Kristen Schaal

5 Stories

Weird Al's 'Tacky' Has A-List Cast

Yankovic's new video features Jack Black, among others

(Newser) - Weird Al Yankovic's latest album, Mandatory Fun , is out today—and to celebrate, the parody artist is releasing eight music videos in eight days, Nerdist reports. Yesterday's was "Tacky," a parody of Pharrell's "Happy" that features Jack Black, Kristen Schaal, Margaret Cho, Eric Stonestreet,...

Schaal: Persecuted Arab Women Should Move to...

Vagistan? Well, OK, that was just one idea

(Newser) - Women may have played a leading role in the protests sweeping across the Middle East, but they're still finding themselves locked out of the new governments. And that's "not surprising," noted Kristen Schaal last night on the Daily Show . "Revolutions are notorious sausagefests. And just when it...

Daily Show: Abortion Is Just Like Slavery?

Wilmore: If pro-lifers want to help black people, ban Tyler Perry

(Newser) - “The pro-life movement is using the black community to make their point, equating abortion with slavery,” noted Jon Stewart last night. Fortunately for Stewart, the Daily Show has the two perfect people to offer some perspective on the issue: “senior women’s affairs correspondent Kristen Schaal and...

Daily Show Video: If GOP Wants to Cut Planned Parenthood Funding, Why Not Defund NASA, FAA Too?
 Kill NASA, FAA Funds 
 Over Abortions, Too 
the daily show

Kill NASA, FAA Funds Over Abortions, Too

After all, they could be indirectly involved in abortions

(Newser) - The GOP wants to cut funding for Planned Parenthood , even though, as Jon Stewart pointed out last night, the “vast majority of Planned Parenthood services are not abortion-related.” But, Rep. Mike Pence has argued , by funding its non-abortion services, we’re really just freeing up cash to be...

Stewart Debates Rape vs. Rape-Rape

Should taxpayer money really go to women who've only been 'rape-ished'?

(Newser) - The GOP wants to limit federal funding for abortions to cases of “forcible rape” only, and, not surprisingly, Jon Stewart was there last night to heap his scorn on the idea. “All rape is by definition forcible,” he pointed out, but correspondent Kristen Schaal wasn’t convinced....

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