Gabrielle Giffords shooting

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College Shares Chilling Details of Loughner's Behavior

Paperwork documents his multiple run-ins with campus police

(Newser) - Jared Loughner’s bizarre behavior before the Tucson shootings is already well-documented , and more details are emerging. Documents released by his community college yesterday relate a number of disturbing classroom incidents that caught officials' attention; campus police had seven run-ins with Loughner over seven months. Via the New York Times...

Death Threats Against Palin Hit New High

Threat cycle spirals as rhetoric rises

(Newser) - Death threats against Sarah Palin have hit an unprecedented high in the wake of the shooting of Democratic Rep. Gabrielle Giffords, and have so unnerved the former Alaska governor and her staff that they're consulting with private security representatives to beef up protection, reports ABC News . Aides provided no other...

Fearful GOP Official Resigns After Tea Party Attacks

'I love the Republican Party but I don't want to take a bullet for anyone'

(Newser) - The tragedy in Tucson was the final straw for the embattled Republican Party chief of a Phoenix-area congressional district. Anthony Miller, a former campaign worker for John McCain, says he was the target of relentless attacks from Tea Party supporters and he feared the tension between Republican factions could lead...

Arizona Rep. Wishes for 'One More Gun' at Shooting

Presumably, a gun that could have stopped Jared Loughner

(Newser) - Don’t count Arizona Rep. Trent Franks among those calling for increased gun control in the wake of Gabrielle Giffords’ shooting. "I wish there had been one more gun there that day in the hands of a responsible person, that's all I have to say," said the Republican,...

Stewart Slams Congress' 'Quick Fixes' to Ariz. Shooting

'We must not give in to fear'

(Newser) - Legislators are falling all over themselves to respond to the Gabrielle Giffords shooting, and Jon Stewart isn't thrilled with their approach. On last night's Daily Show he blasted the "quick fixes" members were proposing, starting with Peter King's proposal to ban guns within 1,000 feet of a government...

Palin Blew It With 'Un-Presidential' Speech
Palin Blew It With
'Un-Presidential' Speech

Palin Blew It With 'Un-Presidential' Speech

Alaskan should have tried to unify instead of punching back

(Newser) - Sarah Palin had an opportunity to recalibrate her image and appear more like presidential material in the wake of the Tucson shootings—but she blew it, argues Howard Kurtz at the Daily Beast . It was unfair for liberal detractors to link Palin to the shootings and she had a right...

Calif. Man Busted for Threat to Kill Congressman

Jim McDermott threatened over opposition to tax cuts

(Newser) - A California man has been arrested for making threatening phone calls to Democratic Rep. Jim McDermott over his stance on extending tax cuts. "Thomas Jefferson, James Madison, or George Washington—if any of them had ever met Jim McDermott, they would all blow his brains out. They’d shoot...

Obama Visits Giffords, Tucson: 'Gabby Opened Her Eyes'

President urges Americans not to 'turn on each other'

(Newser) - President Obama paid a visit to Gabrielle Giffords and the other survivors of last weekend's shooting spree in Tucson, then delivered great news in his national address: "A few minutes after we left her room ... Gabby opened her eyes for the first time," he said. "She knows...

Loughner 'Just Sits in a Cell With a Smirk on His Face'

US marshal says he's barely talking to anyone

(Newser) - Prison hasn't done much to wipe the scary-looking grin off Jared Lee Loughner's face. A US marshal tells the Daily Beast that the Arizona shooting suspect "doesn't say much, he just sits in his cell with a smirk on his face, nothing else." Loughner has what the marshal...

Westboro Church Won't Protest 9-Year-Old's Funeral, But...

...It will protest Judge John Roll's

(Newser) - Don’t look now, but the Westboro Baptist Church is displaying one tiny, itty-bitty modicum of decency! The church has announced that, in a saintly show of restraint, it will abandon plans to picket the funeral of 9-year-old Christina Taylor Green, who was killed in Saturday’s Tucson massacre. Of...

Palin Causes Stir by Evoking 'Blood Libel'

Charged phrase has long history

(Newser) - Sarah's Palin's "blood libel" is the phrase of the day, even setting off an online debate at Politico about her loaded word choice on victimhood. Palin didn't invent the phrase: As AOL News explains, it goes back to the Middle Ages, usually in reference to the myth that Jews...

Police Pulled Loughner Over Hours Before Shooting

He ran a red light

(Newser) - Jared Lee Loughner had a minor run-in with the law less than three hours before he opened fire at that Tucson supermarket. A wildlife officer pulled Loughner over for running a red light at 7:30 that morning, the AP reports, but he let him go because there were no...

SC Company Selling 'You Lie' Gun Part
SC Company Selling
'You Lie' Gun Part

SC Company Selling 'You Lie' Gun Part

'To honor our esteemed congressman' Joe Wilson

(Newser) - As timing goes, this is either disastrous or brilliant: A South Carolina gun company is releasing a limited-edition component for semi-automatics inscribed with "You lie," reports the Free-Times. Rep. Joe Wilson, the inspiration behind the item, officially has nothing to do with it, notes the Palmetto State Armory,...

Limbaugh: Loughner Has Democrats' 'Full Support'

Rush thinks lefties don't want him convicted of murder

(Newser) - Sure, Jared Loughner might have shot a Democrat, but in Rush Limbaugh's fevered imagination, Democrats are in his corner and trying to get him off the hook. "What Mr. Loughner knows is that he has the full support of a major political party in this country," Limbaugh declared...

Pete King Wants to Ban Guns Near Lawmakers

His proposed bill is meant to protect the public as well

(Newser) - In the wake of Saturday’s tragic shootings in Tucson, one of the rare pro-gun control Republican representatives is trying to make it illegal to carry a gun near members of Congress and certain other federal officials. Rep. Peter King’s proposed bill is designed not just to protect lawmakers,...

Sarah Palin Swings at Media's 'Blood Libel'

Shares first extended comments on the tragedy

(Newser) - Sarah Palin called it "incomprehensible why a single, evil man took the lives of peaceful citizens that day" in her first extended statement about the Arizona shootings—and then moved from addressing the tragedy to addressing the blame game surrounding it. "Within hours of a tragedy unfolding, journalists...

Giffords' Husband: In Sickness, Awaiting Health

Mark Kelly keeps vigil by wife's side in newly released photos

(Newser) - Mark Kelly probably never thought marriage to the adventurous Gabrielle Giffords would mean days spent keeping vigil in an Arizona hospital room, but that's just what he's doing in these newly released photos, the first of Giffords since the shooting. The two photos, which show her hand being held by...

Loughner Sought Help on Gaming Forums

Loughner complained of rejection, unemployment

(Newser) - Jared Loughner sought help and advice from a community of online gamers, postings unearthed by the Wall Street Journal show. "Does anyone have aggression 24/7?" he asked last May in a forum associated with the game Earth Empires. Loughner complained about being spurned by women and having trouble finding...

Tucson Tea Party: We're Victims, Too

Activist says opponents are manipulating tragedy

(Newser) - The co-founder of Tucson's Tea Party says the movement is another innocent victim of Saturday's shootings. Trent Humphries—whose local sheriff has publicly blamed vitriolic talk radio and Tea Party activists in part for the incident—says he has been receiving hate mail blaming him directly for the deaths. The...

Seeking Solace, Tucson Honors Victims at Mass

Hundreds gather to seek comfort

(Newser) - Tucson's citizens gathered by the hundreds last night, crowded under the roof of the Catholic church where Christina Taylor Green used to sing in the choir to pay homage to her and the other victims of Saturday's shootings just blocks from where they took place. "I know she is...

Stories 121 - 140 | << Prev   Next >>