Japan volcano

6 Stories

Japanese Volcano Blows Its Lid
 Japanese Volcano Blows Its Lid 

Japanese Volcano Blows Its Lid

Officials clear everyone from area, looking for hikers

(Newser) - Mount Aso, a volcano on the southern Japanese island of Kyushu, has erupted, sending huge plumes of black and then white smoke some 6,560 feet into the air. The eruption today prompted authorities to raise the alert level for the area, banning people from approaching within 1.25 miles...

More Bodies Pulled From 'Severe' Scene at Volcano

One victim, found squatting, was buried in ash from Japan's Mount Ontake

(Newser) - One body recovered near the summit of the Mount Ontake volcano was in a squatting position and had to be dug out of a thick layer of ash; another was caught between boulders bigger than large refrigerators. Police who recovered a dozen bodies today portrayed a "severe," painful...

Japan Volcano Erupts; Hiker Dead, 40 Hurt

Mount Ontake eruption trapped about 250 on slopes

(Newser) - A volcano in Japan rumbled to life today unexpectedly, killing a female hiker, the Japan Times reports. At least 40 people were hurt in the eruption of Mount Ontake in central Japan, the AP reports, and the Times notes that 16 were knocked unconscious, per an official. Seven were said...

'Snoopy' Emerges From Japan's New Island

Island created by volcano expands, takes shape of Charlie Brown's pal

(Newser) - From the volcanic ash of Japan's newest island , the shape of a beloved cartoon figure is rising. When volcanic activity birthed a new island off the coast of Nishinoshima island in November, Japan waited to name it lest it disappear. But to the contrary, the island, since named Niijima...

Volcano Spawns New Japanese Island
 Volcano Spawns New Island 

Volcano Spawns New Island

Japan welcomes tiny new territory

(Newser) - An undersea volcanic eruption has given Japan a tiny patch of new territory—but the country is going to wait and see whether the sea swallows it before it names the new island. The island was born in a huge eruption of exploding rocks and smoke that reached one-third of...

Japanese Volcano Shinmoedake Erupts
 Japanese Volcano Erupts 

Japanese Volcano Erupts

Shinmoedake had been quiet for a few weeks

(Newser) - It's an even better time to not be in Japan: Adding to the country's burgeoning humanitarian crisis after Friday's massive earthquake and tsunami, a volcano in the country's south erupted today. The Shinmoedake volcano spewed ash some two and a half miles into the air, its first activity in a...

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