US-Saudi Arabia arms deal

6 Stories

Democrats See 'Troubling' Saudi Link in Watchdog's Firing

Steve Linick was investigating decision to allow arms sales

(Newser) - State Department Inspector General Steve Linick was looking into a lot more than dog-walking and errand-running when he was abruptly fired on Friday, House Democrats say. Lawmakers have confirmed that the watchdog's other investigations included a probe of President Trump and Secretary of State Mike Pompeo's decision last...

Pompeo Cites Emergency to Push Arms Sale Through

Maneuver avoids taking deal to Congress

(Newser) - The Trump administration on Friday invoked a rarely used provision in federal law to bypass congressional review of arms sales to Saudi Arabia, citing threats the kingdom faces from Iran. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo notified Congress of the decision to use an emergency loophole in the Arms Export Control...

Report: Trump Considering Loophole for Saudi Arms Sale

Emergency declaration would bypass Congress

(Newser) - The Trump administration is considering an emergency declaration that would allow it to make an arms shipment to Saudi Arabia without the approval of Congress, two US officials and lawmakers opposed to the move said Thursday. The officials say a decision on invoking a national security waiver in the Arms...

US Arms Sales Hog 75% of Global Market

Washington's overseas sales tripled last year

(Newser) - America's weapon sales abroad last year skyrocketed to $66.3 billion, triple the 2010 figure of $21.4 billion, according to a nonpartisan report. US sales accounted for more than three-quarters of the $85.3 billion market and marked a record high for sales in a year, blowing away...

US Hawking F-15s to Saudis
 US Hawking F-15s to Saudis 

US Hawking F-15s to Saudis

For the paltry sum of $29.4B

(Newser) - As Iran continues its saber-rattling , the US is responding by beefing up the military might of a regional ally. The Obama administration will announce the sale of $29.4 billion in F-15s to Saudi Arabia, sources tell the AP , in a deal for 84 new jets and upgrades to 70...

Plan to Train Saudi Fighter Pilots in Idaho Under Fire

Training part of a $60-billion arms deal with Saudi Arabia

(Newser) - It's been nearly a decade since a Saudi pilot crashed into the Pentagon on 9/11, but a plan for the US Air Force to train Saudi Arabian pilots in Idaho has some people outraged, reports al-Jazeera . As part of a huge $60 billion arms deal made last autumn, the Air...

6 Stories
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