Benazir Bhutto

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Bhutto Uncle Opposes Role for Widower

Patriarch blasts Zardari as incompetent, wants 'a real Bhutto' to lead

(Newser) - Benazir Bhutto's designation of her widower as interim leader of the Pakistan People's Party has inflamed family and tribal tensions, and renewed past disagreements over her leadership. Patriarch Mumtaz Bhutto, Benazir's 74-year-old uncle, blasted Asif Ali Zardari for having "no political background or acumen" and predicted his leadership would...

Pakistan Govt. Abandons Sunroof Claim

Elections postponed until February, raising fears of more violence

(Newser) - Pakistan’s Interior Ministry today backed off its much-derided claim that Benazir Bhutto died after hitting her head on the latch of her car's sunroof while ducking to avoid gunfire. The retraction will likely intensify the controversy around the opposition leader’s death, CNN reports. Meanwhile, elections scheduled for Tuesday...

Aide: Bhutto Died as She Readied Dossier on Rigged Vote

Government, opposition still at loggerheads

(Newser) - Former prime minister Benazir Bhutto was killed the same day she planned to give US lawmakers damaging information on government actions to rig upcoming elections, a top aide charged yesterday. The "thoroughly rigged" elections were to "benefit" President Pervez Musharraf's party, said the aide. The charge was made...

Police Stopped Bhutto Autopsy: Hospital Rep

Top cop says ex-PM's husband nixed post-mortem

(Newser) - The Rawalpindi police chief prevented doctors from performing an autopsy on Benazir Bhutto, according to an open letter issued today by a representative of the hospital where she died. Chief Aziz Saud invoked the investigators' “exclusive responsibility,” CNN reports, but Saud says Bhutto's husband objected. The lack of...

Pakistan Vote to Be Delayed at Least 4 Weeks

Many election offices damaged in violence; PPP opposes setback

(Newser) - Pakistan's January 8 election will be postponed by at least 4 weeks, "if not more," because of violence in the wake of Benazir Bhutto's assassination, election officials tell AFP. The election commission recommended a delay, but won't specify a date until tomorrow. Bhutto's party opposes postponement on grounds...

Bhutto Slumped as Shots Rang Out: Video

Husband calls official version of cause of death "useless excuse"

(Newser) - Newly released videotape of the assassination of Benazir Bhutto bolsters Bhutto's supporters' claim that the Pakistani opposition leader was killed by gunshot wounds and not—as the government insists—by hitting her head on her car sunroof when a bomb exploded. The video shows Bhutto slumping forward after gunshots ring...

Bloggers Blast Government Version of Bhutto Death

We're not 'naive and dumb,' snaps one

(Newser) - Pakistan's political blogging community is expressing extreme skepticism about government statements as to how former prime minister Benazir Bhutto died in last week's assassination attack. The government is claiming Bhutto died after hitting her head on her car’s sunroof in the bomb attack, but the theory is widely disputed,...

On 7th Day, They Campaigned
On 7th Day, They Campaigned

On 7th Day, They Campaigned

Candidates turn to the tube as Iowa caucus looms

(Newser) - With four days of campaigning left in Iowa, leading White House hopefuls skipped church services and attended another weekend ritual—Sunday political talk shows. GOP frontrunner Mike Huckabee missed a service at the Cornerstone Family Church to appear on NBC, and Hillary Clinton arrived late and slipped out early at...

Bhutto's Son Quietly Political at Oxford

'Well-liked' student backed mother on his Facebook page

(Newser) - Bilawal Bhutto Zardari may be Benazir Bhutto's son, picked today to lead the Pakistan People's Party, but the 19-year-old is also still in school. Bilawal has been studying at Christ Church, Oxford, without security, often hiding his political identity but supporting his mother on his Facebook profile, Time reports. "...

Pakistanis Recover After Riots
Pakistanis Recover After Riots

Pakistanis Recover After Riots

In Karachi, residents emerge for food as police lockdown ensues

(Newser) - Life limped to normal today in fire-blackened Karachi, Pakistan’s largest city and the site of fierce rioting since last week’s killing of former Prime Minister Benazir Bhutto. After three days of unrest that left at least 40 people dead across Sindh province, residents ventured out of their homes...

Bhutto's Death Just Pakistan's Latest Unsolved Mystery

Political deaths many; 'truth never comes out'

(Newser) - Moments after Benazir Bhutto was killed—whether by gun, bomb, or hitting her head on a sunroof—came another disturbing image. Workers hosed blood from the streets, washing away potential evidence, the Washington Post reports—and ensuring yet another whodunit to Pakistan's long list of unsolved political murders. "I...

Bhutto Husband &amp; Son Picked to Head Party
Bhutto Husband & Son Picked
to Head Party

Bhutto Husband & Son Picked to Head Party

Election likely to be delayed up to 8 weeks

(Newser) - As violence continued to flare in Pakistan following the assassination of opposition leader Benazir Bhutto, officials indicated that Jan. 8 elections will likely be postponed six to eight weeks, Reuters reports. Officials from Bhutto’s Pakistan People’s Party, meanwhile, picked her husband, Asif Ali Zardari, and 19-year-old son, Bilawal,...

Bhutto's Will Names Son Successor
Bhutto's Will Names Son Successor

Bhutto's Will Names Son Successor

Bilawal will lead party but won't be PM candidate, report says

(Newser) - Benazir Bhutto instructed in her will that her son succeed her as leader of her political party, Newsweek reports. Because her son, Bilawal, is only 19, the will states that her husband, Asif Ali Zardari, act as a regent to him until he is old enough to lead by himself....

Pakistan Tells Doubters to Exhume Body

Speculation on Bhutto death runs wild as riots threaten elections

(Newser) - Benazir Bhutto’s political party is free to exhume her corpse to verify her ever-shifting cause of death, a Pakistani official said today. So far, the government has issued three accounts—gunshots, shrapnel, and then a fractured skull from hitting her head—which has PPP leadership crying cover-up, CNN reports....

US Supplied Bhutto With Security Intel

But stopped short of 'micromanaging arrangements'

(Newser) - Washington gave Benazir Bhutto intelligence to protect her from militants for weeks but would not guard her with its own private contractors, the Los Angeles Times reports. An ex-adviser to Bhutto said the US refused to be "micromanaging the security arrangements of another country." The US embassy in...

Bhutto Aide Sees Cover-Up in Changing Cause of Death

Finds skull-fracture theory 'nonsense'

(Newser) - A top aide to Benazir Bhutto charges in a CNN interview that the Pakistani government is trying to cover up the cause of Bhutto's death. Aide Sherry Rehman blasts as "bizarre, dangerous nonsense" the government's conclusion that Bhutto was not struck by bullets, but died of a skull fracture...

Huckabee Calls for Anti-Pakistani Fence

Rivals pounce on GOP hopeful's goofs

(Newser) - Mike Huckabee's foreign affairs knowledge is under scrutiny after the GOP hopeful made several factual errors in talking about Pakistan, and tried to use the assassination of Benazir Bhutto to highlight the need for a fence along the Mexican border, the New York Times reports. "The immigration issue is...

Al-Qaeda Ally Denies Hand in Bhutto Killing

Pakistan accuses him, but Mehsud would never 'attack a woman'

(Newser) - A representative of Baitullah Mehsud, the al-Qaeda leader Pakistan has fingered in the assassination of Benazir Bhutto, strongly denied any involvement in her death today. Giving further support to the claims of a cover-up by Bhutto's partisans, the spokesman for Mehsud said "he had no involvement in this attack"...

30 Dead In Pakistan Rioting
30 Dead In Pakistan Rioting

30 Dead In Pakistan Rioting

Bhutto supporters torch trains, shops; government cracks down

(Newser) - Rioting across Pakistan has left more than 30 people dead as mourners of Benazir Bhutto set the country ablaze. The Times of London reports that the police have exchanged fire with Bhutto supporters, and  have been ordered to shoot on sight in Bhutto's stronghold of Karachi. As  banks, shops, trains,...

PC Virus Using Bhutto Rumors to Spread

Online search for assassination details returns malicious code

(Newser) - Hackers are adapting a recently released Trojan virus to exploit curiosity surrounding the assassination of Benazir Bhutto, Ars Technica reports. Many sites claiming to contain exclusive information or even video footage of the attack itself are hiding malicious embedded files. Once visited, the files allow for the download of additional...

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