Vincent Gray

6 Stories

Marion Barry Dies at 78
 Marion Barry Dies at 78 

Marion Barry Dies at 78

Former DC mayor collapsed outside his home

(Newser) - Divisive and flamboyant, maddening and beloved, Marion Barry outshone every politician in the 40-year history of District of Columbia self-rule. But for many, his legacy was not defined by the accomplishments and failures of his four terms as mayor and long service on the DC Council. Instead, Barry will be...

Upstart Dumps Scandal-Weary DC Mayor in Primary

Muriel Bowser wins Dems' nomination

(Newser) - Scandal-plagued DC Mayor Vincent Gray is out of the running for a second term after losing the Democratic primary to a local lawmaker. Muriel Bowser, a DC councilmember, heads to the general election after securing the nomination amid paltry turnout, the Washington Post reports. With supporters from a range of...

DC Official Knocks ObamaCare Fix, Gets Fired

Insurance commissioner William White given his walking papers

(Newser) - The District of Columbia's insurance commissioner criticized President Obama's latest ObamaCare concession on Thursday and was fired on Friday—without being told why, the Washington Post reports. A top deputy to Mayor Vincent Gray canned the commissioner, William White, saying that the mayor "wants to go in...

DC Shrugs at Walmart Ultimatum, OKs Living Wage

Members' not awed by company's threat to abandon city

(Newser) - Walmart's threats to take its toys and go home if Washington, DC, passed a "living wage" bill appear to have met with one big shrug from city council. The body voted 8-5 yesterday to approve the bill—which jacks minimum wage to $12.50 an hour for retailers...

DC's No. 2 Politician Resigns After Fraud Charge

Kwame Brown charged with lying on bank loan application

(Newser) - The second highest-ranking politician in the Washington, DC, city government resigned yesterday, just hours after being charged with bank fraud for allegedly inflating his income by tens of thousands of dollars in order to secure a home loan and purchase a $50,000, 38-foot powerboat, reports the Washington Post . Sources...

DC Mayor Arrested at Budget Protest

'I’m tired of being pawn in political game,' grumbles Vince Gray

(Newser) - Washington Mayor Vincent Gray and several city council members were among 41 people arrested at a Capitol Hill protest against the budget deal yesterday. Gray and his colleagues were charged with unlawful assembly for blocking passage on the street and were taken to a Capitol Police facility before being released...

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