stem cell research

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'Synthetic Sperm' Grown From Stem Cells

(Newser) - British scientists announced they have created synthetic human sperm for the first time, the Guardian reports. The sperm—grown in a lab from stem cells—swim, have tails, and exhibit many of the same biological characteristics of real sperm, according to researchers. They believe the breakthrough could lead to a...

Scientists Find 'Master' Cells For Human Heart

Stem cells can mature into three different kinds of heart tissue

(Newser) - Researchers have found a cell that can become three different kinds of heart tissue, the Boston Globe reports. Harvard scientists hope that such “master” heart cells can be used to grow tissue so that researchers can perform experiments or test medications on human heart tissue, instead of animal substitutes.

Researchers Extract Stem Cells From Placentas

Effective harvesting procedure involves no risk to mother, child

(Newser) - Scientists have found an effective way to extract stem cells from placentas, where they’re abundant, after babies are born, the Guardian reports. Placentas contain up to five times as many of the key cells as cord blood, which has become a common source, and they may be more primitive,...

Safer Stem Cells Bring Real-Life Treatments Closer

New possibility of regrown tissue without risk of rejection

(Newser) - In a development that brings practical applications of manufactured stem cells closer than ever, scientists have created stem-like cells using human skin cells, Reuters reports. "After a few more flight tests—in order to assure everything is working properly—it should be ready for commercial use," a researcher...

Gore, Righties Bond Over Non-Embryonic Stem Cells
Gore, Righties Bond Over Non-Embryonic Stem Cells

Gore, Righties Bond Over Non-Embryonic Stem Cells

(Newser) - Some conservatives see recent investments by Al Gore’s venture-capital group into stem-cell research involving a non-embryonic variety as a tacit denial of that more invasive method, the New Scientist reports. Gore’s company has put $20 million into a project researching treatment with induced pluripotent stem cells, which do...

Research on Embryonic Stem Cells to Get OK, With Caveat

(Newser) - The Obama administration will issue new guidelines significantly expanding the scope of stem cell research in July, though some caveats leave scientists dubious, the New York Times reports. The new rules will likely allow federal funds to flow to researchers using surplus embryos created in fertility clinics, a practice the...

Palin Visits Midwest, Blasts Obama
Palin Visits Midwest,
Blasts Obama

Palin Visits Midwest, Blasts Obama

In speech to right-to-life group, gov gets emotional over Trig

(Newser) - Amid complaints from the Alaska legislature that she's is spending more time cultivating her image than running her state, Sarah Palin gave a rousing speech before a right-to-life group in Indiana last night the Evansville Courier & Press reports. Speaking of her son Trig, whom she called "a miracle,...

Stem Cells Offer Hope in Treating Type 1 Diabetes

Procedure isn't a cure, but kept patients off insulin for up to 4 years

(Newser) - Treatment for Type 1 diabetes may have taken a huge step forward, thanks to a procedure using a person's own stem cells to combat the disease. Although scientists stress that the treatment isn't a cure—and called for more study, given that the initial group consisted of just 23 subjects—...

Pro-Lifers Mobilize Against Obama

Decisions on abortion, stem cell research swell ranks of activists

(Newser) - President Obama’s 12 weeks in office have seen a huge surge in membership and activity in the pro-life movement, reports Politico. Groups say that while they knew before he took office the president supported abortion rights, the speed with which he has moved to repeal Bush-era rules on abortion...

Stem Cells Zap Infertility in Female Mice

Researchers believe treatment could reverse human menopause

(Newser) - Chinese scientists say they have reversed infertility in female mice by creating new eggs from stem cells, the Independent reports. The research—which if it bears out could have heady implications for reproductive medicine, including reversing menopause—took stem cells from the ovaries of mice, cultivated them, and transplanted them...

Vatican Rules Out Kennedy as Ambassador

Caroline rejected over abortion stance, insiders say

(Newser) - The Vatican has rejected the idea of Caroline Kennedy as US ambassador because she supports abortion rights and stem-cell research, the Daily Telegraph reports. Other Roman Catholics President Obama had sought to appoint have hit the same wall, Vatican insiders told an Italian paper. The controversy threatens to cast a...

Obama Moves Rankle Even Moderate Catholics

(Newser) - The majority of Catholics voted for Obama in November, but they haven’t exactly been singing hosannas to him since. Though Obama made no secret of his support for stem cell research and his intention to overturn the ban on family planning funding overseas, even moderate Catholics have been disappointed...

Holy Cross Priests Rip Obama Notre Dame Invitation

Order charges Notre Dame 'risks its soul' by letting prez speak

(Newser) - Ten priests from the Holy Cross order that founded the University of Notre Dame say the school risks its "true soul" and could alienate itself from the Catholic Church by inviting President Obama to campus next month. They urged  the Holy Cross priest who heads Notre Dame to reconsider...

Cardinal: Notre Dame Forgot How to Be Catholic

(Newser) - Cardinal Francis George of Chicago ratcheted up the criticism of Notre Dame for inviting President Obama to give a commencement speech in May, the Tribune reports. The school “didn’t understand what it means to be Catholic when they issued this invitation,” said George. Catholic groups have criticized...

Stem Cells Could Cure Deafness

Researchers believe breakthrough will help reverse hearing loss

(Newser) - Stem cell researchers have made a breakthrough they believe could someday cure deafness, the Times of London reports. The British team, working with stem cells from the inner ear, have successfully grown early versions of the cells that enable hearing and now aim to create functional cells that can be...

Brit Firm Offers Bigger Breasts From Stem Cells

Controversial cancer therapy to be used for cosmetic procedures

(Newser) - A new breast enhancement procedure using stem cells from stomach fat to grow larger breasts is being made available for the first time in the UK, reports the Times of London. The procedure has already been used in trials for use on breast cancer survivors. Now a controversial new operation...

Notre Dame Students Support Obama Invite

Bishops are angry, but students want to see the president

(Newser) - President Obama's invitation to speak at Notre Dame's graduation has prompted protests from two bishops, who blasted the Catholic school for inviting a president who supports stem-cell research and funding for family-planning clinics that offer abortion. But students are eager for Obama's visit, the AP reports. Based on letters to...

Vatican Condemns Obama Stem-Cell Decision

(Newser) - The Vatican is in a tizzy over President Obama’s decision to lift the federal ban on embryonic stem-cell research, the AP reports. A top official called it a “victory of politics over ethics” and said that “probably some drug companies, or some economic interests” influenced the move....

Obama Reverses Bush Stem Cell Ban

(Newser) - President  Obama signed an order today allowing federal taxpayer dollars to fund expanded embryonic stem cell research, reversing a George W. Bush policy viewed by many as blocking development of potentially life-saving medical treatment. Obama said he was ending what he believed was "a false choice between sound science...

Nancy Reagan Lauds Obama on Stem-Cell Ban

Prez pays tribute to Chris, Dana Reeve in overturning ruling

(Newser) - Barack Obama lifted the Bush administration’s ban on stem-cell research today amid criticism from congressional Republicans but admiration from one Nancy Reagan, Politico reports. Lifting the ban “will now make it possible for scientists to move forward,” the former first lady said in a statement. “I...

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