war games

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Iran Begins 5 Days of War Games

Wants to show off its air-defense capabilities

(Newser) - It's a day ending in Y, so Iran is saber-rattling: Tehran today kicked off five days of war games, reports the Wall Street Journal. On the agenda: tests of long-range missiles, radar systems, and air defenses, as part of a general warning to any would-be attackers not to get any...

North Seizes S. Korean Fishing Boat

Tensions high over sunken destroyer, war games

(Newser) - North Korean authorities seized a South Korean fishing boat and its crew today in waters off the divided peninsula's eastern coast, the South's coast guard said, with tensions already high over the sinking of a southern navy ship. Four South Korean and three Chinese fishermen were questioned for an alleged...

As N. Korea Seethes, US Leads War Games

'We also have nuclear weapons,' claims Pyongyang editorial

(Newser) - The nuclear-powered USS George Washington led an armada of warships in exercises off the Korean peninsula today, in a show of solidarity with the South that North Korea warned could have "nuclear deterrence." The military drills, code-named "Invincible Spirit," are to run through Wednesday with about...

Aussie School War Games Under Fire

Paintball firms call schools 'perfect battlefields'

(Newser) - Australian parents are furious that efforts to stamp out school violence are being undercut by paint-balling companies who advertise schools as perfect weekend "killing fields." The head of a parents association in Queensland was "absolutely horrified" to see images of a high school overrun with adults and...

Iran Kicks Off 5 Days of War Games

Drill meant to boost air defense of nuclear facilities

(Newser) - Iran today begins large-scale air defense war games aimed at protecting the country's nuclear facilities, state television reports, adding that the five-day drill will cover a third of the country, including regions that are home to Iran's nuclear facilities. The drill involves both Iran's elite Revolutionary Guard, the paramilitary Basij...

Pentagon Holds Secret Afghan War Games

Mullen leads exercise to assess effects of troop surge

(Newser) - The chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Adm. Mike Mullen, led a secret war game earlier this month to assess the Obama administration's options in Afghanistan, including a 44,000-troop surge. A team of military leaders used Gen. Stanley McChrystal's analysis to examine how Taliban insurgents and the Afghan...

Pentagon Game Simulates Global Economic Warfare

The exercise showed China to be the savviest economic operator

(Newser) - Last month, the Pentagon hosted a new kind of war game, focused not on a “shooting war,” but on how hostile states might damage the US economy, Politico reports. Instead of decorated military brass calling the shots, shirt-sleeved hedge fund managers, academics, and executives played out scenarios shifting...

German Gamer Admits to Brutal Murder

Knifes UK man to death, was in love with victim's girlfriend

(Newser) - A German man has confessed to stabbing to death a Brit he met through an online war game, the Guardian reports. The 20-year-old victim ran a forum for fans of the game. Detectives had initially believed that the slaying stemmed from an online feud but it later emerged that the...

Iran to Launch War Games
 Iran to Launch War Games 

Iran to Launch War Games

Sessions will train troops, test weapons

(Newser) - Iran’s military will start 3 days of war games tomorrow amid talk of a US or Israeli attack on its nuclear facilities, which Israel and the West say may house weapons operations, Reuters reports. The “maneuvers” will involve anti-aircraft defense systems, Iranian media said, and are meant to...

New 'Call of Duty' Offers Players Modern Combat

Video game set to conquer the competition

(Newser) - "Call of Duty 4: Modern Combat," released this week, takes players on the missions of elite modern fighters like the US Marines or British SAS, a departure for a video game series that previously focused exclusively on WWII. The game is set to be this holiday season's biggest...

War Games Should Include Media, Civilians

"I yearn for the days when 'Battleship' reflected real war"

(Newser) - Modern warfare calls for modern war games, and that means the players can't be just armies and navies, but also civilians, the media, and the international community. Gary Anderson, the Marines' first director of war gaming, writes that victory in post-Cold War combat is no  longer determined by battlefield fighters,...

Stories 21 - 31 | << Prev