Libyan rebels

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UCLA Student Vacations With Libya Rebels

Math major thought a rebel holiday would be 'sick'

(Newser) - It's a vacation package you can't find on Travelocity: Sun, sand—and firing heavy weapons in a revolution. But that's the summer trip that UCLA math major Chris Jeon , 21, is enjoying, reports the Christian Science Monitor . “At spring break I told my friends a '...

Gadhafi: We Will Not Surrender

'We are not women,' he declares in broadcast statement

(Newser) - Rebels say (again) they are closing in on Moammar Gadhafi , but he's not talking (again) like a man on the brink of defeat. "The Libyan people cannot kneel, cannot surrender, we are not women," he said in a message broadcast on a Syria-based TV station. "Let...

Gadhafi in Town Near Capital: Rebels

But military attack on town of Bani Walid 'out of the question'

(Newser) - You've heard this one before , but Libya's new rulers think they know where Moammar Gadhafi is. Andel Majid Mlegta, head of the Tripoli military operations room, tells Reuters that "someone we trust" has placed Gadhafi and son Seif al-Islam in Bani Walid, a town about 95 miles...

Gadhafi Son: Our Victory Is Near

Other son negotiating surrender

(Newser) - Moammar Gadhafi's most prominent—and possibly most deluded—son says his father is doing fine and Gadhafi loyalists are close to victory. "We would like to assure people that we are steadfast and the commander is doing well," Saif al-Islam told a Syrian radio station, claiming to...

Gadhafi's Forces on Rebels' Deadline: No Way

They tell rebels to negotiate with Gadhafi's son ... who wants to surrender?

(Newser) - Libyan rebels yesterday told Gadhafi's men they need to surrender by Saturday or else—and it looks like the forces are opting for the "or else." In an overnight phone call to the AP , chief Gadhafi spokesman Moussa Ibrahim said the deadline would be rejected: "No...

Rebels to Loyalists: Surrender by Saturday

UN to unfreeze $1.5B in UK-based Libyan assets

(Newser) - Libya’s interim government has offered an ultimatum to Moammar Gadhafi loyalists: Surrender by Saturday, or we’ll take military action. Barring a “peaceful indication” from loyalists by the weekend, “we will decide this militarily,” said Mustafa Abdul Jalil, head of the Transitional National Council. “We...

Gadhafi's Son Khamis Reported Killed

Younger Gadhafi commanded elite military unit, said killed in NATO strike

(Newser) - Khamis Gadhafi, Moammar Gadhafi's feared son who commanded an elite military unit known as the Khamis Brigade, has been reported killed in a NATO strike, reports Sky News . A man at the scene of a bombed-out Toyota Landcruiser says that the younger Gadhafi was in it when a NATO...

Reporter Finds Lockerbie Bomber 'Close to Death'

Libya's rebel government refuses to extradite him

(Newser) - Hours after Libya's rebel government refused to extradite the Lockerbie bomber, a CNN reporter found him —slipping in and out of a coma, barely alive, sustained only by an intravenous drip. Reporter Nic Robertson had come for an interview, and was stunned by the site of Abdel Basset...

Rebels Diss Gadhafi Offer to Negotiate

Threaten to advance on Sirte, arrest him soon

(Newser) - Libyan rebels today rejected an offer by Moammar Gadhafi to negotiate and said they have captured the eastern town of Bin Jawwad, forcing regime loyalists to flee after days of fighting. With his regime crumbling, Gadhafi is on the run, but his chief spokesman Moussa Ibrahim says he's still...

Libyan Rebels Fight for Control of Border Road

Taking the road would help ease food, fuel shortages

(Newser) - Libyan rebels fought for control of a major supply road to the capital today after seizing a border crossing with Tunisia—strengthening their hold on the oil-rich country as they hunt for Moammar Gadhafi. Clearing the road from the Tunisian border to Tripoli would help ease growing shortages of fuel...

UN Releases $1.5B in Frozen Libya Assets

Fighting continues as British planes bomb Gadhafi's hometown

(Newser) - The UN has unfrozen $1.5 billion in frozen Libyan assets to be used as humanitarian aid as it called on both sides of the conflict to avoid revenge killings, the BBC reports. The money had been seized by the US in the spring. It won’t go straight to...

'Zenga Zenga' Creator Noy Alooshe Creates Libyan Rebel Remix 'Gadhafi's Hat'
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 'Gadhafi's Hat' 
Libya remixed

Next Viral Video: 'Gadhafi's Hat'

'Zenga Zenga' guy creates rebel rap

(Newser) - The man who brought you “Zenga Zenga” has a new music video, and this time it’s a Libyan rebel on the mic. Israeli musician and journalist Noy Alooshe autotuned a Sky News interview with a fighter who said he swiped Moammar Gadhafi’s famous military headgear from...

Rebels Had Double Agent in Gadhafi's Security Force

Mahmoud Ben Jumaa tells his story

(Newser) - How did Libyan rebels take Tripoli with such apparent ease? It was thanks in part to men like Mahmoud Ben Jumaa, a senior member of Moammar Gadhafi’s personal security force and secret rebel agent, the Wall Street Journal reports. Since February, Ben Jumaa had been tipping resistance leaders in...

Gadhafi to Loyalists: 'Drive Away the Infidels'

Ally says dictator can keep up the fight

(Newser) - Despite rebel claims to have Moammar Gadhafi surrounded , the leader has called on loyalists to “march in the millions to Tripoli to drive away infidels, crusaders, rats, and traitors.” The message, aired on two pro-Gadhafi TV stations, noted that “the rebels are few and you are plenty....

Fears of Dirty Bomb in Libya Grow

Research site near Tripoli contains nuclear materials

(Newser) - There's enough nuclear material in Libya to make a dirty bomb, former UN nuclear inspection chief Olli Heinonen warned today, urging rebel authorities to move to secure it. Libya's uranium enrichment program was dismantled in 2003, but a research center 20 miles east of Tripoli still has enough...

Journo Describes 'Terrifying' Time in Rixos Hotel

Journalists feared being killed, used as human shields

(Newser) - For the five days they were held in Tripoli’s Rixos Hotel by Moammar Gadhafi loyalists, Matthew Chance and his fellow journalists feared they could be executed or used as "human shields." "We had been acting out in our heads these paranoid scenarios," Chance told the...

4 Italian Journalists Abducted in Libya, Driver Killed

Journalists were on highway between Zawiyah and Tripoli

(Newser) - Italy's foreign ministry says four Italian journalists have been kidnapped and their driver killed, apparently by Libyan regime loyalists, as they traveled down the highway to Tripoli. The abductions occurred today on a stretch of highway between Zawiyah, 30 miles west of Tripoli, and the Libyan capital. Italian news...

Rebels Loot Gadhafi Compound
 Rebels Loot Gadhafi Compound 

Rebels Loot Gadhafi Compound

Loyalists fled ahead of assault

(Newser) - Rebels and their supporters gleefully looted Moammar Gadhafi’s Bab Azizia compound in Tripoli today, celebrating the fall of the regime by making off with various valuables and weaponry from hastily abandoned homes. “The money of the Libyan people is now going to the Libyan people,” one bank...

Allies Fear Gadhafi May Unleash Chemical Weapons

US forces monitoring sites

(Newser) - As the battle for Libya nears its endgame , Western nations allied with the rebels fear a desperate Moammar Gadhafi could unleash chemical weapons as his final brutal act. US armed forces are monitoring suspected chemical weapons sites. "They are a vicious regime,” British Foreign Minister William Hague told...

Rebel Government Heads to Tripoli

Celebration on streets of Benghazi

(Newser) - Aiming to prevent a “vacuum” in Libyan leadership, rebel leaders from the Transitional National Council are traveling from the country’s east to Tripoli, the Christian Science Monitor reports. "We have to be there at the moment of liberation. We can’t leave any opportunities for remnants of...

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