Libya no-fly zone

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Jonah Goldberg Thinks the US Didn't Act Fast Enough on Libya; Michael Kinsley Thinks We Shouldn't Have Acted at All
Obama's Libya Response:
Too Much, or Too Slow?
OPINION roundup

Obama's Libya Response: Too Much, or Too Slow?

Michael Kinsley thinks the former, Jonah Goldberg, the latter

(Newser) - Today's op-ed page of the Los Angeles Times illustrates how President Obama is taking flak from both sides over his Libya decision:
  • Not fast enough: Jonah Goldberg thinks Obama blew it by not acting in the early days of Libya's unrest, when a "small intervention" such as bribing military

US F-15 Jet Crash Lands in Libya; Both Crew Said to Be Safe
 US Jet Crashes in Libya 

US Jet Crashes in Libya

Mechanical malfunction blamed; both crew said to be safe

(Newser) - A US F-15E Strike Eagle jet has crash-landed about 25 miles southwest of Benghazi, the apparent victim of mechanical failure rather than Libyan fire. A Marine Corps Osprey search and rescue aircraft retrieved the pilot, while the second crew member, a weapons officer, was recovered by rebel forces and is...

Freed NYT Reporters Recount Ordeal

One remembers being told, 'You're going to die tonight'

(Newser) - Tyler Hicks and his New York Times colleagues were trying to leave Ajdabiya when their driver stumbled into a checkpoint manned by Gadhafi’s forces—and Hicks immediately knew something was wrong. “I was yelling to the driver, ‘Keep driving! Don’t stop! Don’t stop!’”...

Stewart: Can't Fire Teachers and Tomahawks

Daily Show host slams Libya action

(Newser) - Jon Stewart—dismayed to return from vacation and discover that the world's biggest trouble spots are no longer "Wisconsin and the set of Two and a Half Men"—has a bone to pick with the US bombing of Libya: The name—"Operation Odyssey Dawn"—for starters....

US: Strikes on Libya to Slow
 US: Strikes on Libya to Slow 

US: Strikes on Libya to Slow

Coalition hits Libya for third night

(Newser) - Coalition forces pounded targets in Libya for a third night yesterday, but the general leading US forces says the pace of air attacks is likely to slow soon. The campaign to destroy Moammar Gadhafi's air defenses and establish a no-fly zone is almost complete, and American officials are seeking to...

Why Obama Really Went to War

 Why Obama Really Went to War 

Why Obama Really Went to War

Administration wanted to resurrect the idea of humanitarian intervention

(Newser) - The Obama administration didn’t really go to war to stop Moammar Gadhafi from committing human rights violations—or at least that wasn’t the only reason, sources tell Massimo Calabresi of Time . Senior officials say that many who pushed for the war pitched it in part as a way...

Operation Odyssey Dawn: Moammar Gadhafi Vows 'Long War'
 Gadhafi Vows 'Long War' 

Gadhafi Vows 'Long War'

And warns that 'oil will not be left' to US, France, Britain

(Newser) - Yesterday, Moammar Gadhafi told President Obama "I would still love you" even if there was a war between Libya and America. Today, he told allied forces to buckle up. In a telephone call to state television, Gadhafi reportedly spoke of a "long war," saying, "We will...

Libya Intervention: Admiral Mike Mullen Says Strikes Having 'Significant Effect'
 Mullen: Libya No-Fly Zone Is Up 

Mullen: Libya No-Fly Zone Is Up

Chairman of the Joint Chiefs stresses limited nature of mission

(Newser) - The US airstrikes launched yesterday against Libya are already having a "significant effect" on Moammar Gadhafi's military, Adm. Mike Mullen said in an interview today. Gadhafi has been unable to "fly the last couple of days," he said, “So I’d say the no-fly zone which...

Lindsey Graham: Obama Is Acting Like Leadership Is an 'Inconvenience'
 Leadership an 
 for Obama 


Graham: Leadership an 'Inconvenience' for Obama

GOP thinks Libya invasion is too little, too late

(Newser) - As Mike Mullen made the talk-show rounds to explain the administration's actions in Libya, Capitol Hill's finest followed him around to offer their two cents. Republicans are roundly slamming President Obama, with Lindsey Graham saying he's acting as though “leading the free world is an inconvenience,” and worrying...

Michael Moore Twitter-Blasts Obama

Left-wing filmmaker outraged over US military intervention in Libya

(Newser) - Michael Moore ripped into President Obama yesterday for taking military action in Libya , reports the Hill , unloading a barrage of criticism via Twitter . A sampling of Moore's outrage:
  • "It's only cause we're defending the Libyan people from a tyrant! That's why we bombed the Saudis last wk! Hahaha. Pentagon=comedy"

Libya Condemns 'Barbaric Aggression'

Russia complains UN's resolution was 'hastily adopted'

(Newser) - Libya has quickly condemned the attacks by the US and other nations as a "barbaric aggression" that has wounded a "large number of civilians" and caused heavy damage, reports the Times of India . "The pretext that this aggression is designed to protect civilians is contradicted by what...

US Fires Its First Shots Against Gadhafi

US launches missiles; French jet takes out tank

(Newser) - The US has joined the fight in Libya: American ships (and one British submarine) fired more than 110 Tomahawk missiles at 20 radar and communication sites inside the country, reports ABC . It's the first phase of what's being called Operation Odyssey Dawn, with the current focus on taking out Moammar...

Call Him Our 'Imperial' President

 Call Him Our 
Andrew Sullivan

Call Him Our 'Imperial' President

Andrew Sullivan: Libya action makes no sense; Congress should vote

(Newser) - President Obama's speech yesterday justifying military action against Libya was "disturbingly empty," writes Andrew Sullivan at his Daily Dish blog in the Atlantic. Notice he didn't try to explain why we're moving against Tripoli but not allies Bahrain or Yemen? That's "because, one suspects, there is no...

French Fighter Jets Start Patrols Over Libya

Move comes after Ghadafi again defies UN

(Newser) - French military jets have begun patrols over the rebel stronghold of Benghazi, the first tangible sign of the promised no-fly zone, reports the BBC . French President Nicolas Sarkozy announced the move after an international summit in Paris. Earlier, Moammar Gadhafi reversed himself and said he wouldn't abide by the UN...

UN's Libya Decision Carries Huge Risks
 UN's Libya Decision 
 Carries Huge Risks 

UN's Libya Decision Carries Huge Risks

Let's just hope Gadhafi crumbles quickly: Marc Lynch

(Newser) - Marc Lynch hopes "fervently" that the UN's decision on Libya causes Moammar Gadhafi's regime to fall quickly. It could "reverse the flagging fortunes of the Arab uprisings" and put both the US and international community on the right side of the protest movement, he writes in Foreign Policy...

Libya Declares Cease-Fire
 Libya Declares Cease-Fire 

Libya Declares Cease-Fire

Foreign minister says country will abide by UN resolution

(Newser) - So much for shooting down passenger jets : Libya is imposing an immediate cease-fire, the country's foreign minister tells reporters. Moussa Koussa says Libya will abide by the UN Security Council's recent resolution and will halt military operations against rebels, USA Today reports. Though Koussa was not a fan of the...

Gadhafi Cancels Benghazi Offensive

Rebels cheer UN no-fly zone

(Newser) - As Libyan rebels cheered the United Nations' last-minute approval of a no-fly zone , Moammar Gadhafi's forces decided the promised offensive against Benghazi was off. "We will chase the traitors from Benghazi,” the dictator had told his troops earlier. “Destroy their fortifications. Show them no mercy." Gadhafi's...

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