Osama bin Laden dead

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Palin on Photos: Stop Pussy-Footing Around

Show us the blood

(Newser) - Release the Osama bin Laden takedown photos—now—Sarah Palin is demanding. "Show photo as warning to others seeking America's destruction. No pussy-footing around, no politicking, no drama; it's part of the mission," Palin tweeted yesterday. Others agree photos of the dead terror master should be...

Teacher Suspended After Teasing Muslim Student About Osama

I heard your uncle died, he said

(Newser) - Bad: A Muslim high school student in Houston faced bad jokes and teasing over Osama bin Laden's death to the point where she began crying. Worse: The jokes came from her algebra teacher, reports KTRK-TV . "I bet you're grieving," the teacher told the girl Monday in...

American Indians Angry Over Use of ‘Geronimo’

Code name of bin Laden operation rankles Native Americans

(Newser) - “Geronimo EKIA.” That code phrase, short for Geronimo, Enemy Killed in Action, led to jubilation in America because it meant that Osama bin Laden was dead. But not everybody liked the choice of the raid's code name. “I was celebrating that we had gotten this guy...

How Osama bin Laden Was Buried at Sea
  How Osama Was Buried at Sea 

How Osama Was Buried at Sea

Prepared religious remarks were read in English and Arabic

(Newser) - You won't get to see any gruesome images of Osama bin Laden or his watery burial, but the White House did paint a sort of mental picture for those craving a visual. While correcting some inaccuracies that were announced as fact yesterday, Press Secretary Jay Carney also walked reporters...

Arab World, Now It&#39;s Your Move After bin Laden

 Arab World, Now 
 It's Your Move 
 After bin Laden 
Thomas Friedman

Arab World, Now It's Your Move After bin Laden

It's time to defeat bin Ladenism once and for all: Thomas Friedman

(Newser) - It took 10 years, but the US finally killed Osama bin Laden. Now the Arab and Muslim world has a daunting task of its own, writes Thomas Friedman: "Kill bin Ladenism." Protesters from Tunisia to Syria have repudiated his doctrine of violence, and their progress is promising. "...

Osama's Million-Dollar Hideout? More Like $250K

Local real estate experts say it's not as posh as initial accounts suggested

(Newser) - Another aspect of Osama bin Laden's grand finale is getting a dose of reality. US officials initially described his hideout as a mansion valued at $1 million , but two property experts in Abbottabad tell the Guardian it's worth $250,000, max. "This is not a posh area,...

White House Won't Release Osama bin Laden Photos

Obama: 'We don't trot this stuff out as trophies'

(Newser) - President Obama has decided not to release grisly photos of Osama bin Laden's body. Obama himself tells Steve Kroft of his decision in a 60 Minutes interview to air Sunday, reports CBS News . Excerpts will be out later today. The decision— NBC reported it earlier today—comes after CIA...

Obama Cooling to Idea of Releasing Osama Death Pics

Leon Panetta says yes, Robert Gates and Hillary Clinton say no

(Newser) - Yes, yes, no, who knows? Though CIA Director Leon Panetta indicated photos of a dead Osama bin Laden would likely be released—“I think we have to reveal to the rest of the world the fact that we were able to get him and kill him”— ABC News...

Beware of Links Promising Photos of Dead bin Laden

Unless, you know, it's a link to a Newser story on the topic

(Newser) - Clicking on links that promise to show photos or video of a dead Osama bin Laden is a bad idea, cybersecurity experts warn. Spammers and scammers have moved even faster than usual to spread malicious links aimed at Facebook and Google users, reports the Los Angeles Times . "The bad...

New Brouhaha: Was Killing Osama Legal?

Some call it an unlawful execution

(Newser) - In the wake of Osama bin Laden's death, some are denouncing the US operation as an illegal execution or assassination, but a senior congressional aide says there was only one way the al-Qaeda honcho would have been allowed to surrender: naked. US officials say troops were told to accept...

Hiding? No, Osama Was 'Chilling' in Pakistan

Jon Stewart doesn't exactly believe that no one knew he was there

(Newser) - After years of Pakistan insisting Osama bin Laden wasn't hiding there, not only does it turn out that he was—but that he had been for six years, noted a flabbergasted Jon Stewart last night . "And by the way, 'hiding' bin Laden? 'Hiding'? Bin Laden...

Leon Panetta: Pakistan Might Have Alerted Osama

And Obama didn't actually watch him being killed

(Newser) - Pakistan was told nothing about the mission to kill Osama bin Laden, because the CIA thought “any effort to work with the Pakistanis could jeopardize the mission,” Leon Panetta told Time yesterday. “They might alert the target.” The statement is likely to deepen the speculation swirling...

Cash Sewn Into Clothes, Osama Was Ready to Run

Al-Qaeda leader also had phone numbers sewn into clothes

(Newser) - Osama bin Laden was carrying cash and telephone numbers, indicating that he was prepared to escape his compound at any moment. Top US intelligence officials told Congress yesterday that bin Laden had 500 euros (about $740) as well as two phone numbers sewn into his clothing. Three sources who attended...

Behind bin Laden's Walls: Rabbits, Pepsi, Suspicion

Details emerge of life inside the compound

(Newser) - The 18-foot-high walls were topped with barbed wire and bright security lights. Two Pakistani men came out every day to do the shopping, often buying bulk orders of Pepsi, Coke, Nestle, and other major brands. The residents burned their garbage in order to avoid having it collected. These and other...

Bush Declines Obama's Ground Zero Invite

He celebrates bin Laden 'victory' but wants to stay out of spotlight

(Newser) - When President Obama visits Ground Zero tomorrow to mark the death of Osama bin Laden, George W. Bush won't be with him. Obama invited the former president to join him on his visit to the World Trade Center site, but a spokesperson tells Politico that Bush turned him down....

MLK, Twain Misquotes Go Viral After bin Laden Death

Facebook, Twitter users swap bogus quotes

(Newser) - A seemingly apt Martin Luther King Jr. comment quoted by people responding to the killing of Osama bin Laden quickly went viral via Facebook and Twitter. Just one problem: it wasn't accurate. The quote beginning "I mourn the loss of thousands of precious lives, but I will not...

As al-Qaeda Looks to Prove Itself, US Braces for Hit

Zawahiri expected to try to prove terror group is still powerful

(Newser) - Any terror plans that al-Qaeda and its affiliates may have had in the pipeline are likely to be sped up in the wake of Osama bin Laden's death, counter-terrorism officials warn. Ayman al-Zawahiri, bin Laden's second-in-command, is expected to launch a strike to prove that al-Qaeda is still...

Osama to Kids in Will: Don't Join al-Qaeda

He's sorry for for being lousy dad in purported final wishes in 2001 document

(Newser) - Osama bin Laden didn't want his wives to remarry or his 24 children to become terrorists after his death, according to what a Kuwaiti newspaper says is a copy of his will. In the document—written on a computer, dated December 2001, and signed by "your brother Abu...

UCLA Students Came Close in 2009 Osama Prediction

Professor, class had the wrong city but the right idea

(Newser) - A UCLA geography professor and his class who tried to predict Osama bin Laden's whereabouts in 2009 don't get an A-plus, but easily a solid B. Professor Thomas Gillespie and crew determined that bin Laden would be within about 180 miles of Tora Bora and living in a...

NFL Player Deletes ‘Truther’ Tweet After bin Laden Death

Pittsburgh Steelers’ Rashard Mendenhall skeptical about 9/11 narrative

(Newser) - Rashard Mendenhall of the Pittsburgh Steelers might have some explaining to do to the boss after controversial tweets the night of Osama bin Laden's killing, reports the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette and Mashable . Among them:
  • “I just have a hard time believing a plane could take a skyscraper down demolition

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