Tiger Mother

3 Stories

Inside the Downfall of 'Tiger Mom' and Husband
How 'Tiger Mom' and Her
Husband Fell From Grace

How 'Tiger Mom' and Her Husband Fell From Grace

Inside Amy Chua and Jed Rubenfeld's downfall in the world of Yale Law

(Newser) - Amy Chua, aka the "tiger mom" from her controversial book, Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother , used to sit atop the Yale Law School social stratosphere alongside her husband and fellow Yale professor, Jed Rubenfeld. Known as "Chubenfeld," the couple was also famous for being quite connected...

Tiger Mom's Kid Gets Into Harvard

...and Yale

(Newser) - Take that, haters: You may not like Amy Chua's parenting style, but it has apparently returned a child that is Harvard material. And Yale material. Sophia, 18, is currently deciding between those institutions, reports the Boston Herald . And Chua isn't taking credit for the acceptances. "I don’t think...

'Tiger Mom' to Colbert: 'It's Supposed to Be Funny'

Also, Amy Chua says she ultimately had to relent

(Newser) - "Tiger Mom" Amy Chua defended herself on the Colbert Report last night, saying her memoir, Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother, has been widely misinterpreted. "It's not a parenting book," Chua said. "It says on the cover, 'How I was humbled by a 13-year-old.'" Asked...

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