Bahrain protests

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Saudi Arabia: King Abdullah Orders Handouts Amounting to $37 Billion in Apparent Effort to Head Off Protests
 Saudi King Hands Out $37B 

Saudi King Hands Out $37B

But some say they want reform, not money

(Newser) - Saudi Arabia has escaped, so far, the protests raging throughout the Arab world—and King Abdullah wants to keep it that way. He returned to his country today after a three-month convalescence in Morocco, where he was recuperating from back surgery, and before he arrived state media announced a...

As Mideast Seethes, Saudis Stand Alone

Kingdom feels encircled by enemies around the region

(Newser) - Popular unrest roiling the Middle East is is rocking the ultra-rich, ultra-conservative kingdom of Saudi Arabia, leaving its rulers feeling isolated both from regional allies and the United States alike, reports the New York Times . King Abdullah has called President Obama at least twice to voice his concerns about Egypt,...

It's 'Delirious Joy' in Bahrain

 It's 'Delirious Joy' in Bahrain 
nicholas kristof

It's 'Delirious Joy' in Bahrain

Nichols Kristof: This feels like a 'milestone' for Arab democracy

(Newser) - When Nicholas Kristof heard protesters in Bahrain were going to march to the symbolic Pearl Roundabout again, he feared the worst—more "brutal force" and more live bullets. Instead, after the royal family's decision to stand down , he's happy to report nothing but "delirious joy" from downtown Manama...

Bahraini Military Stands Down, Seeks Talks

Protesters jubilant as leaders order military to withdraw

(Newser) - Bahrain protesters reclaimed their symbolic Pearl Square today, after the nation's leaders ordered the military to withdraw in a key concession that came just a day after a brutal crackdown that injured at least 50 and drew a sharp condemnation from President Obama . Members of the opposition chanted, "We...

Bahrain Army Fires on Protesters; 50 Injured

'This is war,' says doctor treating the wounded

(Newser) - Soldiers opened fire today on thousands of protesters defying a government ban and streaming toward the square in Manama that is the symbolic center of their uprising. Officials at the main Salmaniya hospital said at least 50 people were injured, some with gunshot wounds. Medical X-rays shows live bullets were...

US Better Not Pull Another 'Mubarak'
 US Better Not Pull 
 Another 'Mubarak' 

US Better Not Pull Another 'Mubarak'

JD Gordon: America shouldn't abandon the leaders of Bahrain, Yemen

(Newser) - Here's a dissenting voice on the Mideast unrest: The US blew it in Egypt by turning its back on Hosni Mubarak and shouldn't make the same mistake with the leaders of Bahrain and Yemen, writes retired Navy commander JD Gordon. If anything, those two countries are even more important to...

Bahrain Getting Its Tear Gas From...

...Britain, and some politicians aren't happy about that

(Newser) - Some politicians in the UK aren't happy about the "Made in Britain" labels on the tear gas, smoke canisters, and stun grenades being used to crush protests in Bahrain and elsewhere in the Arab world, the Independent reports. The British government approved the export of large amounts of crowd-control...

US Looked for Dirt on Bahrain Princes
 US Looked 
 for Dirt on 
WikiLeaks Reveal

US Looked for Dirt on Bahrain Princes

WikiLeaks reveals that Clinton asked about drug, alcohol use

(Newser) - The State Department secretly asked its diplomats in Bahrain to look for tabloid-level dirt on Bahrain’s princes, a new cable released by WikiLeaks reveals. Hillary Clinton's office asked diplomats to report any “derogatory” info on Nasir bin Hamad al-Khalifa, 23, or his brother, Khalid, 21, such as whether...

North Africa, Middle East Protests Heat Up: Unrest Continues in Yemen, Bahrain, Libya, Iran, Iraq
 Protests Engulf Middle East 

Protests Engulf Middle East

Even Iran, Iraq seeing continued unrest

(Newser) - Unrest continues to spread through northern Africa and the Middle East, with protests rocking Bahrain, Yemen, Libya, Iran, and even Iraq. The latest from yesterday and today, from the New York Times , BusinessWeek , and AFP :
  • In Bahrain, the death toll after a surprise police attack on protesters rose to five.

Bahrain Police Attack Sleeping Protesters; 5 Dead

At least 200 injured in surprise attack on protest camp

(Newser) - Bahraini security forces launched a vicious surprise attack on pro-democracy protesters camped out in a square in the capital in the early hours of this morning, the Los Angeles Times reports. Witnesses said most of the protesters, including women and children, were asleep when riot police stormed Pearl Square, firing...

Next Domino? Protests Now Wrack Libya

Anti-government protests swell in Bahrain, Yemen

(Newser) - Libya—home to the longest-serving member of the rapidly shrinking club of North African dictators—saw clashes between police and hundreds of protesters overnight after the arrest of a human rights activist in the eastern city of Benghazi, the Financial Times reports. Organizers have put out a call on the...

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