Hasidic Judaism

10 Stories

13 Plead Not Guilty Over Illegal Tunnel at Brooklyn Synagogue

Dispute at the site led to a melee back in January

(Newser) - Thirteen members of the Hasidic Jewish community have pleaded not guilty to charges stemming from their alleged role in a dispute over an illegal tunnel built beneath a historic Brooklyn synagogue. The defendants, many of them international students from Israel, appeared in Brooklyn court this week on charges of reckless...

Secret NYC Wedding Was Attended by Thousands

Williamsburg synagogue to be fined $15K

(Newser) - Some viewers might assume footage of a Hasidic wedding showing thousands of maskless people packed shoulder to shoulder inside a Brooklyn synagogue harkened back to happier times, before the onset of a global pandemic. But they'd be wrong. As the New York Post reports, the footage spreading on social...

Rabbi Detained for Singing at Auschwitz

His group sang songs their grandparents sang as they were led to their deaths

(Newser) - Is singing appropriate at a memorial site, where it might bother other visitors? What if it's not just any singing, but an homage to relatives who sang those very songs as they were led to their deaths at Auschwitz? An Israeli rabbi who was there guiding a group of...

John Galliano Dresses Like Hasidic Jew?

Not a popular idea from the guy who once said he loves Hitler

(Newser) - John Galliano, who was arrested in 2011 and later fired from Dior after going on an anti-Semitic rant , stepped out yesterday apparently dressed as a Hasidic Jew. He was wearing a long jacket, tall hat, and curly sidelocks, reports the New York Post , which has pictures. Not surprisingly, the world...

Hasidic Therapist Gets 103 Years for Sex Abuse

He was charged with 59 counts

(Newser) - Nechemya Weberman, an unlicensed therapist and powerful member of the Hasidic Jewish community of Brooklyn, will likely spend the rest of his life behind bars after being convicted of 59 counts of sexual abuse yesterday, reports the New York Times . After days of testimony from a victim who says she...

Rabbi Who Targeted Sex Abusers Hit by Chemical Attack

Says acquaintance threw bleach in his eye

(Newser) - More woes on the streets of New York : A rabbi and outspoken advocate for victims of sex abuse was injured in an apparent chemical attack as he was walking in Williamsburg yesterday, reports the New York Times . Rabbi Nuchem Rosenberg runs a website and hotline that make public accusations of...

Levi Aron Fed Brooklyn Boy Drugs Before Killing

Killer gave Leiby Kletzky muscle relaxers, anti-psychotic drug, Tylenol

(Newser) - Leiby Kletzky was heavily drugged before his killer smothered, then dismembered him, according to a medical examiner. Hardware store clerk Levi Aron allegedly gave the 8-year-old Brooklyn boy a muscle relaxant, painkillers, and quetiapine—an anti-psychotic used to treat schizophrenia, reports NBC . Autopsy results also indicate that Leiby was killed...

Cops: Brooklyn Boy Fought His Killer

Alleged killer Levi Aron has scratches on arm, wrist

(Newser) - Investigators believe an 8-year-old Brooklyn boy who was abducted and dismembered may have been tied up and tried to fight off his alleged captor before he was killed, police said today. Levi Aron, the man held in Leiby Kletzky's killing , had scratches on his arms, wrists, and elsewhere on...

Man Held After NY Cops Find Boy's Dismembered Body

Leiby Kletzky's alledged murder shocks Orthodox Jewish community

(Newser) - A young Brooklyn boy who vanished while walking home from a day camp in one of the safest parts of the city was killed and dismembered by a stranger he had turned to for help after getting lost, police said today. An intense search for the missing 8-year-old, Leiby Kletzky,...

Hillary Clinton Removed From Iconic White House Situation Room Photo in Hasidic Jewish Newspaper
Jewish Newspaper Removes Clinton From Iconic Photo
fun with photoshop

Jewish Newspaper Removes Clinton From Iconic Photo

'Der Tzitung' won't publish photos of women

(Newser) - Following the raid on Osama bin Laden, Hasidic newspaper Der Tzitung ran the iconic White House Situation Room photo, with just one teensy change: There were no women in it. The paper removed Hillary Clinton as well as Counterterrorism Director Audrey Tomason, as noted by Failed Messiah last week. The...

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