Libyan rebels

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International Leaders Pledge $1B to Back Libyan Rebels

Gadhafi regime close to exit: officials

(Newser) - Countries that stepped into the Libyan conflict are promising $1 billion in support for the rebel cause. The pledge from nations including Italy, France, Turkey, and Australia is backed in large part by Libyan assets, notes the New York Times , but some legal considerations still stand between the money and...

NATO: Gadhafi Is a Legitimate Target

UN resolution authorizes killing leader, official says

(Newser) - As NATO jets continue to pound Tripoli, a senior military official in the alliance refused to tell CNN whether Moammar Gadhafi was being directly targeted. He did, however, stress that the leader, as head of the Libyan military, is a "legitimate target" to protect civilians. The UN resolution authorizing...

Gadhafi Loyalists Launch Mammoth Misrata Attack

Thousands of troops attack rebel-held city

(Newser) - Forces loyal to increasingly cornered Libyan leader Moammar Gadhafi launched a major offensive against the rebel-held city of Misrata yesterday. Thousands of troops attacked the city and it was shelled from three sides, a rebel leader tells CNN . Rebel fighters say their defenses held up under the onslaught, but at...

Libya Rape Victim en Route to US

Iman al-Obeidi had been expelled from Qatar, returned to native Benghazi

(Newser) - Iman al-Obeidi, the Libyan who broke through Moammar Gadhafi's media control to accuse his troops of gang rape, is headed to the United States. Al-Obeidi had been staying in Qatar until that nation inexplicably expelled her Thursday, and she ended up back in her native Benghazi. Al-Obeidi's sister...

NATO Choppers Pound Gadhafi
 NATO Choppers Pound Gadhafi 

NATO Choppers Pound Gadhafi

Combat gets up-close and personal after relying on bombers

(Newser) - British Apache and French attack helicopters struck targets for the first time in NATO's campaign in Libya, hitting Moammar Gadhafi's troops early today near a key coastal oil city. The action was a significant step-up in NATO's operations and a major boost to Libyan rebels on the...

UN: Libyan Rebels Committed War Crimes, Too

But rebel offenses not as systematic, widespread as those of Gadhafi's forces

(Newser) - A UN investigation has found evidence that both sides of the Libyan conflict have committed war crimes—though the rebels had committed fewer than Moammar Gadhafi’s forces. The rebels were accused of torture and cruel treatment against migrant workers, “which would constitute war crimes,” the report said,...

5 Libyan Generals Defect to Rebels

One says Gadhafi's forces only 20% as efficient as they were before conflict

(Newser) - Five Libyan army generals who defected from Moammar Gadhafi's regime are appealing to fellow officers to join them in backing the rebels. Italian foreign ministry officials presented the generals, two colonels, and a major at a news conference in Rome today. Gen. Melud Massoud Halasa said Gadhafi's forces...

Gadhafi Appears for First Time in 2 Weeks

Libyan state TV shows leader meeting with officials

(Newser) - After disappearing from the public eye on April 30 when his son was killed in a NATO air strike, Moammar Gadhafi has been spotted again on Libyan state television. The footage, seen by Reuters , showed Gadhafi meeting with officials at a Tripoli hotel. One old man told Gadhafi, "You...

Rebels Drive Gadhafi Out of Misrata

As NATO intensifies air strikes, reports of rebel gains

(Newser) - As NATO steps up its airstrikes in Libya, rebels in Misrata are reporting major battlefield victories, saying they've driven Moammar Gadhafi's troops both out of the city and out of the nearby airport they'd been holed up in. A rebel spokesman tells Voice of America that the...

In Misrata, a Morbid Task: Finally Burying the Dead

Libyan city littered with corpses after months of fighting

(Newser) - After months of street fighting, shelling, and blockades, corpses are one of the few things the battered Libyan city of Misrata isn't short of. Dozens of volunteers from among the rebels seeking to oust Moammar Gadhafi have volunteered for the grim task of finding and burying the dead from...

Libyan Rebels Resort to Secret Weapons Workshops

Ragtag bunch weld makeshift armored trucks, caltrops and more

(Newser) - When Moammar Gadhafi’s troops began the siege of Misrata, the rebels there had almost no weapons. But now they have a motley makeshift armory, thanks to a network of secret workshops where ordinary Libyans work to weld armor plates onto pickup trucks, fashion crude machine gun turrets, and even...

Libyan Rebels Seek $3B in Loans

Benghazi leaders warn funds are running low

(Newser) - The rebels who have set up an interim government in eastern Libya say they're running out of money to fund operations and are seeking up to $3 billion in loans. The rebel operation warns that it may soon be unable to pay public employees or provide food and medicine...

Gadhafi Offers Truce as NATO Strikes Tripoli

Bombs hit government buildings during Libyan leader's speech

(Newser) - Libyan leader Moammar Gadhafi called for a ceasefire and negotiations with NATO powers in a live speech on state TV early Saturday, just as NATO bombs struck a government complex in the Libyan capital. The targeted compound included the state television building and a Libyan official alleged the strikes were...

NATO Strike Kills Rebels as Jets Pound Misrata

Rebels say 11 fighters killed by NATO bombing

(Newser) - NATO jets pounded pro-Gadhafi forces moving to attack Misrata yesterday but witnesses say one strike ended up killing rebels. Some 11 rebel fighters in the besieged city died when they were bombed by a NATO aircraft, survivors said. A NATO spokesman says he has not yet received any information about...

Gadhafi's Daughter: Libya Will Be Worse Than Iraq

Crisis has pulled Gadhafi family together, Aisha says

(Newser) - Moammar Gadhafi's daughter dismisses Libyan rebels as terrorists, warns that Libya will be worse for the West than Iraq, and taunts President Obama and Hillary Clinton in a defiant interview with the New York Times . "The opposition in Iraq told the West that when you come to Iraq...

Heavy Shelling Continues in Misrata: Rebels

At least 25 dead, dozens wounded in latest round

(Newser) - Heavy fighting continues in Misrata despite claims by Libya’s government that the army has halted operations there , and at least 25 have been killed and 71 wounded in the latest round. Libya’s deputy foreign minister said early today that the army has not withdrawn from the city, but...

Gadhafi Abandons Misrata; Rebels Jubilant

But government forces leave boobytraps as they go

(Newser) - Moammar Gadhafi's troops backed away from Misrata today, reports the AP, as jubilant rebels claimed victory after having withstood nearly two months of shelling. "Misrata is free, the rebels have won. Of Gadhafi's forces, some are killed and others are running away," said a rebel. A...

Libyan War Dragging: Analysts
 Libyan War Dragging: Analysts 

Libyan War Dragging: Analysts

France, Italy send liason officers, US sends supplies

(Newser) - Coalition forces have stepped up their cooperation with Libyan rebels, with France and Italy announcing yesterday that they would send military liaisons and advisers, and the US saying it would send them $25 million worth of non-lethal equipment like body armor, tents, and vehicles, the Washington Post reports. The moves...

Britain to Send Advisers to Libya Amid Rebel Disarray

Critics in UK already warning of 'mission creep'

(Newser) - With anti-Ghadafi rebels still bickering over who's actually their leader, Britain plans to dispatch a team of miitary advisers to Benghazi to help them get their act together. London insists the advisers won't arm or train rebels or go beyond the UN mandate, reports al-Jazeera . Their biggest order...

Rebels: Gadhafi Days Away From Retaking Misrata

European troops may enter besieged city

(Newser) - The last western Libyan city still in rebel hands is likely to fall to Moammar Gadhafi's forces within days unless NATO steps up its intervention, a rebel spokesman says. Misrata has been under seige for seven weeks and its people are like "rats in a cage," the...

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