
Stories 41 - 57 | << Prev 

He Was a Pioneering Astronaut— Aquanaut, Too

NASA's Scott Carpenter dead at 88

(Newser) - Astronaut Scott Carpenter, the second American to orbit the Earth and first person to explore both the heights of space and depths of the ocean, died today after a stroke at age 88. Along with John Glenn, who flew three months before him, Carpenter was one of the last two...

William Shatner Calls Real-Life Astronaut in Space

Has some questions for Canadian Chris Hadfield

(Newser) - An astronaut on the International Space Station got to talk to none other than Captain James T. Kirk today, reports. Chris Hadfield first heard from William Shatner on Twitter last month, when the actor asked the Canadian astronaut, "Are you tweeting from space?" The conversation grew to...

Ahmadinejad: Send Me to Outer Space

Now that a monkey's done it, he wants to be next

(Newser) - Iran's space-bound monkey may have died during flight, but that hasn't spooked Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, who today declared that he would very much like to be the first person Iran launches into orbit. But his statement, as reported by state media via the AP , indicates he's not totally...

&#39;One Giant Loss for Mankind&#39;
 'One Giant Loss for Mankind' 
neil armstrong

'One Giant Loss for Mankind'

Tributes rolling in for late astronaut

(Newser) - A sample of the early coverage/reaction in the wake of Neil Armstrong's death today at age 82:
  • Huffington Post: Its page-leading banner reads, "One Giant Loss for Mankind."
  • Armstrong family : "The next time you walk outside on a clear night and see the moon smiling down

Revealed: What Space Smells Like

In two words, not good

(Newser) - Outer space may be soundless, but it's apparently not odorless. Life's Little Mysteries recently stumbled upon a 2009 interview with a NASA astronaut that's too good to not resurrect. In it, Kevin Ford spoke of picking up the weird odor while undertaking spacewalks. It's not something...

Sally Ride, 1st US Woman in Space, Dead at Age 61

Ride went into space on the Challenger nearly 30 years ago

(Newser) - Sally Ride, America's first woman space traveler, died today after fighting pancreatic cancer for 17 months, the New York Times reports. She was 61. Ride made history by flying on Challenger shuttles in 1983 and 1984, and being America's youngest person in orbit. She was also the only...

NASA Puts Out Call for Astronauts

Though it'll be a looong time before you get into space

(Newser) - Bust out your resume, space cadets, because NASA wants you! Yes, despite the recent end of the space shuttle program, and the fact that everyone and their brother once dreamed of being an astronaut, a September report concluded that the space agency needed to recruit fresh astronauts or face a...

Giffords Back in DC as Husband Retires

Smiles through Biden-led ceremony honoring Mark Kelly

(Newser) - Gabrielle Giffords was in Washington last night—for the second time since the Tucson attack—to celebrate her husband's career in a retirement ceremony led by Joe Biden. Though the congresswoman still has some verbal difficulty and walks with a limp, she spent the ceremony smiling, waving, and blowing...

Buzz Aldrin Falls in Love Again ... Scandalously

Soon-to-be-ex-wife calls astronaut's galpal a 'predator'

(Newser) - The good news: At 81, it’s still possible to find love again, at least if you’re Buzz Aldrin. The bad news: If said love is found with a woman 30 years your junior, after a messy divorce that isn’t quite finalized yet, your ex-wife is likely to...

NASA Sues Astronaut for Swiping Moon Camera

Moonwalker Edgar Mitchell tried to sell camera at auction

(Newser) - NASA is suing the sixth man on the moon for a camera that he says would have ended up as "government trash" or moon litter if he hadn't kept it. Government lawyers got involved after Apollo 14 astronaut Edgar Mitchell attempted to sell the lunar movie camera at...

Gabby Giffords, Mark Kelly to Write Memoir

He is retiring from NASA as astronaut

(Newser) - Big news for Gabby Giffords and husband Mark Kelly: He is retiring from NASA, and the two will write a memoir together about their careers, courtship, and the Arizona shooting, reports USA Today . "After thinking about it, and talking about it, we decided it was the right thing to...

3 More Astronauts Join Space Station Crew

New tenants include an American

(Newser) - It's a full house again at the International Space Station after a Russian capsule carrying three astronauts from three countries docked at the orbiting lab yesterday. The new tenants arriving for a five-month stay were American Michael Fossum, Russian Sergey Volkov, and Japan's Satoshi Furukawa. They join American...

'Bummer:' Astronauts Hit Trouble on Spacewalk

Mike Fincke loses bolt on spacewalk to repair solar wings

(Newser) - Astronaut Mike Fincke ran into trouble today while trying to lubricate a joint in the life-sustaining solar power system of the International Space Station, losing one bolt and getting a washer stuck in a crevice. Fincke, one of NASA's most experienced spacemen, had to settle for a partial lube...

Gabrielle Giffords Boards Plane for Fla.

She's off to see husband blast off on space shuttle

(Newser) - Gabrielle Giffords is indeed on her way to Florida to see husband Mark Kelly lift off Friday aboard the shuttle Endeavour. Video shot from a distance shows Giffords boarding a plane in Houston, slowly but on her own two feet, reports KHOU-TV . It's the first public image of Giffords...

Discovery Astronauts Bottling Outer Space

Bottle will remain sealed, hit museums

(Newser) - The Discovery crew will leave the International Space Station today for the first of two spacewalks—and one of their missions is to capture a sample of space in a metal bottle. The bottle will be given to Japan's space agency, which says it will remain sealed and make the...

Giffords' Husband Must Decide Soon on Shuttle Mission

Mark Kelly is scheduled to pilot Endeavour in April

(Newser) - The husband of Gabrielle Giffords has another concern that's likely weighing on his mind: whether he should return to space as scheduled in April. Astronaut Mark Kelly is on temporary leave from NASA, but he'll need to decide in fairly short order whether to pilot the shuttle Endeavour on its...

Gabrielle Giffords' Husband Is Astronaut Mark Kelly
Inside Giffords' Marriage
to Astronaut Mark Kelly
tragedy in arizona

Inside Giffords' Marriage to Astronaut Mark Kelly

Their 2007 wedding was featured in 'New York Times'

(Newser) - The husband of Arizona congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords, shot today in Arizona , is NASA astronaut Mark Kelly. He's flown on three shuttle flights and is scheduled to go up on Endeavour's final mission on April 1, reports . His brother, Scott, also is an astronaut and is currently living aboard...

Stories 41 - 57 | << Prev