
Stories 101 - 120 | << Prev   Next >>

Benghazi Suspect Freed for Lack of Evidence

He was one of a scant few arrested in the case

(Newser) - Only two suspects have been arrested in connection with the attack on the US consulate in Benghazi, and today one of them is a free man once more. A Tunisian court has "conditionally freed" 26-year-old suspect Ali Harzi , citing a lack of evidence, the AP reports. Harzi has been...

Hey, America: Cut the Character Assassination
Hey, America: Cut the Character Assassination

Hey, America: Cut the Character Assassination

Attacks on Clinton are part of a larger problem: Kathleen Parker

(Newser) - When Hillary Clinton took full responsibility for the Benghazi attack , critics accused her of "falling on her sword" to protect the president. Then, when she suffered a concussion and had to postpone her congressional testimony on the matter, those same critics accused her of faking her illness to dodge...

Senate Report Blasts State Dept. on Benghazi

Lieberman-Collins report echoes independent probe

(Newser) - The State Department didn't provide its Benghazi team with enough protection against possible threats, a bipartisan Senate report finds, marking the second slap at State this month over the Libya attack. What's more, intelligence pointed to the attack being the work of terrorists all along—but the Obama...

Clinton Aide on Benghazi: 'We Have to Do Better'

State Department officials testify before Senate, House panels

(Newser) - Two of Hillary Clinton's top deputies went before a Senate panel today to take their lumps over the department's security shortcomings in the Benghazi attack, reports Politico . Two quotes sum up their main message:
  • "We learned some very hard and painful lessons in Benghazi," said William

3 State Dept. Officials Resign Over Benghazi Report

Chief of the department's security service steps down

(Newser) - The report criticizing State Department management for lax security ahead of the Benghazi attack has led to three quick resignations today, reports the AP . The top name is that of Eric Boswell, who oversaw diplomatic security for the department. One of his deputies, Charlene Lamb, and an unnamed official from...

Benghazi Attackers Tried to Kick Their Way In

Video footage is 'far more confusing than clarifying': official

(Newser) - More than 100 hours of video surveillance exist from the September 11 attack on the US consulate in Benghazi, and officials have who viewed the footage aren't emerging with a ton of definitive answers. What it does verify: There is no evidence of a protest beforehand. What it doesn'...

Report Blasts State Department Over Benghazi

Hillary Clinton accepts all 29 recommendations on security

(Newser) - An independent panel set up to investigate the September attack on the US consulate in Benghazi has come down hard on the State Department for lax oversight on security. But, the AP reports, it does not single out any individual or recommend disciplinary action. Hillary Clinton, at home this week...

State Defends Clinton From Concussion Conspirators

Conservatives think she's faking it

(Newser) - A State Department spokeswoman had to make an unusual statement today: Yes, my boss is really sick. She was referring to a slew of conservatives insisting that Hillary Clinton made up a story about fainting and suffering a concussion to avoid testifying on Capitol Hill this week on the Benghazi...

Egypt Arrests Possible Key Figure in Benghazi Attack

Followers of Muhammad Jamal Abu Ahmad were at the site

(Newser) - Egypt has made what could be a big arrest related to the attack on the US consulate in Benghazi, reports the Wall Street Journal . Authorities detained Muhammad Jamal Abu Ahmad, described as the leader of an expanding terrorist network who has been trying to establish his own wing of al-Qaeda...

How Weapons Went to Libya Radicals—With US OK

US gave Qatar approval to arm rebels, but...

(Newser) - Weapons shipped by Qatar to rebels in Libya—with US approval—also made their way into the hands of radical Islamic militants during last year's uprisings, reports the New York Times . US officials grew concerned as evidence mounted that Qatar was also delivering weapons to extremists, and officials say...

How CIA's 94 Words on Benghazi Got It So Wrong

'WSJ' looks at how the CIA's consulate-attack talking points came to be

(Newser) - The Wall Street Journal today takes a look at the life and death of 94 little words: the heavily edited and ultimately faulty Benghazi talking points compiled by the CIA in the wake of the consulate attack.
  • Just a day after the attack, the CIA's reports were already referencing

GOP Says No to Rice but Loves ... Kerry?

Perhaps Republicans respect long-time senator ... or just want his seat

(Newser) - The GOP may still be fiercely opposed to Susan Rice as the next secretary of state, but there's another Democrat that many Republicans seem to be solidly behind—John Kerry. The brutal criticisms Kerry faced as the Democratic nominee for president in 2004 have been replaced with talk of...

Susan Rice Gets More Bad News on Capitol Hill

She fails to win over moderate Susan Collins

(Newser) - Susan Rice didn't have much luck yesterday convincing John McCain and others that her initial Benghazi response was an honest recitation of the best information available. So maybe she'd fare better today with the moderate Susan Collins? Not so much, reports Politico and the Washington Post . “I...

McCain and Co. 'Troubled' After Meeting Susan Rice

Could-be secretary of state can't win over critics

(Newser) - Susan Rice met with her harshest GOP critics on Capitol Hill this morning—and apparently it didn't go well. The US ambassador to the UN was hoping to reassure John McCain, Lindsey Graham, and Kelly Ayotte that she wasn't trying to mislead anyone when she described the Benghazi...

Susan Rice Is Frontrunner for Secretary of State

She'll visit her 3 biggest Benghazi critics

(Newser) - Looks like Susan Rice's star is on the rise. After handling a barrage of Republican criticism over Benghazi, Rice has become the frontrunner to replace Hillary Clinton as secretary of state, the AP reports. Rice will visit key lawmakers this week and sit down with three of her biggest...

McCain Must Fall on His Sword Over Benghazi

His attacks on Susan Rice went too far: Michael Tomasky

(Newser) - Now that John McCain's merciless criticism of Susan Rice over Benghazi seems off-base—at least according to CBS —should he fall on his own sword? "Live by the moral sword, die by it," writes Michael Tomasky at the Daily Beast . In an angry article, he criticizes...

Rice Swings Back at McCain
 Rice Swings Back at McCain 

Rice Swings Back at McCain

She defends initial comments following Benghazi attacks

(Newser) - UN Ambassador Susan Rice has finally taken a stand in the controversy over her Benghazi comments. Speaking to reporters at the UN yesterday, she defended her initial remarks, which called the attacks the result of protests over an anti-Islam video. "I relied solely and squarely on the information provided...

Benghazi Security Chief Killed by Gunmen: Libya

Col. Farag al-Dersi shot dead by three gunmen

(Newser) - Libya's deputy interior minister says gunmen assassinated Benghazi's security chief overnight. Col. Farag al-Dersi was shot dead while returning from work. "Three men opened fire, killed him, and then fled the scene," says the minister, adding that it was unclear who is behind the killing. The...

Congress Investigating Altered CIA Talking Points
 Congress Investigating 
 Altered CIA Talking Points 
benghazi attack

Congress Investigating Altered CIA Talking Points

Lawmakers want to get to the bottom of Benghazi attack's wake

(Newser) - Lawmakers have been in a tizzy ever since David Petraeus told Congress that other federal agencies altered CIA talking points on the Benghazi attack, which originally referred to it as a terrorist attack, and now Congress will launch an inquiry into the matter, the AP reports. The White House said...

Obama Can Do Better Than Rice at State
 Obama Can 
 Do Better 
 Than Rice 
 at State 
dana milbank

Obama Can Do Better Than Rice at State

Dana Milbank thinks she's an 'undiplomatic diplomat'

(Newser) - President Obama has decided to stick up for UN ambassador Susan Rice in a big way, and Dana Milbank of the Washington Post thinks that's too bad. John McCain is right about one thing, he argues: "She is ill-equipped to be the nation’s top diplomat." It'...

Stories 101 - 120 | << Prev   Next >>