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You Probably Know Someone on Steroids
Have Become
the New Normal

Steroids Have Become the New Normal

Performance-enhancing drugs are everywhere, writes Rosecrans Baldwin in GQ

(Newser) - GQ writer Rosecrans Baldwin is pretty sure you know somebody who is taking performance-enhancing drugs. This is based on his discovery that so many people in his own circle—average folks, not gym rats—are taking something of that nature. It might be human growth hormone, or testosterone, or...

Some Bodybuilders Pay for Their Muscles With Their Lives
Some Bodybuilders Pay for
Their Muscles With Their Lives
in case you missed it

Some Bodybuilders Pay for Their Muscles With Their Lives

The 'Washington Post' delves into the sport

(Newser) - It's "a sport that for years has operated under the halo of health and fitness." But the reality that Washington Post reporters Jenn Abelson, Nate Jones, and Ladka Bauerova found after delving into the world of bodybuilding was so unhealthy it was often deadly. They interviewed more...

The Quest for Fair Skin Leads to 'Serious Adverse Effects'

In India, topical steroid creams that lighten skin cause painful side effects

(Newser) - Since 2018, you shouldn't be able to buy a "fairness cream" over the counter in India. That was the year the government required that 14 topical steroid creams be made available only with a doctor's prescription. And yet CNN was recently able to purchase four types of...

Scientists: We've Found a Lifesaving COVID Treatment
Scientists: We've Found a
Lifesaving COVID Treatment

Scientists: We've Found a Lifesaving COVID Treatment

Dexamethasone found to reduce death rates by 1/3 for patients on ventilators

(Newser) - Researchers running the largest randomized, controlled trial of coronavirus treatments are heralding a "major breakthrough": the first drug shown to reduce deaths from COVID-19. Dexamethasone isn't new. Rather, it's a generic steroid widely used to reduce inflammation. But it's "the only drug that's so...

Male Steroid Use Can Turn Them Into 'Evolutionary Duds'
Guys, Beware the
Mossman-Pacey Paradox

Guys, Beware the Mossman-Pacey Paradox

Men who go to extremes to attract mates risk becoming 'evolutionary duds,' suggests study

(Newser) - Scientists have uncovered a paradox where men try to make themselves into "pinnacles of evolution" while simultaneously becoming "evolutionary duds." "Isn't it ironic that men go to the gym to look wonderful, for the most part to attract women, and inadvertently decrease their fertility?" says...

Martin Sheen on Charlie's Implosion: Steroids

'We were powerless to do much'

(Newser) - Finally, an explanation for Charlie Sheen's 2011 meltdown: It was not, in fact, fueled by tiger blood and Adonis DNA , but by steroids, according to dad Martin. "Only those of us that knew him understood what was going on. I'm talking about steroids, at that time,"...

A-Rod Used PEDs in MVP Season— With MLB's Blessing

New book says he got permission to use testosterone in 2007

(Newser) - Alex Rodriguez used performance-enhancing drugs in 2007, the year he hit 54 home runs, won his second MVP award, and then opted out of his contract, leading to the biggest pay-day in baseball history—and he did it with the league's blessing. An excerpt from the upcoming book, Blood ...

Steroids' Benefits Could Ripple for Months, Years
Steroids' Benefits Could Ripple for Months, Years
Study Says

Steroids' Benefits Could Ripple for Months, Years

Current bans on athletes who test positive might not be enough

(Newser) - Steroids may give athletes a competitive edge way longer than previously thought—as long as their entire professional careers. A new study from Norway found that mice given steroids were able to regrow muscle mass more rapidly months after the drug was withdrawn. After three months "clean," the...

Radio Show Canned After Host Claims Pujols was a 'Juicer'

Former Cardinal Jack Clark says Pujols' trainer told him so

(Newser) - A St. Louis radio station has dropped a show co-hosted by former Cardinals player Jack Clark after Clark claimed on-air that Angels player Albert Pujols had used steroids. Clark was only in his first week as a radio host on WGNU when he said Pujols' former trainer Chris Mihlfeld told...

MLB Suspends A-Rod Through 2014; He Can Play for Now

Twelve players have agreed to 50-game suspensions

(Newser) - All players targeted for drug suspensions in the Biogenesis scandal —except Alex Rodriguez—have accepted 50-game penalties from Major League Baseball, a person familiar with the negotiations tells the AP. MLB has decided to slap Rodriguez with a suspension lasting through the entire 2014 season, but he's expected...

Ex-Commish: Ban A-Rod Forever
 Ex-Commish: Ban 
 A-Rod Forever 

Ex-Commish: Ban A-Rod Forever

Faye Vincent thinks there should be a one-strike steroid policy

(Newser) - Major League Baseball has just handed down some stiff suspensions to Alex Rodriguez and the other players implicated in the Biogenesis scandal—but not nearly stiff enough for Faye Vincent's tastes. When gambling threatened the sport, baseball instituted a one-strike-and-you're-out policy. "As a result, there is no...

Baseball Expands Testing for HGH in Players

Tests will be done in-season for first time

(Newser) - Barry Bonds and others in the juicing club may never make it into the Baseball Hall of Fame, but now they've got a different kind of legacy: The league will start testing players' blood for human growth hormone during the season, reports Bloomberg . Current HGH testing takes place only...

Baseball Elects Nobody to Hall of Fame This Year

Bonds, Clemens, and Sosa among those shut out

(Newser) - Steroid-tainted stars Barry Bonds, Roger Clemens, and Sammy Sosa have been denied entry to baseball's Hall of Fame, with voters failing to elect any candidates for only the second time in four decades. Bonds received just 36.2% of the vote, Clemens 37.6, and Sosa 12.5 in...

Feds Raid Firm Linked to Meningitis Outbreak

Agents probing New England Compounding Center

(Newser) - Criminal investigators from the Food and Drug Administration have raided the Massachusetts company whose steroid medication has been linked to a deadly meningitis outbreak. An FDA spokesman says the agents' work at the New England Compounding Center is part of the investigation into the outbreak, which has killed at least...

2 More Drugs Named in Meningitis Outbreak

The same compounding center made them, too

(Newser) - Federal health officials today implicated two more drugs in the meningitis outbreak that has killed 15 people and sickened at least 214, NBC News reports. One is a steroid called triamcinolone acetonide, which is similar to methylprednisolone acetate, the back pain steroid that officials have already linked to the outbreak....

Meningitis Outbreak Spreads; 91 Infected
Meningitis Outbreak Spreads: 8 Dead, 105 Sick

Meningitis Outbreak Spreads: 8 Dead, 105 Sick

Michigan and Virginia report new cases

(Newser) - The death toll in America's meningitis outbreak rose to eight today, the Centers for Disease Control announced, and the number infected swelled to 105, CNN reports. The outbreak has now affected patients in nine states, with many of the new cases coming from Michigan and Virginia, according to Reuters...

Meningitis Outbreak Death Toll Up to 7

Two fatalities reported in Michigan

(Newser) - The death toll in the meningitis outbreak reached seven today after two more fatalities were reported in Michigan, Reuters reports. Overall, 65 people across nine states have come down with the membrane infection that affects the brain and spinal cord. Everyone who has fallen ill had taken steroid injections linked...

Rare Meningitis Outbreak Leaves 2 Dead

Tennessee hospital closes clinic that gave steroid injections

(Newser) - A rare outbreak of fungal meningitis has killed two Tennesseans and infected 11 more, prompting an investigation by state health officials and the CDC, the Tennesseean reports. So far, those infected have one thing in common: injections of epidural steroids at a Nashville hospital this summer. The procedure—usually given...

Did Armstrong Drug Use Give Him Cancer?
Did Armstrong Drug Use
Give Him Cancer?

Did Armstrong Drug Use Give Him Cancer?

Say it ain't so, Lance

(Newser) - So Lance Armstrong probably cheated to battle back from his cancer diagnosis in 1996—that only leveled the playing field with other cyclists. But what if steroid use gave him that cancer in the first place? "I don’t think any part of his public reputation would survive if...

Cabrera Hatched Fake Site to Dodge Doping Penalty
Cabrera Hatched Fake Site
to Dodge Doping Penalty

Cabrera Hatched Fake Site to Dodge Doping Penalty

MLB figured it out really quickly, report says

(Newser) - It looks like Melky Cabrera didn't just meekly go along with his 50-game suspension for banned substances. A source tells the New York Daily News that Cabrera launched a bizarre scheme to create a fake website for a fake topical cream, which he then claimed inadvertently boosted his testosterone...

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