducted at age 7 by "three blond,...

Lupe Fiasco Bashes Obama ... at Obama Event

Eventually gets thrown off stage

(Newser) - Lupe Fiasco chose an interesting venue to go on an anti-Obama rant: an Obama inauguration party. The rapper was performing at the DC party yesterday when he started playing an anti-war song that included the lyrics, "Gaza Strip was getting bombed, Obama didn't say shit. That's why...

Rapper Lupe Fiasco: Obama's the Real Terrorist

He says US foreign policy helps foster terror

(Newser) - Conservatives slammed President Obama for hosting Chicago rapper Common at the White House. Now Obama is taking criticism from a different Chicago rapper. "To me, the biggest terrorist is Obama, and the United States of America,” Lupe Fiasco told CBS in an interview noted by the Huffington Post...

3 Stories
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