
Stories 61 - 80 | << Prev   Next >>

CIA Officials to Testify on Benghazi

House Intelligence subcommittee to hold closed-door hearing

(Newser) - House members may soon know a lot more about what happened during the attack on the US consulate in Benghazi. CIA security officers who were on the scene are set to testify in a closed hearing before a House Intelligence subcommittee, insiders tell CNN . The officers, whose job it was...

Graham: I'll Bar Appointees Until I Get Benghazi Testimony

Senator thinks White House told survivors to keep mouth shut

(Newser) - He's not shutting down the government, but Lindsey Graham plans to use another procedural method to get the administration to open up on Benghazi. The GOP senator tweets that he'll block "every appointment in the US Senate" until the survivors of the Libya attack "are made...

Libya Approved Raid: US Officials

2nd raid to capture Benghazi suspect was called off

(Newser) - Despite its complaints about a "kidnapping," the Libyan government gave its tacit approval to the raid that captured al-Qaeda suspect Abu Anas al-Libi and a second raid that never took place, American officials tell the New York Times . The second raid would have been to seize Ahmed Abu...

This Is Why People Dismiss the Benghazi 'Scandal'

Dana Milbank sits in on a meeting laden with conspiracy theories

(Newser) - If you're wondering why people don't seem to be taking accusations about the Benghazi consulate attack seriously, look no further than the meeting at the Heritage Foundation yesterday. Some people raised serious questions, writes Dana Milbank at the Washington Post , but they were drowned out by "participants...

US Embassies Put on High Alert for 9/11

White House moves to avoid Benghazi repeat

(Newser) - The White House has stepped up security efforts to prevent September 11 from becoming the anniversary of any more tragedies. The administration, citing last year's 9/11 attack in Benghazi, has ordered increased security at American facilities around the world today and has put top counterterror aide Lisa Monaco in...

'Damning' Report: Benghazi Outpost Was a Sitting Duck

Gov't finds many US embassies at similar risk

(Newser) - The newly launched Al Jazeera America has its hands on an internal government report (you can read the full PDF here ) on the 2012 Benghazi attack, and the assessment is "damning." The report, written by an independent panel of intelligence and security experts, paints a picture of...

Anti-Muslim Film Director Freed From Prison, Speaks Out

Nakoula Basseley Nakoula chides president's administration

(Newser) - The man behind an infamous anti-Muslim film says he likes President Obama but thinks his administration has acted irresponsibly. In his first interview since being released from prison, Nakoula Basseley Nakoula, director of The Innocence of Muslims, tells CNN he was shocked when the administration linked his movie to the...

US Files 1st Charges in Benghazi Attack

Ahmed Khattalah accused in sealed indictment

(Newser) - So the Benghazi probe isn't dead: The Justice Department today filed charges against Libyan militia leader Ahmed Khattalah but kept details under wraps, CNN reports. Officials contacted by CNN refused to divulge anything or even say whether Khattalah will be detained. But Khattalah's possible involvement is nothing new:...

So What Exactly Was the CIA Doing in Benghazi?

CNN reports that dozens of agents were on ground before attack in secretive mission

(Newser) - A new CNN report might resurrect the controversy of last year's attack on the US consulate in Benghazi that killed ambassador Chris Stevens. The report asserts that not only did the CIA have "dozens" of operatives on the ground at the consulate before the attack, it is now...

Blasts, Clashes Follow Benghazi Jailbreak

Around 1K escapees still on the loose

(Newser) - Benghazi is descending deeper into chaos after the escape of more than 1,000 prisoners from a city jail . Two explosions hit a courthouse and a justice ministry building yesterday and officials believe escapees are to blame. The blasts, which injured at least 10 people, had "some of the...

Another Massive Jailbreak: 1K Bust Out in Libya

Mass escape in Benghazi amidst nationwide protests

(Newser) - It's been quite the week for headline-grabbing jailbreaks: First 500 bust out of Abu Ghraib , then a Pink Panther jewel thief escapes a Swiss prison , and now more then 1,000 inmates have broken out of a prison in Benghazi, Libya. The incident began when security opened fire on...

27 Dead in Libya Clashes
 27 Dead in Libya Clashes 

27 Dead in Libya Clashes

Violence erupts between protesters, militias in Benghazi

(Newser) - Clashes between protesters and militias aligned with the military in Libya's eastern city of Benghazi left 27 people killed and dozens wounded, a health official said today. The violence broke out yesterday after protesters stormed a base belonging to Libya Shield, a grouping of militias tasked with maintaining security....

Security Adviser Quits, Susan Rice Gets the Job

Tom Donilon resigns as national security adviser

(Newser) - National Security Adviser Tom Donilon will announce his resignation today, multiple outlets are reporting, and President Obama isn't exactly choosing a politically safe successor. Instead he'll tap Susan Rice , the US ambassador to the UN who's become a lightning rod thanks to the Benghazi controversy. The job...

Real Culprit of Benghazi Talking Points: Petraeus, CIA

'Washington Post' says they were mostly intended to make the CIA look good

(Newser) - So far, most of the public anger about the Benghazi scandal has focused on the State Department. But the Washington Post has an in-depth piece today suggesting that the real blame for the infamous talking points may lie with everyone's favorite philandering ex-spy chief, David Petraeus. "It was...

GOP Shreds White House 'Cronyism,' 'Intimidation'

Republicans, administration spar over series of scandals

(Newser) - The GOP pulled no punches in lambasting the Obama administration over the series of scandals—ranging from the IRS to Benghazi and the AP—dogging it of late. On Benghazi, Mitch McConnell says he wants "the investigations to go forward," because clearly the White House "made up...

Two Very Different Views on Obama Scandals
Two Very Different Views
on Obama Scandals

Two Very Different Views on Obama Scandals

They're either fizzling or the worst 'since Watergate'

(Newser) - Supporters of President Obama will be glad to read that all three of the scandals that have dominated headlines this week look like they're fizzling. So writes Ezra Klein at the Washington Post . Obama's detractors, though, can take heart to learn that "we are in the midst...

Obama: 'No Apologies' for Investigation of Reporters

He also expresses 'complete confidence' in Eric Holder

(Newser) - President Obama used a joint news conference today with the Turkish prime minister to try to defuse the recent White House scandals . Some highlights:
  • AP phone records: He said he would make "no apologies" for the Justice Department's subpoena of reporters' phone records because finding the source of

Holder-Issa Showdown: White House Is Loving It
Holder-Issa Showdown:
White House Is Loving It

Holder-Issa Showdown: White House Is Loving It

Team Obama likes having people they can ridicule lead charges against them

(Newser) - Things got heated on Capitol Hill yesterday as congressman Darrell Issa grilled Eric Holder over the recent White House troubles. At one point, Issa cut off one of the attorney general's answers to laugh about it, and Holder wasn't having it. “No, no, that’s what you...

Can Obama 'Stop the Bleeding'?

White House gets aggressive on scandals

(Newser) - Enter the new narrative from the DC press corps: The White House is shifting from offense to defense on scandals, or as Politico puts it, "President Obama tries to stop the bleeding." Obama fired the IRS chief yesterday, released Benghazi emails , and got a new press-shield law in...

White House Releases Benghazi Emails

They cover the development of 'talking points' after attack

(Newser) - If you can't get enough of the Benghazi story, the White House has some reading for you: This afternoon, it released 100 pages of emails and other internal notes that show how its "talking points" evolved after the attack, reports the Washington Post . You can dig in here...

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