Benazir Bhutto

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Pakistani Troops Grab Activists
Pakistani Troops Grab Activists

Pakistani Troops Grab Activists

Media forbidden to express opposition views after Musharraf declares emergency

(Newser) - Pakistani soldiers today began rounding up activists, lawyers and judges at gunpoint a day after President Pervez Musharraf declared a state of emergency, suspending the constitution and banning free speech. Media and police sources say 1,500 opposition figures have been detained; Prime Minister Shaukat Aziztold reporters there have been...

Bhutto Returns Amid Crisis
Bhutto Returns Amid Crisis

Bhutto Returns Amid Crisis

(Newser) - Benazir Bhutto returned to Pakistan today after President Musharraf imposed emergency rule and suspended the constitution, the AP reports. Musharraf said the nation was at a "dangerous juncture" because of Islamic extremists, but Bhutto said "the problem is dictatorship—I don't believe the solution is dictatorship." Musharraf...

Musharraf Declares Emergency
Musharraf Declares Emergency

Musharraf Declares Emergency

Pakistan's president defies top court, blacks out the media

(Newser) - Pervez Musharraf today declared emergency rule in Pakistan, suspending the constitution and blacking out media other than state-run stations, the BBC reports. The move comes on the eve of the court's ruling on the legality of Gen. Musharraf's re-election as president. The court, asked to legitimize the declaration, voted 8-3...

As Election Ruling Looms, Bhutto Leaves Pakistan

Ex-PM changes her mind and flies to family in Dubai

(Newser) - Ending days of confusion after the assassination attempt that killed more than 100 of her supporters, Benazir Bhutto has left Pakistan and flown to Dubai to see her family. Bhutto had postponed her trip for fear that that the government might impose a state of emergency in her absence, making...

Suicide Attack Kills 7 in Pakistan
Suicide Attack Kills 7 in Pakistan

Suicide Attack Kills 7 in Pakistan

Assailant targeted compound of Pervez Musharraf

(Newser) - A suicide bomber blew himself up in Pakistan today near the office of Gen. Pervez Musharraf, killing seven people and injuring 11 more, the AP reports. The blast took place at a checkpoint in the garrison city of Rawalpindi, near the army's headquarters where Musharraf works. No organization has claimed...

Bhutto Visits Ancestral Home
Bhutto Visits Ancestral Home

Bhutto Visits Ancestral Home

She makes her first trip outside Karachi under tight security

(Newser) - Benazir Bhutto visited her ancestral village in southern Pakistan today and prayed at the tomb of her executed father, BBC reports. The trip was Bhutto's first outside Karachi since a failed assassination attempt last week. "It's so moving for me to finally be here and to be able to...

Detective Quits Bhutto Bomb Case
Quits Bhutto Bomb Case

Detective Quits Bhutto Bomb Case

Ex-PM charges bias, says he attended husband's torture

(Newser) - The detective probing last week's bomb attack on Bhutto quit today, after the two-time PM accused him of bias, the BBC reports. Bhutto claimed that Manzur Mughal attended her husband's torture eight years ago, and Pakistan did not deny it. “The investigation team will be formed anew,” an...

Bhutto Banned From Leaving Pakistan
Bhutto Banned From Leaving Pakistan

Bhutto Banned From Leaving Pakistan

Ex-PM reports new death threat, will avoid public campaign rallies

(Newser) - Benazir Bhutto has been banned from leaving Pakistan, a spokesman from her political party told the BBC today. One analyst sees the move as an attempt by the Musharraf regime to gain the upper hand in power-sharing talks. Bhutto's family did not return to Pakistan with her, so she would...

Bhutto: Government Blocking Bomb Probe

Calls again for international experts to aid inquiry

(Newser) - Former Pakistani PM Benazir Bhutto accused government officials of blocking the investigation into the attack on her last week that killed 140 supporters, reports the Washington Post. Bhutto demanded that international experts be brought into the probe because "there are very powerful figures behind the assassination attempt on me,...

Bhutto Seeks World's Help in Bomb Inquiry

Vows her campaign will go on undeterred

(Newser) - After attending prayer services for the 139 killed in Friday's assassination attempt on her, Benazir Bhutto today called on Pakistan's government to seek international help in investigating, Reuters reports. The international community has the "anti-terrorism expertise to investigate attacks of this nature," said the former PM, vowing that...

Pakistan Turmoil Haunts US
Pakistan Turmoil Haunts US

Pakistan Turmoil Haunts US

Over-reliance on beleaguered Musharraf threatens war on terror

(Newser) - Political chaos in Pakistan could spell major danger for the US, as weakened President General Pervez Musharraf fights to keep Taliban and al-Qaeda forces—as well as the nation's numerous nuclear weapons—in check. One White House official called Pakistan's potential destabilization a "nightmare scenario" that appears to be...

Police Question 3 Suspects in Bhutto Attack

Few details released; she cancels campaign stops to mourn dead

(Newser) - Pakistani police questioned three people today in the bombing that killed at least 136 people and injured 200 more in a failed assassination attempt on Benazir Bhutto, the AP reported. Police also released a photo of a head  found at the scene and believed to be a suicide bomber. ...

Bhutto Blames Old Enemies for Bombing

Pakistani officials suspect warlord tied to Taliban, Al-Qaeda

(Newser) - Benazir Bhutto today condemned last night's suicide bomb attempt on her life, which claimed more than 130 of her supporters' lives, calling it "an attack on democracy, an attack on the very unity and integrity of Pakistan."  At a press conference, she vowed not to retreat. "...

Islamic Militants Blamed in Blasts
Islamic Militants Blamed in Blasts

Islamic Militants Blamed in Blasts

(Newser) - A "ball of fire" turned a Karachi street from a scene of celebration into one of "absolute horror and carnage" early this morning after two explosions killed at least 136 people gathered to hail the return of former Pakistan Prime Minster Benazir Bhutto, reports the BBC. The Pakistan...

Can Bhutto's Alliance Succeed?
Can Bhutto's Alliance Succeed?

Can Bhutto's Alliance Succeed?

Ties to West, Musharraf counter ex-PM's charisma

(Newser) - The murderous blasts that rocked Benazir Bhutto's homecoming rally in Karachi today underscored the uncertainty of a successful return for the deposed Pakistani leader, the Christian Science Monitor reports. The Supreme Court offers dual threats: It could nullify Bhutto's amnesty on old corruption charges or void Pervez Musharraf's recent presidential...

Bombs Aimed at Bhutto Kill 130
Bombs Aimed at Bhutto Kill 130

Bombs Aimed at Bhutto Kill 130

Two bombs explode in crowds celebrating former PM's return

(Newser) - Two car bombs exploded in a crowd of supporters gathered to greet Benazir Bhutto as her convoy made its way through the streets of Karachi today, killing at least 130 people and wounding 150. The ex-PM was reported safe though one of the bombs exploded near the truck she was...

Bhutto Arrives in Pakistan
 Bhutto Arrives in Pakistan

Bhutto Arrives in Pakistan

(Newser) - Former Pakistan Prime Minister Benazir Bhutto landed in Karachi today after 8 years in self-imposed exile. "I am thankful to God, I am very happy that I'm back in my country and I was dreaming of this day," a sobbing Bhutto told Reuters as she stepped off the...

Eager Mobs Await Bhutto Return

Eager Mobs Await Bhutto Return

Eager Mobs Await Bhutto Return

(Newser) - Mobs of excited supporters were gathering in Karachi today, eagerly awaiting the return of  former Pakistan Prime Minister Benazir Bhutto under heavy guard after 8 years in self-imposed exile. Some 20,000 soldiers and police were patrolling the city in the wake of threats by Islamist militants to assassinate Bhutto...

Homeward Bound, Bhutto Fears for Life

Former PM concerned about ‘threat within the government’

(Newser) - Benazir Bhutto returns to Pakistan Thursday for the first time in 19 years, and she worries her life is at risk. A Taliban commander has vowed to murder the ex-PM with suicide bombers, but her fear is military officers “who have fought the jihad,” she told the Guardian....

Court Threatens Bhutto Return
Court Threatens Bhutto Return

Court Threatens Bhutto Return

Pakistan court to decide if Musharraf can offer Bhutto amnesty

(Newser) - The power-sharing arrangement aimed at stabilizing Pakistan's shaky government has hit yet another snag, the BBC reports. Pakistan's Supreme Court, which has already held up certifying President Pervez Musharraf's re-election win until it rules on challenges, now says it must rule on whether the amnesty  granted to Benazir Bhutto on...

Stories 161 - 180 | << Prev   Next >>